We’re Dealing with Insanity

19 Feb 2020

Special Kind of Stupid


Pelosi Cartoon


“I raise Trump’s likely refusal to concede if he loses in November — a future predicted by everyone who knows him — because every Republican … must decide *now* what they’ll say publicly when it happens … America has never seen a threat like this.” — Seth Abramson, Newsweek columnist, insisting Trump already has a step-by-step plan to defy an election loss in November, on Twitter, 2/15/20


“Imagine Donald Trump deciding sometime in June, ‘Well I heard this conspiracy theory that a whole lot of illegal immigrants voted in California, so I’ve decided that during the Presidential election California has to undergo extreme vetting, because we can’t trust their votes. We’re going to shut down voting in a state.’ This is literally the kind of thing he will do now. We’re not talking hypotheticals anymore … [P]eople don’t realize that this is step one to actual autocracy — not the theoretical one … That is what they are allowing to happen here. And I don’t understand how anyone cannot be terrified.” — Jason Johnson, msnbc contributor, fabricating and then freaking out over his delusion, The Washington Free Beacon, 1/30/20


Two days after the 2016 election, abc’s George Stephanopoulos hopefully speculated that President-elect Trump would lose pending civil suits, which “could be seen as an impeachable offense.” On Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017, as Donald Trump was taking the oath of office, The Washington Post was publishing its declaration of war: “The Campaign to Impeach President Trump Has Begun.”

From Day One, the left has been pedal-to-the-metal in its efforts to get rid of President Trump. The day after “Mueller time” fell flat, the Ukraine whistleblower gambit began. But when the Schiff show failed, the Dems were faced with a brutal reality: after launching every weapon that they had to destroy Trump, after throwing everything they had to kick him out of office, not one of their schemes had succeeded.

But has there been any soul-searching from Democrats to figure out why they continue to play the part of Wile E. Coyote to Trump’s Road Runner? Nope. They’re doubling, tripling, quadrupling down on the crazy. As James Carville said in a Vox interview after the catastrophic Hawkeye Cauci, the Dems “have lost their damn minds!”

That’s because sheer unadulterated hatred breeds insanity. Trump Derangement Syndrome [tds] really does cause deranged speech and behavior. They are so tds-poisoned that they have completely lost their grip on reality. Sadly, they live in a hermetically sealed ideological bubble that repels truth and common sense:


