Virus of the Seas

9 Dec 2021

Virus of the seas

If we were to quarantine those posing the most lethal danger to our society right now, it would not be the carriers of coronavirus.

Folks, covid-19 will pass. But the contagion of anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and socialism spread by the media — along with the hourly lies, deceptions, distortions, and injuries to the national spirit — that is the existential threat. Their poison lingers on every surface they touch and hangs in the air as they speak.

That threat needs to be contained, never again to find safe haven on our shores. Keep them at bay and let them enjoy infecting each other on the USS Virus of the Seas.

Let me tell you, this Wuhan flu is going to end. Everything ends. This will end, and the stock market is going to be back at 30,000 faster than Walmart can sell out toilet paper. And Trump’s rallies will be back again, with record crowds.

You in the media, you think you’re winning with this? You think you’re ending Trump’s Presidency? You think you’re going to get away with blaming the virus on Donald Trump? You don’t have the first clue!

Nobody wants to be sequestered at home. Nobody wants to be in the hospital or wearing surgical masks. Nobody wants to be unable to leave home and unable to go to restaurants. And when the day comes that people don’t have to stay home and don’t have these restrictions and hardships, you’re going to see an economic explosion the likes of which this country has never seen — and it’s going to take every Democrat candidate with it. And it’s going to be the last time they see anything resembling victory, because the American people will not want to go through this ever again.

The people who look like they’re loving this are going to pay the biggest price. The Democrat Party looks happy about this. It sickens me! The media looks excited about it. They can’t wait for the next bad headline. They can’t wait for the next dismaying prediction.

Well, most Americans don’t want any of this to be happening. Most people want their jobs, and they want to be going to work. And when once again they can, you had better look out, because all of this will be a distant memory — and the Democrats and media with it! That ship of fools will be swept out to sea.


Illustration ©2020 by Thomas Buchanan created for The Limbaugh Letter


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