Why Is Big Tech Leftist?

9 Dec 2021




Rush Limbaugh

“Most tech ceos are huge leftists. The idea that they support the Republican Party is a myth.” — me, eib, 5/23/16


“[Obama] is at a Democrat fundraiser in Palo Alto. Now, these are [Big Tech] people who’ve gotten rich, filthy rich because of the free market. These are … individual entrepreneurs exercising a great deal of freedom and ingenuity and entrepreneurialism in a highly competitive, open and free market… It is strictly the result of capitalism… These are people who are brilliant in their field, but politically they are either blind or ignorant or they lie to themselves, or they simply love being close to power and they’re willing to overcome whatever problems Obama causes for everybody else in order to maintain their close proximity to power. Because they are all leftists.” — me, eib, 6/10/13


“I’m a tech industry person,” a recent caller to my show said. “I’ve been working in this industry for thirty years. It’s very entrepreneurial. There are no unions. I’m curious as to why it leans left, when it seems to me it should lean right.”

It’s a great question. How in the hell can these entrepreneurial tech guys at Facebook, Google, Apple, etc. be leftists? All these people — self-made nonconformists whose creativity has brought them unimaginable wealth — should be natural conservatives. But they obviously despise conservatism and conservatives.

Education. There are a bunch of reasons why. Some of this leads back to education. When these people were young, they were not taught; they were propagandized. Public school systems have long been functioning as progressive reeducation labs, turning skulls full of mush into indoctrinated tools for leftist causes. Along with other schoolchildren over the past 30 years, denizens of Silicon Valley had conservative ideals and individuals ripped to shreds, ridiculed, and smeared in the classroom. They were told lies about conservatism. So they actually believe that conservatives are racists, bigots, and homophobes. It’s one of the greatest bugaboos I encounter on a daily basis, because we’re not anything like the troglodyte caricatures we’re accused of being. But who wants to be thought of as one of those?

Folks, they hate us. And, by the way, nobody’s born hating. That has to be taught. That has to be instilled. And it has been. They believe all these character-assassination charges, and they can’t stomach being categorized that way. You can basically chalk it up to marketing and branding. The left has done a great job of misbranding conservatives.

Power. There are other reasons for their affinity for leftism, and it’s nothing more complicated than they survey the land. They see that the real power brokers in politics — the people they identify as pulling the levers of power in government — are the Democrats, and so they naturally align with that group. You may view these tech wizards as entrepreneurial and self-reliant and self-starters, sure, but look at them. They are able to do what they do and earn what they earn because the government is enabling and protecting them.

You’ve heard about Section 230 of the Communications Act. These people have the system so rigged in their favor. Unlike the rest of the media, they have no liability risk. They can’t be sued for anything that appears on their platforms. That’s such a big, protective umbrella that they are able to operate under and behind. And who protects Section 230? The political establishment. So whether it’s Facebook’s skewed newsfeeds in which they claim they’re getting rid of fake news or whether it’s Twitter’s shadow-banning, these social media giants were on a mission to make sure 2016’s outsider victory could never happen again. They dove right in to help pick America’s winners and losers because that’s what the left considers power to be.

During the 2020 election, they had the best and the brightest writing algorithms and creating bots to skillfully silence and harass Trump supporters. They would mute or suspend them on Twitter. Facebook would simply close them off and not allow any of their posts to be seen or read. They did their part. They were part of the cabal to take down Trump by any means necessary.


Google Facebook Eyes


Collusion. How many times have these tech people been dragged up to hearings, as some Senate or House committee vowed to get to the bottom of their antitrust practices or censoring of conservatives? And nothing ever happens. I’ll tell you why.

Big Tech has something to offer. Let’s say you are Congressman Foghorn Bluehorn, and the muckety-mucks who run Google and Facebook can assure you that nothing but positive stories pop up when anyone types your name into the search window. What would that be worth to you?

Might it be worth looking the other way at what the tech guys are doing, when they’re censoring conservatives, when they are literally preventing the viewpoint of over half of the people in this country from being mentioned, discussed, and promoted? If you’re Congressman Foghorn Bluehorn, I think you’d make that deal, along with maybe a campaign donation here and there.

Plus, look what can they offer when Bluehorn’s legislative career is over. When he decides that he wants to go into the private sector, guess what? There could be a big position open at Facebook or Google in their legal department. And he doesn’t have to do any work. He’s got a no-show gig. Bammo. And so Foghorn Bluehorn, who makes $150K as a congressman, ends up a millionaire, and all he had to do was look the other way when conservatism was being slimed. Which of course Democrats want anyway.