Democrat tds

  • “You can’t have an acquittal unless you have a trial and you can’t have a trial without witnesses and documents. So he can say he was acquitted, and the headlines can say acquitted, but he’s impeached forever, branded with that, and not vindicated.” — Nancy Pelosi, angrily insisting that President Trump wasn’t acquitted, on cnn, quoted in Newsweek, 2/16/20
  • “History is being made: the first time a Putin Puppet and his honeypot wife are taking a lap in the Daytona 500 nascar race.” — Alexandra Chalupa, Democrat operative involved in setting up the Russia collusion plot, on Twitter, 2/16/20
  • “Trump is using the powers of the Presidency like a tyrant — now, to reward accomplices and go after witnesses who dared to speak against him. This should concern and anger us all.” — Hillary Clinton, with zero self-awareness, on Twitter, 2/12/20
  • “Look, he [Trump] is deathly afraid to face me … This guy is obsessed with me, and he should be, with good reason. Because I will beat him.” — Joe Biden, on cnn, before placing fifth in the New Hampshire primary, Breitbart, 2/10/20
  • “I was gonna wait until tomorrow to show off these beauties, but Trump got acquitted and I feel like folks could use something to look forward to.” — Bre Kidman, Maine Democrat Socialist Senate candidate, promoting campaign merchandise featuring a guillotine, RedState, 2/10/20
  • “I just came from church, mass, but nonetheless, I’ll say this. You’re in the arena. You gotta be ready to take a punch, and you gotta be ready to throw a punch, for the children.” — Nancy Pelosi, holding up a fist, National Governor’s Association meeting, Townhall, 2/9/20
  • “[A] manifesto of mistruths, of falsehoods, blatantly, really dangerous to the well-being of the American people … [W]e do not want the chamber of the House of Representatives to be used as a backdrop for one of his reality shows with unreality in his presentation.” — Nancy Pelosi, unhinged press conference after she ripped up the sotu address, Speaker.gov, 2/9/20
  • “The fate of the world depends on the Democrats getting their sh-t together and winning in November.” — James Carville, former Clinton advisor, at Vox, 2/7/20
  • “People really should find the answer of why Trump had an unscheduled emergency trip to Walter Reed a few months ago. My guess is it had something to do with today’s performance.” — Joe Lockhart, former Clinton press secretary, on Trump’s post-acquittal victory speech in the East Room, on Twitter, 2/6/20
Joe Lockhart
  • “Voters should be forced to listen to an entire Trump press conference because then I think it’s impossible to vote for him.” — Rick Stengel, former Obama official, on msnbc, 2/6/20
  • “…gop senators were warned, ‘Vote against your President … and your head will be on a pike’ … I was struck by the irony … of the idea when we’re talking about a President who would make himself a monarch, that [someone] would use the terminology of a penalty that was opposed by a monarch. A head on a pike.” — Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA), impeachment closing statement, as Republican senators audibly protested, “Not true!” because it never happened, Rev Transcripts, 2/3/20
Adam Schiff
  • “[I]f you believe you are the state and that anything that contradicts you is treason … that is exactly how this President views those who expose his wrongdoing because he is the state. Like any good monarch, he is the state.” — Adam Schiff, Rev Transcripts, 2/3/20
  • “I think it’s a sad day for the so-called Republican Party, which is now the Trump party. They’re going to need to find their souls — good luck to that.” — Sen. Mazie Hirono (D, HI), IJR, 1/31/20


