The Democrats’ Burning-Cities Problem

17 Sep 2020



“You would think that every city is on fire, that every city is being looted, that Donald Trump is the one man who stands up for law enforcement.” — Jim VandeHei, Axios co-founder, ridiculing riot coverage by conservative media, on msnbc, 9/2/20


“The property damage has been minor … no, Portland is not ‘ablaze all the time’ … [T]here isn’t a wave of anarchy and violence other than that unleashed by Trump himself.” — Paul Krugman, left-wing columnist, “Trump and the Attack of the Invisible Anarchists,” The New York Times, 9/3/20


“That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.” — Rep. Jerry Nadler (D, NY), asked about Antifa riots in Portland, video via Twitter, 7/26/20


This was the Democrats’ Plan A, the one they carried out for most of the summer: unleash hell in Democrat-controlled areas, allowing their radicals free reign to pillage, while pretending all was hearts and unicorns. They relied on their media accomplices to run cover with their “mostly peaceful protest” mantra and the “summer of love” narrative. The entire drive-by media dutifully averted its eyes, refusing to run any actual news showing Democrat violence, brutality, or anarchy.

The Party desperately needed the political energy and fundraising power from their Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and black bloc shock troops — they certainly weren’t getting it from their desiccated 77-year-old candidate. Democrats ran that con at their convention, showcasing and fawning over blm while uttering not a single word about raging blue-city violence.

On 8/17/20 The Hill ran a puff piece on blm’s “elevated role” at the Democrat National Convention. Said Tom Perez, Democratic Party Chair: “The Black Lives Matter movement has given voice to the deep-seated inequality that has plagued our nation since its inception. The Democratic Party shares in their commitment to justice and hears their demands for change.”

In her video convention speech, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser boasted about creating Black Lives Matter Plaza. “It was here that, just weeks ago, Americans donned face masks and, safely and peacefully, protested.” (In between attacking national monuments, injuring hundreds of law enforcement officers, and setting the historic St. John’s Episcopal Church on fire, among other “mostly peaceful” acts of wanton destruction.) 

Princeton’s “U.S. Crisis Project” released a report, touted in the media, that “more than 93 percent” of the summer “demonstrations” were peaceful. But then conservative media did the math. All told, the project tracked 10,600 protests. Byron York pointed out that meant there were “nearly 570 violent demonstrations — riots — in nearly 220 locations spread all across country.”

As summer came to a close, the “nothing-to-see-here” narrative began to unravel. The first hint was from cnn’s Don Lemon. On May 30, he had gone on a live rant to justify the violence erupting in multiple cities as “a mechanism for a restructure in our country”:

Let’s not forget … our country was started [with] the Boston Tea Party. Rioting. So do not get it twisted and think that, ‘Oh, this is something that has never happened before,’ and, ‘This is so terrible,’ and, ‘Where are we,’ and ‘These savages,’ and all of that. This is how this country was started.

But three months later, on August 26, Lemon suddenly delivered this panicked warning to Democrats as Kenosha was erupting:

I think this is a blind spot for Democrats. I think Democrats are hoping this will go away, and it’s not going to go away… But guess what? The rioting has to stop. Chris, as you know and I know, it’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing right now that is sticking.

Then came Van Jones on cnn on September 2: “[T]he longer we talk about violence and unrest … it’s all advantage Trump… The question is, how are Democrats and progressives going to deal with the edges of violence in our own movement? … We need a national moratorium on these nighttime marches.”




Let me translate: “It isn’t working.” Van Jones is telling the cnn audience that the Democrats’ attempt to foment a race war has failed. Black Lives Matter is not helping them anymore.

And then, on 9/4/20, the poll was made public that must have caused all the Democrat angst: “9 in 10 Voters Say Civil Unrest a Key Issue in Presidential Race,” headlined in The Hill. The details were devastating: “The vast majority of voters in a new Harvard caps-Harris poll … say they believe civil unrest will be an important issue in the November election. More than 9 in 10 voters surveyed in the poll, 92 percent, said they thought the issue would be important in the Presidential campaign and election.”

