Welcome to the Way Things Used to Be

13 Dec 2021



“The End of ‘America First’: How Biden Says He Will Re-Engage with the World.” — The New York Times, 11/9/20


“I don’t think there’s a human being alive in America today that could do a better job than Chuck Schumer in this moment to bring this country back together.” — Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D, NY), quoted in The Hill, 1/17/21


Welcome to the end of the Trump experiment. That’s what this means.

One of the first signs was the passage of the so-called “covid Relief Bill,” which wasn’t about covid, wasn’t relief, and wasn’t a bill written by legislators or read by them before they voted for it. It was classic wealth redistribution and money laundering. Our old friends in Ukraine got $453 million, I guess so they can keep paying Hunter Biden and his dad. But American restaurants and bars, the hardest hit of our small businesses, the segment of our economy that has been wiped out — purposefully, in blue states — got nothing. Zilch, zero, nada.

However, Chuck Schumer got relief money for New York comedy clubs. Jerry Seinfeld lobbied him, so Chuck-You threw in $15 billion. The Kennedy Center for the Arts: $40 million. $505 million went to Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama “to address key factors that contribute to the migration of unaccompanied, undocumented minors to the U.S.” 

Bottom line: the era of Americans-first is over. This is the establishment going back to doing what they love, the way they love. This is exactly why Trump was elected in 2016. I think this is exactly why Trump was reelected. But he’s had it taken from him, stolen. I will always believe that, no matter how difficult it becomes to prove.

The establishment — including the Republican establishment — is celebrating. “The Senate just passed another major bipartisan, covid-19 relief package,” crowed then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on 12/22/20. “The American people can rest assured that more help is on the way, immediately.” McConnell promptly became Senate Minority Leader. Two weeks later to the day, the Georgia runoff saw two Democrat communists win with low Republican turnout, flipping Senate control. For which Senator McConnell faults Donald Trump. Depressed gop voter turnout couldn’t possibly be due to the swampy omnibus package or the refusal to lift a finger to fight election fraud.



So now the far left owns both Houses of Congress and the Executive Branch. And not only is the ol’ Obama gang back together, with the America-last, pro-Iran, pro-China globalist open-borders policy team once again firmly ensconced at the levers of U.S. power. The truth is, things are going back to the way they were when the Democrats ran Congress with an iron fist, including their 40-year reign in the House before the Newt Gingrich-led victory in 1994. That is how both parties prefer it, with the Democrats firmly in control and the Republicans perennially “losing with grace and dignity.” In this spirit, Loser Leader McConnell stuck the shiv in the back of the outgoing President Trump, explicitly (and erroneously) blaming Trump for the Capitol breach. Welcome to returning to the way things used to be.

But there’s one budget item in the covid Relief Bill worth noticing: $2.5 million for “internet freedom programs in closed societies.” Folks, that is something we could use. We are, sadly, becoming more and more a Swamp-closed society, with less and less freedom to exchange ideas, opinions, and news that the Swamp dislikes.

Case in point. Remember what happened at the 2017 Trump inauguration? Here’s a reminder from a BizPacReview headline: “Hundreds of Rioters Destroyed Property, Set Fires During Trump’s 2017 Inauguration, and All Charges Were Dropped.” But it’s as if none of that ever happened. Documentation of the dangerous, violent left has been zapped, replaced by the vile false narrative of conservatives-as-isis. It’s all part of the resurgent Swamp, and its mission to stamp out all opposition.


As we go to press, 25,000 National Guard troops are occupying Washington, D.C. for the Joe Biden inauguration — five times as many as are stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan. 25,000 troops! I thought Biden was popular, overwhelmingly voted into office of President by the American people. Why in the world would you need 25,000 troops to secure Washington?

It’s too bad they didn’t do this in 2017, when we first experienced a breach of the traditional peaceful transfer of power. We sure could have used the National Guard in the violent leftist uprisings in Seattle and Portland a year ago, and in riot-torn Democrat cities over the summer. But the Swamp operatives camouflaged as journalists have been busy erasing that history of leftist mayhem — and now they are emboldened to try to erase conservatives from the public square. Under the guise of getting rid of “misinformation.”

“Online misinformation about election fraud plunged 73 percent,” reported The Washington Post on 1/16/21, “after several social media sites suspended President Trump and key allies last week, research firm Zignal Labs has found.” So the Swamp Media is celebrating the huge decrease in free discussion about the election — after they banned people who hold the banned opinion. Well done, speech police. This censoriousness is being widely touted across the media, although it is being framed as “too little too late.” They want to shut us up completely. On 1/10/21 Oliver Darcy told Little Brian Stelter on cnn’s “Reliable Sources”:

The story this week was bringing our informational crisis to the forefront; right? It’s a national emergency. You have corporations and people that are profiting off of lies and conspiracy theories. Whether that’s Big Tech, whether that’s Fox News, whether that’s the TV providers that beam oan and Newsmax into homes, or Rush Limbaugh, there are a lot of people profiting off of lies and conspiracy theories, and I don’t really see how things get better, how we move on as a country until this informational environment is cleaned up.

What does that mean? Until you’re no longer able to listen to my program? Until you’re no longer able to watch what you want to watch? That’s what the Swamp wants. Well, what about “cleaning up” cnn, which for the last four years spread nothing but lies? Talk about conspiracy theories! cnn was a leader in the coup attempt to overturn the election results of 2016.

On the same cnn program a week later, on 1/17/21, Alex Stamos, former Facebook insider, compared conservatives to isis in a segment advocating the shutting down of all non-leftist outlets: “We have to turn down the capability of these conservative influencers to reach these huge audiences… We are going to have to figure out the oan and Newsmax problem. These companies have freedom of speech, but I’m not sure we need Verizon, at&t, Comcast, and such to be bringing them into tens of millions of homes.”


DC Swamp


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D, NY), in service to the Swamp she inhabits, is happy to help, and speaks for most in her party: “We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so that you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation,” she declared, according to Reason. And by that she means: information the left disapproves of. They don’t want to have to stoop to persuasion or debate in the arena of ideas. They want to command and control; for that it is necessary to squelch all opposition and dissent.

And here’s the endgame. Folks, remember my admonition that if they could, Democrats would eliminate elections? What if they effectively have? We will still hold them, but what if, given the level of fraud, elections are irrelevant? If you ask me, the American people need to wake the hell up — those who haven’t — and understand what we’re up against. I still think we have the ability to outnumber them. But we need to overcome the blindness or ignorance that comes with complacency.

There is one huge difference from times past. Many more of us now see the Swamp for what it is. We know what and who the Deep State is, and what they want to do to us. And they know that we know. Which is why they — who have been telling us for four years that “walls don’t work” — surrounded themselves and their precious sacred center of democracy in D.C. with a huge “non-scalable” wall.

They believe it is a show of strength — but it is a terrible weakness to lose the consent of the governed. As Ronald Reagan knew with regard to the inevitable collapse of the Evil Empire, we must rekindle our confidence in the moral superiority of freedom. The Swamp cannot withstand it.


Illustration created for The Limbaugh Letter ©2021


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