Media tds

  • “Using the official apparatus of government for what appears to be a political event.” — Maggie Haberman, New York Times reporter, indignant at President Trump’s taking laps in “The Beast,” the Presidential limo, at the Daytona 500, on Twitter, 2/16/20
  • “All the distortions that we’re talking about, the jammed phone lines, the dishonesty, the corruption within the Administration, all of that in a sense, through Donald John Trump, unfortunately, has been normalized. And people shrug their shoulders now at the most obscene elements of government, the most horrendous things he says and does. ‘Oh, that’s just Trump.’ No, that’s not just Trump. That’s now us. That’s the United States of America.” — Mike Barnicle, on msnbc’s “Morning Joe,” quoted at The Washington Examiner, 2/12/20
  • “Our Constitutional republic … and the institutions in it … are being challenged every single day by this would-be dictator … Would Donald Trump not do whatever he could do if he could get away with it?” — Joe Scarborough, on msnbc’s “Morning Joe,” NewsBusters, 2/12/20
  • “Democrats … follow the rules. You can’t follow the rules and beat Donald Trump. He cheats at everything. He asked Ukraine to help him. There’s a sense that Bloomberg, not that he will break any rules, but he’ll go high, and he’ll go low. He talked about porn and a cheeseburger and a putter being in his brain.” — Nicolle Wallace, on msnbc, quoted at Breitbart, 2/11/20
  • “Trump Is Right. We Might Have to Impeach Him Again.” — headline, The Washington Post, 2/10/20
  • “I sort of liken [Trump] to Joker in Batman. That Joker’s whole life is about hating Batman [Obama] because Batman is everything he can never be.” — Joy Reid, on msnbc’s “Hardball,” 2/10/20
  • “Inspiring Military Family Reunions Actually Hurt Our Soldiers.” — headline, The Washington Post, denouncing the Trump-arranged “reality-TV-style reunion” of the returning soldier greeting his family at the sotu, 2/9/20
  • “Forty-eight senators voted to remove the President from office. Fifty-two voted to acquit. But the 48 actually represent 12 million more voters than the senators who decided to keep Donald Trump in the White House … Is gerrymandering something that would help improve the situation?” — Katy Tur, msnbc anchor, quoted at Townhall, 2/8/20
  • “When [Attorney General] Barr starts hauling these guys into soccer stadiums for their public show trials, will Republicans finally speak out, or nah?” — Asha Rangappa, cnn commentator, after President Trump fired Ambassador Sondland, on Twitter, 2/7/20
  • “Some would argue it’s a tiny bit unpatriotic, Susan Collins … maybe even sort of leading to the deaths of Ukrainians … That’s your legacy … Have fun living with that — your legacy.” — Mika Brzezinski, slamming Sen. Susan Collins’ vote to acquit the President, on msnbc’s “Morning Joe,” NewsBusters, 2/7/20
Mika Brzezinski
  • “Morals be damned, that is not what drives Donald Trump’s voting base — it is bigotry, it is fear, it is judges who have lifetime appointments that may be pro-life but they want to kill off everyone else.” — Angela Rye, cnn commentator, cnn, 2/7/20
Angela Rye
  • “[I]t’s a lie to say that Pete Buttigieg or anybody in the Democratic Party who’s running for President wants to have abortion whenever you want it at any time, let’s pull out the baby and let’s look at it and throw it in the garbage. You guys say this, and you say it for the ugliest of reasons … That’s good, that wwjd, it’s good for us. I know we’re supposed to be secular, but I take comfort in it. You pass off something you know is not true. You know no Democrat says you can get an abortion any time before the kid goes to kindergarten. Why scare people like that?” — Chris Cuomo, losing it when a conservative panelist correctly referenced Buttigieg’s extreme pro-abortion position, cnn, 2/7/20
Chris Cuomo
  • “Trump’s casual cruelty and off-the-cuff vindictiveness is no longer a bug; it is the product differentiator, the special sauce, the killer app of Trumpism.” — “The Gospel According to Mad King Donald,” at the NeverTrump site The Bulwark, 2/7/20
  • “[W]hen we look at pictures from North Korea, just an example of a dictatorship, you watch everybody … marching in unison in goosestep … they are all so frozen in fear … Are Republicans beginning to act like that?” — Chris Matthews, msnbc’s “Hardball,” 2/6/20
  • “President Trump spoke today with the venom of a black mamba.” — Chris Matthews, msnbc’s “Hardball,” 2/6/20
Chris Matthews
  • “…Trump’s words [at the National Prayer Breakfast] … sounded like the language of a dictator unleashing a violent purge that his targets would be unlikely to survive.” — Chris Matthews, msnbc’s “Hardball,” 2/6/20
  • “Donald Trump … has such a standing with his political base that senior United States senators have decided that, though he is guilty, they are not going to risk the wrath of the people in order to follow through on what is clearly spelled out in the Constitution … President Trump is functionally a monarch at this point. If the king does it, it’s okay…” — Jon Meacham, nbc News “Presidential Historian,” after Senate vote against calling additional witnesses at impeachment trial, The Washington Examiner, 2/3/20
  • “[T]he cult leader, whether it be the Reverend Moon, who was a Nixon supporter, or Jim Jones, or whomever, Charlie Manson, they’re never going to be reformed. And that’s certainly true of Trump. They will never see the problems with their ways. But the people who swirl around them and were taken in, they’re going to pay a price, a human price, and a reputational price forever.” — Frank Rich, on msnbc’s “Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell,” quoted at The Washington Examiner, 1/13/20
  • “What do you say to your gop critics who claim you are a leader of a cult?” — Brian Karem, cnn analyst, shouting question to President Trump (who ignored him), on Twitter, 1/10/20


