They Chose Poorly

20 Aug 2020



“There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives, and unfortunately, there’s plenty to go around.” — Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D, MA), member of aoc’s far-left “Squad,” on msnbc, 8/17/20


“Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!” — Antifa mob, chanting as they marched through Seattle in between rampages, video from independent reporter Andy Ngô, on Twitter, 8/17/20


“Antifa protesters dumped a bloody severed pig’s head on an American flag outside the Justice Center in downtown Portland. They put a cop’s hat on it and set all of it on fire.” — Andy Ngô, video, on Twitter, 7/31/20


All hell has broken loose in Democrat-run cities and states. Roving bands of anarchists, Black Lives Matter radicals, Antifa agitators, and assorted thugs and drug addicts and hangers-on, pitiless brutes all, are permitted to unleash mayhem whenever and wherever they please, mostly at night, when the “peaceful protests” are deliberately escalated into riots by trained Marxist foot soldiers.

The black-clad mobsters wear gas masks and backpacks loaded with street weapons. They carry bats, hammers, homemade shields, skateboards, bicycles, umbrellas and such that they wield against police and anyone or anything else unfortunate to come into their sights, including businesses’ display windows and citizens’ vehicles.

Democrats are absurdly staking their election on these riots and attacks on law enforcement. Look at the positions and behavior they are supporting: getting rid of cops, allowing the looting and destruction of businesses and any other property, rioting, arson, brutally intimidating and injuring innocent passersby. Democrats have picked this as a deliberate strategy. They are apparently convinced this will launch them to electoral victory. They’ve thrown in with these worthless shreds of human debris determined to destroy federal courthouses — and burn, loot, and murder.

And all the while, these Democrats and their media accomplices are brazenly lying that these violent riots are “peaceful protests” by patriots.

But they are not who and what the Democrats and the media are telling you they are. They are not average Americans. They’re not mothers and grandmothers. They are sick puppies. They are deranged. They are not normal people in any way, shape, manner, or form. These are the same anarchists who have been around since 1999, when they got together and protested at the first World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle. We saw them again during the Occupy Wall Street protests. It’s a bunch of paid leftist rabble-rousers, the dregs. They are not average Americans fed up with racism and bigotry in their country. These losers don’t even like America, and they never have.

Here’s how an unnamed (for obvious reasons) Department of Homeland Security agent describes the Portland rioters, as quoted by Debra Heine at American Greatness:

[Their] hostile hatred … I consider unmatched in my life… As the night goes on, the rioters become so hateful it is surreal. Their voices hoarse, their sentences jumbled, they seem almost catatonic with hate. The unrest seems to draw the mentally ill and drug abusers. Some seem to be both. The officers stand calmly … [and] don’t even respond to thrown projectiles, merely calmly dodging them. Some of the things screamed at us, ad nauseam: “Go home! You’re Nazis, racists, the Gestapo! F–k you, f–k your mom, you suck! Quit your job and go f–k yourself! I’m going to get all your f–king names!” I’m seeing African American Federal Protective Service inspectors, 20 year’s law enforcement … being called the N-word to their face for the first time in their careers, by a scrawny, pasty white booger-eating communist shhead… They throw homemade Molotov cocktails, try to set the [courthouse] walls on fire, try to cut and pry through the plywood covering the glass walls, all the while screaming vitriol… [T]hey throw frozen water bottles … canned goods, paint, and gasoline. They try to shine high-powered lasers into our eyes, which can cause permanent damage.

We are dealing, in other words, with vile, mentally ill reprobates that the Democrat Party believes are its base. Indeed, Democrats are taking behavioral cues from these people. That’s what my buddy Andy McCarthy says in a recent National Review piece, explaining that Democrats acted out as they did toward Attorney General William Barr at the 7/28/20 House Judiciary hearing because their voters demand it. I think it works both ways; elected Democrats are swayed by the savagery on the streets which is, in turn, green-lighted by elected Democrats.

An honest media would be telling the public exactly who these people are. Instead, the media is complicit, pumping out propaganda trying to make these people appear to be the greatest people of conscience, the greatest dissenters, among us. “Yay, they hate America. That’s what makes them admirable.” But the anonymous dhs agent provided a perfect description of who these people are. The Democrat Party base is a bunch of mentally ill, scrawny, pasty white, booger-eating communist crap-heads who are catatonic with hate.