Well, boom. Ninety-two percent. That is just about unanimity in America, and it is exceedingly rare. In three months of sanctioned summer rioting, the Democrat Party managed to unite the entire nation — against them.

You could feel it the last weekend of August. It was like a tsunami. It was coordinated, and it was instantaneous. All of a sudden, the entire Democrat Party and the media began to blame President Trump for all the violence. After months of pretending it wasn’t happening. “What violence? There isn’t any violence! These are peaceful protests. There aren’t any riots. There isn’t any looting. What do you mean? There’s nothing going on in Portland. Or Seattle. Or Minneapolis.” They turned on a dime the moment it dawned on them that their violent minions were hurting them. Their world was turned upside down.


Folks, remember, Democrats literally believed they could beat Donald Trump with their candidate never leaving the basement. That was how this all started. That was the objective. How could Democrats be so out of touch, you ask, as to not realize that riots in Democrat-run cities would come back to bite Democrats? They’ve never been in touch! Because they continue to believe in their own intellectual superiority over Donald Trump — despite the fact that he has survived everything they have thrown at him. In fact, he is beating them at every turn. In their minds, it doesn’t compute that they haven’t found a way to outsmart him.

They thought Russia would take him out. They thought Ukraine would. They believed Adam Schiff would surely take him out. They thought the whistleblower would, and on and on. None of it has worked. They finally thought they could ride a Trojan horse into the White House — as long as Biden stayed in his basement. The plan hinged on seven states, run by Democrats, continuing to allow economic disaster, in order to prevent a nationwide recovery.

Think about it. The blue state governors went along with this scheme to let their states basically go under. As did the mayors of these cities. “Okay, sure. You need Seattle to go under? We’ll take it under. You need Portland and Minneapolis to tank? Fine and dandy. Implode New York City, cripple New York state? Done, and done.” They’ve all agreed to keep their states economic wastelands in an effort to harm Donald Trump. Yes, their actual plan was to destroy their own states in order to “prove” that Donald Trump is destroying America!

But that’s not working, either. How do you know? Because after two weeks of repeating “Trump is fanning the flames of violence,” their replacement talking point, the entire Democrat-media complex dropped it like a can of Antifa bear mace. They all, as one, pivoted to: climate change.

On 9/15/20, they stuck Joe Biden out in front of a wheat field in Wilmington, DE, where he began yelling his speech: “But d’ya know what is actually threatening our suburbs? Wildfires are burning the suburbs in the West. Floods are wiping out suburban neighborhoods in the Midwest! Hurricanes are imperiling suburban life along our coast! [If] we have four more years of Trump’s climate denial, how many suburbs will be burned — in wildfires? How many suburban neighborhoods will have been flooded out? How many suburbs will have been blown away — in superstorms?”



Biden’s audience, four masked reporters perched in folding chairs set in white social-distance circles on the grass, didn’t say a word while the man carried on.

Biden’s handlers are obviously desperately trying to change the subject from the Democrat fires that suburbanites are really worried about.

At his rally in Henderson, NV on 9/13/20, President Trump had a strong reaction to the horrific shootings of the two sheriff’s deputies in Compton, CA: “If you murder a police officer, you should receive the death penalty. You saw the video of that animal that went up to the [police] car, did everybody see that? … I was criticized by people for calling him an animal. They said, ‘He’s a human being.’ He’s not a human being. He’s an animal.”

There you have it. There was sustained applause for the President’s remarks. Joe Biden, too, had a response to the attack. It was a vanilla PR release: “This cold-blooded shooting is unconscionable, and the perpetrator must be brought to justice. Violence of any kind is wrong. Those who commit it should be caught and punished.”

You notice that Biden cannot say that Black Lives Matter and Antifa are fomenting violence across this country. He can’t say it because they are in his Party. These people will be voting for Joe Biden because there’s a “D” next to his name. So he can’t say, “Anybody supporting organizations that encourage violence or criminal activity of any kind have no place in the Democrat Party.” He can’t disavow them. He cannot say, “Anyone who would celebrate the shooting of innocent sheriff’s deputies has no place in the Democrat Party.” That ought to tell you everything you need to know.


Cartoon ©2020 by permission of Chip Bok and Creators Syndicate, Inc.


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