The “White Supremacy” Smear

13 Dec 2021

Not Doubt Me


Rush Limbaugh

“For some time, one of the easiest and most effective ways to stigmatize someone — particularly a conservative — has been to label the person a racist… A program like mine could not have sustained such enormous growth and popularity for so long if I were a racist or a bigot. My audience consists largely of mainstream Americans who do not endorse, support, or want to listen to bigotry, racism, or fascism on the air.” — me, See, I Told You So, 1993


“[T]here is a blatant double standard that exempts liberals from scrutiny and accountability for… unfounded, categorical insults.” — me, See, I Told You So


“The Democrats never have to disavow anybody. They never had to disavow ‘Sheets’ Byrd. I mean, the Democrat Party actually had a kkk member as a ranking, leading Democrat in the Senate, Robert ‘Sheets’ Byrd. He was a Grand Kleagle, which meant that he was a leading [kkk] recruiter back in the day. They never have to disavow ‘Calypso Louie’ Farrakhan. They never have to disavow Al Sharpton.” — me, eib, 2/29/16


For four years, we have endured an endless parade of fake scandals and bogus claims by the drive-bys and Democrats to tarnish Donald Trump: the “children in cages” lie, Russia collusion, the phony “whistleblower,” the clown-show impeachment, and on and on. But of all the fake claims, the lie that infuriates me most is the vile Democrat smear that Trump is a racist and supports white supremacists. It’s slander.

In the Democrat slander handbook, “white supremacy” has now replaced “racism.” Reports Michael Powell in The New York Times: “News aggregators show a vast increase in the use of the term ‘white supremacy’ (or ‘white supremacist’) compared with ten years ago. The New York Times itself used the term fewer than 75 times in 2010, but nearly 700 times since the first of this year alone. Type the term into Twitter’s search engine and it pops up … ten times each minute.” Cory Booker had to resort to calling Trump “worse than a racist,” because “racist” by itself has lost its impact from overuse. Well, what’s worse than a racist? A white supremacist.

To “prove” this smear against Trump, they constantly use the “very fine people on both sides” lie about the 2017 march in Charlottesville, VA, claiming that Trump defended Nazis. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have repeated this line of bull multiple times. Here is Trump’s actual quote on Charlottesville from August 15, 2017, as reported by The Los Angeles Times:

You had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name… I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.

Trump has spent more than four years denouncing white supremacy and racism, but it’s never enough. During the first Presidential debate on 9/29/20, as reported by usa Today, Chris Wallace asked Trump, “Are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups?” Wallace conveniently left out the fact that he himself had asked essentially the same question in a 2016 debate: “Mr. Trump, Romney also talked about your position on race, and the controversy over your failure to denounce David Duke… You have repeatedly disavowed him since then, but I’d like to go deeper than that. What are your views on the Ku Klux Klan, and white supremacists?” Trump’s response: “I totally disavow the Ku Klux Klan. I totally disavow David Duke.” Despite the dozens of times Trump has disavowed this smear, the media is never satisfied.

Some two weeks later, at the 10/15/20 “town hall” on nbc with the lovely Savannah Guthrie, Trump was hammered again:

Guthrie: Let’s clear up a few things from the last [debate]. You were asked point blank to denounce white supremacy. In the moment, you didn’t. You asked some follow-up questions. “Who, specifically?” A couple of days later, on a different show…

Trump: Oh, you always do this.

Guthrie: … you denounced white supremacy.

Trump: No, you always do this.

Guthrie: My question to you is…

Trump: You’ve done this to me, and everybody —

Guthrie: …why does it seem like —

Trump: I denounce white supremacy. Okay?

Guthrie: You did, two days later.

Trump: I’ve denounced white supremacy, for years, but you always do it. You always start off with the question. You didn’t ask Joe Biden, whether or not he denounces Antifa. I watched him on the same basic show with Lester Holt, and he was asking questions like Biden was a child.

Guthrie: Well, so this is a little bit of a dodge.

Trump: So, are you ready? Are you? Wait. Are you listening? I denounce white supremacy.

Guthrie: Okay.

Trump: What’s your next question?

Guthrie: Do you feel, it feels sometimes you’re hesitant to do so, like you wait a beat.

