You Should Know by Now Who Democrats Are!

9 Dec 2021


“The Democrat Party has contempt for America.” — Donald Trump, Macon, GA rally, 10/16/20


“They’re filled with hatred, venom, and rage… They will censor you, persecute you, and violate your free speech.” — Donald Trump, Gastonia, NC rally, 10/21/20


“America was an idea. An idea. ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident.’ We’ve never lived up to it…” — Joe “Big Guy” Biden, campaign ad, 10/21/20


I recently took a call from Paul in Charlotte, NC, who described himself as a “devout Libertarian.” But this year, because of the riots, he voted Republican. “The only function of government is to protect private property. I am so angry!” Paul said. “The rioting burns my gut so bad — because the Democrat reaction was ridiculous. So I voted ‘R’ everything.”

I asked if he was surprised that Democrat leaders in their states and cities did nothing to stop the rioting. Yes, he said, he was. “It’s so transparent; they were trying to hurt Trump,” he said. “These guys turned their eyes [away] for political reasons. And I love the Libertarians … but a vote against Trump in my mind was a vote for riot.”

Well, shazaam. As I told Paul, “I just hope you’ve learned something from this. One of my objectives hosting this program the last thirty years is to get people to realize this is who the Democrats are. It finally registered with you!”

I’m really glad Paul’s eyes have been opened. But it is amazing to me how many people still don’t see, despite the fact that Democrats show who they are every day. On the night of October 11 in Portland, Antifa — the Democrats’ favored shock troops — toppled statues of Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. According to independent journalist Andy Ngô, police did not stop them. Commented Ed Achorn at American Greatness:

Abraham Lincoln, a lifelong advocate of the rule of law, waged a gruesome war to preserve this nation. It makes a powerful symbolic statement of our country’s demise when his statue is face down in the mud — and no one pays any consequences for such violent destruction.

The desecration of those statues is completely consistent with Joe Biden’s (sadly) mainstream Democrat view that America is a failure because the nation has “never lived up to” our founding ideas. So obviously our past belongs in the dirt. It isn’t worth honoring or preserving; pull it down, deface, and defile it.

Whenever leftists exhibit horrific behavior like this, I know many of you say, “Ah, that’s all it will take, Rush. Now the American people will find out who the Democrats are.” How can the American people not know who they are?

After all, back on June 19, Portland Antifa toppled and burned the statue of George Washington, also left face down on the ground covered with graffiti, “Damn white men.” Ngô reports that no one was ever arrested for that, either. And I’d bet few even remember this happened. Democrats and their minions rarely pay a price for their abuses and crimes and corruption.

I know you’re shouting at me, “It’s the media! The drive-bys aren’t telling the truth about them!” That’s part of it. But Democrats are flooding the zone. They are everywhere, doing whatever they want, organizing and supporting those who are burning cities, destroying businesses, attacking police, intimidating citizens, and they’ve been doing it for months. Do the American people think it’s Republicans who are rioting and burning down Portland? Do the American people believe violent conservatives are causing all the mayhem in Minneapolis and other Democrat-run places like Seattle, Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C. and on and on? No. Some in the media try to pretend the Antifa violence is really being controlled by nebulous “white supremacists,” but nobody believes them. It’s leftists, top to bottom, funded by Democrats.

The American people by now ought to have no doubt whatsoever who the Democrats are, and what the Democrat Party is. By now the Democrats ought to be struggling to get 30 percent of the vote, based on who they are. But no, they’re guaranteed 42 to 45 percent just because there’s a “D” next to a name on the ballot.

There is a long record of failure that all Democrats ought to have draped around their necks. Just look at the economics. On 10/15/20, in an article titled, “A Tale of Two covid Economies: Red State Recovery, Blue State Recession,” Just the News reported: “In red states (those voting Republican for President in all four of the last four elections), the combined unemployment rate stood at 6.6 percent. Among blue states (those that voted Democrat for President in the last four elections), the figure was 10.5 percent.”



This dismal Democrat-run-states unemployment number, representing massive citizen suffering and frustration, is deliberate. Through shutdowns and lockdowns and quarantines — not to mention the onerous tax-and-regulatory environment and lack of support for law enforcement — Democrat mayors and governors are purposely squeezing the life out of their own economies. As the caller Paul figured out, Democrats have been punishing their own populations terribly, just to “hurt Trump.”

The truth is, those red and blue state numbers are the result of two opposing visions. One that believes in liberty, and one that does not. One that loves America as founded, and one that does not.

In order to help preserve the American way of life, my mission has been twofold: first, to carry the message that America is good and decent, that it is almost a savior of a country; and second, to explain that our good and decent nation is being maligned, it is being savagely impugned, it is being slandered and libeled by a major American political party, the Democrats. And the people doing the slandering have designs on this country that I guarantee you nowhere near a majority of the American people support.

To the many Americans who think a Democrat is merely somebody with a D next to their name, this is what you should know by now.

What Democrats seek to do to the future of your children and grandchildren is to tear this country away from its founding principle of individual liberty. That will be gone. The assumption that individual liberty and freedom define the governance and culture of this country will be gone. The freedoms that you take for granted now, that you think can’t possibly ever vanish, will vanish so fast you won’t remember when it happened.


