Warning: Out-Of-Power Liberals Are Going To Go Nuts

13 Dec 2021

Archive [December 1999]


out of power liberals are going to go nuts


Get ready. If, as I have predicted the year 2000 elections bring about a Republican President, a Republican House, and a Republican Senate, you are going to see panic and mayhem among liberals like you’ve never seen before.

When liberals are in power, they’re dangerous. They implement their cockamamie ideas. But when they’re out of power, they get funny. Unable to stomach opposition, they throw tantrums. They storm the gates. They “occupy” buildings that don’t belong to them. They stage demonstrations, shut down munitions plants, chain themselves to missiles, close down highways, unfurl banners from the top of Golden Gate Bridge. They splatter themselves with paint. They agitate.

You have the sit ins, the walk-outs, the die-ins — the floating candles down the river for peace, the going undercover as homeless people, the getting arrested to raise everyone else’s consciousness. The day a Republican president is scheduled to move into the White House, a bunch of old lefties will no doubt chain themselves together to block the entrance. In the annals of liberal history, it will be the darkest day yet; a day that calls for Radical Action.

I can’t wait.


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