Trump: Hesitant? Here we go again. Every time. In fact, my people came, “I’m sure they’ll ask you the white supremacy question.” I denounce white supremacy.

Guthrie: Okay.

Trump: And frankly, you want to know something? I denounce Antifa, and I denounce these people on the left that are burning down our cities, that are run by Democrats who don’t know what they’re doing.

Guthrie: All right, while we’re denouncing, let me ask you about QAnon.

Trump has never spoken one word in support of white supremacy. It’s the presumption of guilt that bugs me, when he has done absolutely nothing to deserve it. I want to know why Trump gets nailed every day for something he has never done, while the drive-bys are never asked, “Are you willing today to condemn false reporting on the Russia collusion between Trump and the Russians in 2016? Are you willing to admit that you lied? Are you willing to admit that those reports were wrong, and that it never happened? Are you willing to admit today that it was Hillary Clinton who bought and paid for that story? Are you willing to admit that you knew for four straight years that that story wasn’t true?”


There are people who have a lot of explaining to do, folks, but it isn’t Donald Trump. The people who need to justify themselves are every damned member of the mainstream media who knowingly and willfully reported and perpetrated a series of lies for four years on Trump stealing the 2016 election. Meanwhile, Joe Biden gets a pass on never missing a chance to praise all the old segregationist Senators he befriended during his career. Here’s just a sampling:

  • While on a trip to Alabama in 1987, Biden bragged about an award he had received from George Wallace, as reported by The Philadelphia Inquirer, and expressed his fondness for the South because “we [Delawareans] had been on the South’s side during the Civil War.”
  • In his 2010 eulogy for Sen. Robert “Sheets” Byrd, per c-span, Biden called him a “friend,” “mentor,” and “guide.”
  • As reported by The New York Times, in summer 2019 Biden waxed nostalgic about his great friend, segregationist Sen. James Eastland (D, MS), affecting a Southern accent to say, “He [Eastland] never called me ‘boy,’ he always called me ‘son.’” Eastland frequently claimed that blacks were “an inferior race” and railed against the “mongrelization” of the races.
  • At the 84th birthday party of segregationist Sen. John Stennis (D, MS), as reported by The Jackson [MS] Free Press, Biden said “[Stennis] truly does stand like a stone wall [like Stonewall Jackson], he is the rockbound integrity of the United States Congress.” Biden also referred to Stennis as “the epitome of the good and the virtue that the Senate” should stand for.

Then there are Biden’s countless random racist remarks over the years, including: 

  • “Unless we do something about this [school busing], my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle…” — 1977 Senate hearing
  • “I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” — referring to then-Senator Barack Obama, cnn, 2/9/07
  • “They’re gonna put y’all back in chains.” — to African American audience while campaigning against Mitt Romney, cbs News, 8/14/12
  • “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” — on “The Breakfast Club,” Politico, 5/22/20

As reported by PJ Media, Biden recently declared, “Geez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf.” And he told a group of Asian and Hispanic voters that “poor kids are just as smart as white kids,” according to The Detroit News. As reported by The New York Times, while he campaigned for President in 1987, Biden lied multiple times about marching in the civil rights movement — presumably to walk back his long history siding with Democrat segregationists.



Yet there’s been radio silence. Almost 50 years of disturbing racial comments and Biden isn’t interrogated about any of it, while Trump gets hammered for absolutely nothing.

Folks, I don’t know any white supremacists or white nationalists. I have never met one. They are such a fringe bunch that they have to exist on remote portals of the World Wide Web. They are not large in number. They are not predominant. They are not mainstream or in any way attractive to the mainstream.

The question is, why was this the Democrats’ closing argument for the 2020 election? We may well soon learn what their internal polling was warning them: Democrats have been bleeding black support. If Trump has pulled over 12 to 15 percent or more of the African American vote, the Democrat Party is staring at a bleak future. That would explain this “white supremacy” hysteria and panic — because that’s what this is. Democrats have been trying to reach as many low-information voters as possible and literally lie to them.

The Washington Post recently ran a piece titled, “Trump’s Contempt for Truth Leaves a Toxic Legacy around the World.” Trump is toxic? What a joke. You know what is the most poisonous mix in our culture today? The toxic race-baiting of the Democrats, the left, and the drive-by media. Do not doubt me.


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