The left has turned the whole concept of an education into propagandizing young people into believing that America is the depository for world racism and bigotry. They’ve combined that with the guilt that they have ladled onto generations of students, convincing kids that the only way for redemption is to agree that America is irredeemable. America can’t be fixed. America cannot be repaired. No, America must be disbanded and torn down and started over. That is their dream — and it is precisely the philosophical basis for the violent mayhem in Democrat cities.

They want nothing of the ideals of America, liberty and freedom, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution. None of that will survive. The First Amendment — free speech, free exercise of religion — will not survive. The Second Amendment — gun rights — will not survive. Due process will not survive. “Equal justice under law” will not survive. Private property rights will not survive. All these are already under dire threat.

It’s not complicated what we are up against: the Democrat Party descent into Marxism, communism. It’s complicated to convince people that what we’re up against is real. Our problem is that the mainstream media does not show the truth about Democrats, ever. You won’t read about it in The New York Times or see it on cnn or msnbc or abc, cbs, nbc, pbs, ass, or whatever.




You also won’t see there the truth about America, that we are a good, just, fair, decent country with the most opportunity for prosperity, freedom, and liberty anywhere on this earth. You won’t see that America was founded under those principles, how priceless they are, or that they have survived to this day, only to be at utter risk. You won’t hear what’s at stake.

This is ball game for all of us. Whether or not the Democrats can ultimately be stopped, thwarted, turned back will determine the future, what kind of country we are going to be, the kind of country we will leave to posterity. And it’s shocking to me to see that this nation has gotten this close to the edge of the cliff.

I make no bones about it: I love America. I love everybody in America. I want the best for this country and everyone in it. I want this to be the greatest nation on earth, because that’s how the people living in this country can become the best they can be. Which is exactly what I want for all of us. Democrats today, sadly, cannot and will not say any of those words.

I grew up thinking everyone loved this country and believed in its greatness. I grew up thinking everyone was a patriot. I was naive. I didn’t know the Alger Hisses of the world existed when I was growing up; I learned eventually. But in the universe of average, ordinary Americans who get up and go to work every day — on the farm, in the mall, at the law firm, at the hospital, the pharmacy, wherever — that’s where the people who make this country work are. And it is those people who have always believed in a great America.

They sent their sons and daughters off to fight the nation’s wars. They sent their sons and daughters off to universities to be educated, so they could have the greatest opportunity for success. They loved and treasured this country. They believed in its greatness. They believed it was hard work to achieve success, but they knew that it could be achieved if the work were performed. This has been the operating philosophy of millions upon millions and generation upon generation of Americans all across the fruited plain. Now “Make America Great Again” is controversial? Let me tell you what it means to people on the left. To them, Make America Great Again means going back to the days of slavery. That is how sick they are. It is a smear and a libel, and erases the real history of success and prosperity and self-betterment of people across the board, from all backgrounds. It insults the real, lived meaning of e pluribus unum.

No. America is not perfect, but we are the good guys. America is not the problem; American freedom, under God, is the solution.

Democrats simply do not believe that. They believe America is the source of the planet’s problems. They believe that America’s founding is unjust and racist and bigoted and sexist and homophobic and xenophobic. They believe that America has made the world a worse place. Which is why they want power, to implement policies to cure these grievances.

They want to get rid of capitalism. They believe that American individual liberty is the primary suspect in the lack of equality, not just here but in the whole world. They believe the United States is guilty — so they want to gain control of the levers of power to disempower America.



We have to reject the Democrat narrative that a certain race or gender cannot succeed in our country. The left’s message is that America is evil from the days of our founding; we are a racist slave state. If you’re African American, you’re locked out, and you don’t have a chance at succeeding. This has to be nuked!

We reject the Democrat lie that you must vote Democrat if you are a certain race or background. Look at the people who have been investing in the Democrat Party with their votes for generations. Democrats have been promising to end discrimination, to bring about justice, to fix economic inequalities. Fail! Every group that votes for the Democrat Party is still complaining about the very things they continue to vote for the Democrat Party to fix.

It is fundamentally racist to say that the only chance you have if you are of a certain race or background is to vote Democrat. In fact, voting Democrat may be the worst thing you can do, in terms of achieving the American dream — because Democrats don’t believe in the American dream! The Democrat narrative is that the dream doesn’t exist, that it was never for everybody, that it was a gigantic trick. Wrong. The American dream is still attracting millions from all over the world. The truth is, all Americans have an opportunity for a remarkable future, no matter where you begin. It’s waiting for you to come give it your best shot and grab it. Don’t let people tell you you can’t. You can.

We reject the Democrat view that America is systemically bad. We stand against that lie with all our might. Fighting against Democrat lies is how we fight for our country. It is the way we preserve the American way of life. We must hold onto the country we were given and in which we grew up, the country we cherish, the greatest country, the last great hope on earth.


Illustration ©2020 by Christopher Hiers created for The Limbaugh Letter

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