“Stupid Quotes”

18 Jun 2020


“This is mostly a protest. It is not, generally speaking, unruly…” — Ali Velshi, msnbc reporter, live report from Minneapolis while standing in front of a burning building in the middle of a riot, Fox News

Ali. This was, generally speaking, a riot — with things going up in flames. Like your “journalism.”


“Yes, America is burning, but that’s how forests grow.” — Maura Healey, Massachusetts Attorney General and co-chair of the Democratic Attorneys General Association, quoted at The Washington Free Beacon

If a steaming pile of liberal BS falls in a forest, will anybody hear?


Maura Healey

“Even if people loot, so what? Burn it to the ground, you know, if that’s what it’s going to take to fix our nation.” — Air Force Col. Kim Olson, Democratic congressional candidate in Texas, quoted at The Washington Examiner

There goes your campaign, up in smoke. So what?


“Nonviolence is an important tool for protests, but so is violence.” — Slate, on Twitter

That’s so brilliant Antifa will build a statue to you. And then tear it down.


Don Lemon

“And let’s not forget, if anyone is judging this … Our country was started because: the Boston Tea Party. Rioting. So do not get it twisted and think that, ‘Oh, this is something that has not ever happened before,’ and, ‘This is so terrible,’ and, ‘Where are we,’ and ‘These savages,’ and all of that. [Rioting] is how this country was started.” — Don Lemon, anchor, as riots played out on cnn

America was started with a ratified Constitution. Because we wanted to break away from tyrants — and fake news.


“So let’s not get into these questions that may be from the small minds of some, as far as safety is concerned.” — Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), unwilling to answer whether she supports defunding the police, gop video on Twitter

You’d rather talk about raiding your ice cream freezer.


“Suddenly, Public Health Officials Say Social Justice Matters More Than Social Distance: for months, health experts told Americans to stay home. Now, many are encouraging the public to join mass protests.” — Politico

Finally. They took off their masks, and we see their contagious agenda in broad daylight.


Chuck and Nancy

“The country needs Dr. Fauci on billboards, but the President wants to put him on a milk carton. The Vice President yesterday was photographed with campaign staffers in a tight space, no social distancing.” — Chuck-You Schumer (D, NY), on the Senate floor, cheering “hundreds of thousands of protesters … in the streets shouting at the tops of their lungs,” official statement

Here’s a billboard for you: “Stop the spread — of liberalism.”


Mark Levine

“Let’s be clear about something: if there is a spike in coronavirus cases in the next two weeks, don’t blame the protesters. Blame racism.” — Mark D. Levine (D, NY), New York City Council health committee chairman, on Twitter

Who do we blame for the spikes in your city’s nursing homes?


“Why Some Democrats Worry About the Whiteness of Biden’s Inner Circle.” — The New York Times

No need to worry. Stroke the hairs on Joe Biden’s legs — and get Corn Pop’s endorsement.


“People say all the time, ‘Oh, we got to get the Vice President out of the basement.’ He’s fine in the basement.” — Terry McAuliffe (D, VA), top Biden operative, quoted at Fox News

“Vote for Biden — he’s fine in the basement.”


Joe Biden

“I’m prepared to say that I have a record of over forty years and that I’m going to beat Joe Biden. Look at my record.” — Joe Biden, cnbc interview, quoted at The Washington Free Beacon

A rare moment of sanity.


“I know a lot of weed smokers.” — Joe Biden, detailing his “Manifesto for Black America” prison reform, explaining that “no one should be going to jail for drug crime. Period. Nobody. Nobody. No matter what the crime,” cns News

That could explain a lot.


Joe Biden

“There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there who are just not very good people.” — Joe Biden, virtual town hall with black supporters, quoted at Fox News

From the Joe Biden scientific-modeling school.


“I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them.” — Katha Pollitt, columnist for the commie-pinko rag The Nation

That would make you both just not very good people.


James Carville

“What’s going on is [Trump] is going to get his ass beat. He’s going to get his fat ass beat. Now, the question is by how much … If we go and take it to him and talk about what a massive, fat failure he is, then we can run away with this thing.” — James Carville, quoted at Breitbart

The only thing you’re going to run away with is disappointment.


Nancy and Chuck

“It’s like a child who comes in with mud on their pants or something. He comes in with doggy doo on his shoes and everybody who works with him has that on their shoes too for a very long time to come.” — Nancy Pelosi, on President Trump, quoted at The [UK] Daily Mail

“Doggy doo,” Nancy? These must be the “norms” you’re always claiming to uphold.


“Obama built it. You [Trump] broke it. Biden will fix it.” — The Lincoln Project, NeverTrumpers claiming to be “true conservatives,” addressing the President on Twitter

Sounds like doggy doo. Or bull doo.


“Pandemonium ensues as she walks to the far left of the stage, like a runway supermodel, stops on a dime, poses, tilts her head slightly and smiles. Camera flashes explode. She next pivots and walks slowly to the center of the stage, freezes there and repeats the pose. Again, the flashes explode. Abrams is summoning her inner actress…” — “The Power of Stacey Abrams,” puff piece to sell her as a Biden veep choice, in The Washington Post

Stacey Abrams is a supermodel summoning her inner actress? That must be some great weed!


“‘Believe All Women’ Is a Right-Wing Trap.” — The New York Times

Tell that to Brett Kavanaugh.


“‘Believe Women’ Was a Slogan. ‘Believe All Women’ Is a Straw Man.” — The Washington Post

No wonder Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby canceled their prison newspaper subscriptions.


Hillary Clinton

“There is a correlation between countries with women leaders and very positive responses to covid-19. Women have been demonstrating the kind of inclusive, empathetic, science-based leadership that we should be trying to promote across the world.” — Hillary Clinton, virtual care summit, claiming female supremacy at pandemic handling, quoted at Business Insider

Any interesting stats about women who can’t accept that they will never be President?


“If you care about the working poor, about racial justice, and about climate change, you have to stop eating animals.” — “The End of Meat,” op-ed in The New York Times

If you care about the truth, you have to stop believing The New York Times.


“These numbers should make you more, not less, pessimistic about the economic outlook.” — Paul Krugman, New York Times economic columnist and Pulitzer Prize winner, after the Trump economy added a record 2.5 million jobs instead of losing 8 million jobs as all economic experts expected, on Twitter

Only if you’re a Democrat handicapping the November election.


Eliot Engel

“If I didn’t have a primary, I wouldn’t care.” — Rep. Eliot Engel (D, NY), overheard on hot mic while waiting to be introduced at a local news conference about the George Floyd murder, quoted at Politico

The true Democrat Party philosophy.


Photos ©2020 Shutterstock: Lemon: Gregory Pace; Olson by Eric Gay/AP; Levine: MediaPunch; Biden: Matt Slocum/AP; Schumer photo ©2020 Getty Images; ©2020 Shutterstock: Biden: Matt Slocum/AP; Carville: Andrew Harnik/AP; Hillary: Evan Agostini/Invision/AP; Engel: Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images; Polosi photo ©2020 Getty Images 


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