Monopolies. According to cnbc, 98 percent of Silicon Valley political donations in 2020 went to Democrats; most of the money went to getting President Trump out of office and getting Republicans out of the Senate. Asana ceo and Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz ($24 million), former Google ceo Eric Schmidt ($6 million) and plenty of other deep-pocket Big Tech honchos donated to Future Forward usa, a $100 million “dark money” fund, as reported by Center for Responsive Politics, which focused on airing ads 24/7 in swing states attacking President Trump on his handling of covid. All lies. Netflix’s Reed Hastings donated more than $5 million to the Senate Majority pac, a group backing Dem candidates in the closest races.

This alliance works well because corrupt Dems and Big Tech are both dedicated to censoring conservative thought and ideas — in other words, their competition — permanently. As Victor Davis Hanson explains at American Greatness:

The $4-5 trillion market-capitalized Big Tech cartels, run by self-described progressives, aimed to extinguish conservative brands like Parler. Ironically, they now apply ideological force-multipliers to the very strategies and tactics of 19th-century robber-baron trusts and monopolies. Poor [Twitter ceo] Jack Dorsey has never been able to explain why Twitter de-platforms and cancels conservatives for the same supposed uncouthness that leftists routinely employ. Silicon Valley apparently does not believe in either the letter or the spirit of the First Amendment. It exercises a monopoly over the public airwaves, and resists regulations and antitrust legislation of the sort that liberals once championed to break up trusts in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Meanwhile, Big Tech insists there’s nothing to see here, folks, and Democrats are all too eager to provide cover for their silencing of conservative voices. Take the ridiculous report from the nyu Stern Center titled “False Accusation: The Unfounded Claim That Social Media Companies Censor Conservatives.” This supposedly “scholarly” study, funded by tech billionaire and Obama advisor Craig Newmark (founder of Craigslist), is a veritable Hate Trump manifesto, accusing him of spreading conspiracy theories, threatening political opponents, undermining basic democratic institutions like voting, and “demagogic and routinely false claims.”


Cancel Culture. The report excuses every instance of Big Tech’s censorship of conservatives. Twitter’s shadow-banning of Republicans was really a “malfunction” due to Twitter’s efforts to “remove harassing accounts.” The suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story before the election had nothing to do with suppressing news that could hurt Biden’s chances; it was just a “questionable story.” The Trump permanent bans from Twitter and Facebook are “reasonable attempts to forestall additional violence and avoid real risks to the workings of American democracy.” What self-serving claptrap.

The real reason for the censorship is buried in the report, “Compare user engagement with Trump’s Facebook page versus Joe Biden’s page during the peak of the [2020] presidential campaign, from September 3, 2020, to Election Day. The total number of likes, comments and shares was 307 million. Trump elicited 87 percent of the total; Biden only 13 percent. These numbers … don’t suggest a Republican candidate being stifled.” Trump Facebook interactions from January 1 to November 3, 2020 were 654 million, while Biden’s numbers were so low they didn’t appear on the list of the top ten elected U.S. officials.

The truth is, they are terrified of Trump’s popularity! That’s why they have to cancel him. That’s why they have tried to cancel me for decades, along with all other conservatives.

Of course, I built my business in entirely different ways prior to the existence of social media — I don’t need those platforms at all for my business model to succeed. As the Mr. Big of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, I am my own platform. Others are not there yet, and look to these places to have a chance at exposure.

The younger conservatives are, the more inclined they are to think that if liberals just got to know us and if they just realized that we really want them to enjoy life, they wouldn’t hate us so much. I used to think that. I was convinced that if they just got past all the clichés about me, they wouldn’t engage in their horrible smears.

Echo Chamber. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve offered to explain conservatism to Big Tech titans such as Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Google’s Sergey Brin. I told them I’d go anywhere. They’ve never taken me up on it. They never will take me up on it. They don’t care. They build cocoons. They live in them and do not interact with people who make them feel challenged or uncomfortable.

They don’t want to have a different, or even true, view of conservatism. They’re not interested in understanding you. They don’t want you to exist. They don’t want to have to listen to you, no matter what you think or say.

We’re dealing with Stalinist-type authoritarians (their collusion with the Chi-Coms is no accident) who believe their role is to control how other people live, think, and speak. They pretend they’re screening out hate, racism, and bigotry. But they are practicing it! And it’s catching up to them.

More states are taking a page from Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis (R, FL), who is opening up a can of legal whoop-ass on Big Tech under Florida’s consumer fraud statutes — and $100,000 daily fines for censorship. Leftists in all areas, including Big Tech, need to be fought and defeated, not accommodated. Do not doubt me.


Cartoon ©2021 by Bosch Fawstin


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