Hollywood tds

  • “We have a Criminal living in our White House. Full stop.” — Rob Reiner, on Twitter, 2/12/20
Rob Reiner
  • “With Giuliani funneling conspiracy crap to Consigliere Barr we’ve taken another frightening step into dictatorship.” — Rob Reiner, on Twitter, 2/11/20
  • i have been screaming about this since 2016. and you should be screaming too.” — Alyssa Milano, actress, panicked about election hacking next November, on Twitter, 2/11/20
Alyssa Milano
  • “Well, Johnny’s parents sat him down. And told him it’s not right. To yell out bullsh-t everyday. Even if the President might. Well Johnny he got all confused. He turned to them and said, ‘I won’t say bullsh-t anymore I’ll say “p—y” instead!’” — Bette Midler, on Twitter, 2/11/20
  • “We have made do with crumbs for so long, and Bernie has said, ‘Hey, we’re starving in this country. We can’t subsist on these crumbs anymore. Why can’t we demand the whole pie?’” — Cynthia Nixon, “Sex and the City” actress, at Bernie Sanders rally, Grabien, 2/10/20. Ms. Nixon reportedly has a net worth of $60 million.
  • “Trump lies to the people who love and trust him … Like 1930s and 40s Germany … These people are … being wildly misled by a crooked President and his terrified henchmen.” — Sarah Silverman, comedian, on Twitter, 2/8/20
  • “I’m crazy today. He’s [Trump’s] made me crazy this week. I mean, he’s winning, because I’m getting nuttier and nuttier!” — Joy Behar, on abc’s “The View,” quoted at NewsBusters, 2/7/20
Joy Behar
  • “Kiss the naked orange emperors ass – no news people breaking in – how is this allowed[?] Remove and Indict Trump.” — Rosie O’Donnell, unable to cope during Trump’s post-acquittal victory speech in the East Room, on Twitter, 2/6/20
  • “Why’s this garbage minstrel show even being broadcast?” — Jeffrey Wright, actor, during Trump’s East Room speech, on Twitter, 2/6/20
  • “Donald Trump is Typhoid Mary, a carrier & spreader of hate, poison & despair, infecting everyone unlucky enough [to] cross his path. Many of us are physically sick from him, yet he enjoys ‘perfect’ health. What is the name of a person who makes everyone sick but not sick themselves??” — Bette Midler, on Twitter, 2/6/20
  • i believe it was Trump and his flying monkeys who destroyed ‘iowa.’ not kidding. trump is about to show u ‘evil’ we never knew existed.” — Cher, blaming the President and supporters for the Democrats’ Iowa caucus debacle, on Twitter, 2/4/20
  • gop members of the Senate, you unconscionable, pathetic, spineless, hypocritical, lickspittle, death rattle of a racist patriarchal Calvinist sh-tbags. May all your teeth fall out but one. And in that one may you have a toothache. Enjoy how history looks at you. It’s not pretty.” — Adam Savage, former MythBusters cohost, on Twitter, Twitchy, 1/31/20
  • “You don’t really think that Trump is going to concede [in November]? What’s the plan? This is my question for Democrats all this year: What is the plan when he says, ‘It’s rigged, we found irregularities I’m hearing, I’m suspending everything,’ and he’s not leaving on January 20th [2021]? What do you do?” — Bill Maher, to Andrew Yang, on hbo’s “Real Time,” quoted at The Washington Examiner, 1/20/20
  • “I’d like to see a bag of sh-t right in his [Trump’s] face. Hit him right in the face like that, and let the picture go all over the world … to put him in his place, because the people have to see that, to see him be humiliated.” — Robert De Niro, quoted at Mediaite, 12/20/19


Unfortunately, this is just a small sampling of the left’s venom. They consume so much hatred it’s become what they are.

But don’t think their target is just Donald Trump. Make no mistake, the American left, the Democrat Party, progressives, liberals really hate you. Because no matter what they do, they can’t shake your support for the President. So, be prepared: they’re going to become even more vicious and unhinged, as hard as that is to imagine.



Cartoon ©2020 by permission of A.F. Branco and Creators Syndicate, Inc. Photos Lockhart ©2020 Rick Bowmer/AP/Shutterstock; Schiff ©2020 Michael Reynolds/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock; Brzezinski ©2020 AP/Shutterstock; Angela Rye ©2020 Buckner/Variety/Shutterstock; Cuomo ©2020 Matt Baron/Shutterstock; Matthews ©2020 Matt Baron/Shutterstock; Reiner ©2020 Matt Baron/Shutterstock; Milano ©2020 Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP/Shutterstock; Behar ©2020 Dave Allocca/StarPix/Shutterstock; Cher ©2020 Todd Williamson/January Images/Shutterstock

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