Band of Bros


I thought I would never see the day when the Democrat Party would become anti-federal government. Being obsessively pro-federal government is the reason for their existence. An ever-expanding, ever-increasingly powerful federal government is why the Democrat Party lives and breathes. And look what they’re doing. They have thrown in with a bunch of crap-heads trying to burn down federal courthouses — where their leftist judges do their work! Why? All because they’ve somehow calculated that this is how they damage Donald Trump.

As Attorney General Barr testified at the oversight hearing chaired by Rep. Jerry “No-You-May-Not-Take-a-Five-Minute-Break” Nadler: “Federal courts are under attack. Since when is it okay to try to burn down a federal court? … Is that okay? Is that okay now?” Not a single Democrat responded. In fact, no Democrat official has denounced any of the violence in their cities, including the nightly attempts to firebomb the courts and the law enforcement officers tasked with protecting them. There has been no official Democrat condemnation of the criminal mob’s terroristic use of ieds in the form of industrial fireworks and homemade explosives like kerosene-filled balloons.


It is abundantly clear that the Democrat Party has made the active political calculation that the way to win, the way to get rid of Donald Trump, is to explicitly support rioting, looting, the destruction of personal property, arson, the destruction of federal property, to violently attack and try to maim federal law enforcement and local and state police officers. The Democrats believe that is their ticket to getting rid of the Bad Orange Man.

There’s no other way to look at it: they support the destruction of Minneapolis and Seattle and Portland and Chicago and New York City. So it’s crystal clear that the divide that exists between the two major political parties in this country has never been greater — nor has the contrast ever been more obvious between the two approaches to life and governance.

As he campaigned in Minneapolis on 8/17/20, President Trump addressed small business owners who had been victims of the mayhem: “For these brave patriots, all they wanted was to live the American Dream. That’s all they wanted — to start a business and a family, to give back to the community that they call home and that they love… While the city’s liberal mayor refused to defend its citizens, which was incredible, their lives were destroyed. While the leadership of the Democrat Party cheered, their dreams were burned to the ground. We all witnessed it. We all saw it very vividly on television… This is the difference between us and Joe Biden… I’m here to help you. We will bring back law and order to your community.”

He’s right. The leadership of the Democrat Party in Minneapolis — and elsewhere — purposely stood down. They stood aside while the city was torched, while the city endured looting and riots, as businesses and homes were burned to the ground — and Democrat leaders cheered. They were rooting for the chaos as the hopes and prospects of their own voters were being destroyed. They aligned themselves with the criminal element, not the innocent. And then they immediately started enacting the defund-the-police agenda.

Trump is saying, vote against that. I’m here to help you. And we will not ever applaud your life being destroyed. We will side with you, and against the thugs trying to destroy the cities.

But think about it. Democrats clearly want to win the White House. Their desire for power is as strong as it’s ever been. But look at the positions they are taking that they believe represent the majority thinking in America. To stand in support of riots, lootings, arson, the destruction of property. Violent, murderous attacks on law enforcement. How can they possibly believe that will carry them to victory?

As President Trump put it at his press briefing on 8/15/20: “We want law and order… [T]hey want to defund the police. How do you win on that? … These people are crazy.”

Yes, it’s absolutely lunatic. But as I’ve told you many times, it’s because Democrats believe Twitter is America. It isn’t. According to a new Gallup survey, 85 percent of Americans — including 78 percent of black Americans — do not want to “defund” or abolish the police, despite what’s painted in huge yellow letters on Democrat streets or in spray-painted graffiti on federal buildings, acab, “all cops are bastards.” Yet this is what Democrats are supporting.

“We are winning the propaganda war!” a rioter screamed at Portland officers on the night of July 26, according to Daily Caller reporter Shelby Talcott. The screamer actually let the Democrat cat out of the bag. Because thats what this riot strategy has been all along: pure propaganda, a deliberate narrative construction operation. The plan was to create chaos and blame the President for chaos. This might have somewhat worked a generation ago, when there was no independent media to upload video of the actual perps doing the rioting. But as President Trump said, “We all saw it very vividly.” We all know who did this. Democrats can repeat “peaceful protests” all they want, but we know they’re lying.

Can you say, backfire? Democrats threw in with domestic terrorists as a purposeful election strategy. It is coming back to bite them, big time, on November 3. They chose poorly.


Cartoon by permission of A.F. Branco and Creators Syndicate, Inc.

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