There Are NO Democrat Moderates

19 Mar 2020


“We have in many ways won the ideological struggle.” — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I, VT), self-described Democrat socialist, in video posted by The Hill, 3/17/20


“Moderate Joe Moves Left: He’s Courting Warren on Bankruptcy, Bernie on Free College, and the nea.” — The Wall Street Journal, 3/17/20


“Let’s be clear: progressive ideas are winning regardless of who the nominee is.” — Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D, WA), on Twitter, 3/10/20


You know what I’m sick of hearing about? The so-called “moderate lane” of the Democrat Party. After Joe Biden’s victory on Super Tuesday, cnn’s Van Jones said, “There’s a joy that there has been this consolidation for the moderate lane.”

Folks, there is no moderate lane! There is no moderate jogging track, no moderate alleyway, no moderate sidewalk. Every lane on the Democrat superhighway is clogged with all Marxists, all the damn time.

Theirs is a competing far-left ideology with which we have nothing in common, and it’s becoming ever more extreme. Socialism and communism have now become as much a part of the Democrat Party as liberalism. There isn’t any overlap with us. Establishment Republicans used to boast about “crossing the aisle,” and “finding common ground”; there is none.

When you have an economy poised as ours is for a huge post-Chinese-virus (yeah, I said it) rebound, with wages in the last three years increasing in real terms for the first time in a generation, and a leftist political Party wants no part of it but instead wants to tear it all down, where is the common ground? Where is the common ground with a Party that doesn’t allow pro-lifers? Where is the common ground with a Party that allows abortion after birth? Where is the common ground with a Party that insists on shutting God out of the public square?




These are extremist positions. All Democrats are extremists, in an extremist Party. They pose as moderates by affecting a non-threatening tone or mannerisms or by masking their far-left policies with reasonable-sounding rhetoric. But thanks to the unapologetic, explicit, out-and-proud socialism unleashed by Bernie Sanders, the supposed “moderate” Joe Biden (the likely Democrat nominee) says things like this:

  • “In the first 100 days of my Administration, no one, no one, will be deported at all.” — Joe Biden, Democrat debate, making clear he would not even deport felons, RealClearPolitics, 3/15/20
  • “No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry, no more drilling on federal lands, no more drilling including offshore, no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. Ends.” — Joe Biden, Democrat debate, adding that he’d ban fracking and the building of coal plants, rnc video, 3/15/20
  • “We both agree that we have a New Green Deal [sic] to deal with the existential threat that faces humanity. We disagree on the detail of how we do it, but we don’t disagree on the principle.” — Joe Biden, Democrat debate, referring to Bernie Sanders, Rev Transcripts, 3/15/20
  • “You’re going to take care of the gun problem with me. You’re going to be the one who leads this effort. I’m counting on you.” — Joe Biden, enlisting gun-grabber Beto O’Rourke (D, TX) in his campaign (“Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47”), The New York Post, 3/3/20

Joe Biden, who Vox celebrates as “the most progressive Democratic nominee in history if he won,” supports government-funded health care for illegal immigrants, a $15-an-hour national minimum wage, free college, and $3.4 trillion in tax increases.

These extreme positions would not be winning if there were moderates in the Democrat Party — nor would one of their finalists have been an avowed socialist going around praising communist regimes in Cuba and elsewhere.



Crazy Bernie gets lumped in with what the Democrats and the media want you to think are “outliers” like Michael Dukakis and George McGovern. They were not outliers. They were mainstream members of the Democrat Party. Dukakis was the governor of Massachusetts; McGovern was a senator from South Dakota. They were not outliers. They were radical leftists completely representative of the Democrat Party of the day — and it hasn’t changed any. Crazy Bernie is a communist; those guys wouldn’t admit they were. It’s what the Democrat Party is. Crazy Bernie isn’t an exception. He’s of, by, and for the radical left — as is the rest of the Democrat Party, as is the mainstream media.

The key is to understand the lingo. There’s nothing centrist about the Democrat Party or anybody in it. The people calling themselves moderates and centrists are desperate to hold onto the power structure of the Washington establishment. Remember, the Democrat Party runs the Washington establishment. They run it politically; they run it socially. Even when the Republicans hold the White House, as now, Democrats still run that town.

And they don’t want to give that up. They thought that if Bernie Sanders were to win the Democrat nomination, he would have taken the Party down to one of the worst landslide defeats in history and forever ruin the cachet of leftism as a political draw. They don’t want to risk that. More than anything, it’s all about self-preservation.




They want to remain the political elite. They do not want to happen to the Democrat Party what they saw happen to the Republican Party establishment, which has largely become politically homeless. They’ve become the NeverTrumpers, without power, respect, or clout. They’re a mess. And the Democrat establishment is terrified of that ignominy descending on them. That’s why they pulled out all the stops once again to keep Bernie Sanders from getting the nomination.

But the Washington Democrat establishment is living in utter denial about what their Party has become. The only reason Bernie Sanders came within spitting distance of winning the nomination is because he is the core Democrat Party. The base of the Democrat Party really is a bunch of communist socialists. It’s right in front of our faces.


The Democrat base right now is furious. They are a roiling, boiling mob that wants one thing: a return to power. They despise Donald Trump, and they are trying to make the rest of America hate Donald Trump as much as they do. They are trying to make people mad. They’re trying to convince people that American prosperity isn’t deserved. In order to harm Trump, they are celebrating the harm the coronavirus is doing to the American economy. They want to see more people out of work, more people losing income, more destruction and misery and discontent.

This is what the Democrats are selling. They are betting there are enough voters who actually want to get behind that kind of chaos to put them back in power. They’re mad that Obama failed. They’re livid that Hillary failed. They’re enraged that Robert Mueller failed. They’re outraged that their coup failed. They’re infuriated that their sham impeachment failed. You see a Party of furious, destructive haters.

Contrast that, the Party of angry extremists, with the firm leadership of the President, pulling all the amazing components of American society together — government and private sector — to combat this disease. He’s asking for prayers, and he’s asking for all hands on deck. It’s an inspiring, galvanizing approach to unprecedented disruption. The Democrats have misjudged their own countrymen, which they are about to learn, good and hard.


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