“Stupid Quotes”

19 Feb 2020


“Pelosi hosted a special Speaker’s meeting on [2/11/20] with a top Obama economics advisor to explain to Democrats why the economy isn’t actually as strong as Trump claims and how they can message that to voters.” Politico

Genius strategy from “Hack the Ripper.”


“When I ask people if they’re voting for Donald Trump, I hear … ‘my 401k is doing great.’ But … there are those out there who this economy is not really working for. They might have a job, but it’s not a job that pays their bills. They can get a car, but it’s a loan that’ll last them 30 years.” — Katy Tur, anchor, msnbc

A 30-year car loan? Who’s the loan shark, Hunter Biden?


“Don’t poke that in my face.” — Joe Biden, snapping at reporters and pushing away a mic while losing the New Hampshire primary, Grabien.com

This is a line old Joe has heard himself once or twice, I’d guess.


James Carville

“Right now, the most important thing is getting this career criminal who’s stealing everything that isn’t nailed down out of the White House.” — James Carville, former Clinton advisor at Vox

We already got her and her husband out in 2000, and she took the White House silverware.


“I don’t know how you win an election, 78 years old, standing up and screaming in a microphone about the revolution.” — James Carville, on Bernie Sanders, NewsBusters

Well, James, at least he isn’t screaming about the intern in a blue dress.


Bernie Sanders

“James, in all due respect, is a political hack.” — Bernie Sanders, on James Carville, cnn

Says the socialist hack.


“I’m grateful down to my toes for every person who has put their heart into our campaign. Will you chip in $3 to help Team Warren keep growing?” — Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D, MA), after coming in fourth in the New Hampshire primary, fundraising tweet

Keep your toes in your moccasins, please.


Sen. Warren

“A young girl came up to me tonight and said, ‘I’m a broke college student with a lot of student loan debt. I checked and I have $6 in the bank — so I just gave $3 to keep you in this fight.’ We’re staying in this fight for the people who are counting on us.” — Sen. Warren, a multimillionaire who proudly kept the poor girl’s money, on Twitter

The girl is clearly not getting her wampum’s worth.


“If he [Trump] could arrest every journalist he didn’t like, if he could arrest us tomorrow — let me ask you a question — do you think he would arrest us tomorrow? Do you think he would arrest the editor of The New York Times, the editor of The Washington Post, Jeff Bezos? Do you think he would arrest them tomorrow and throw them in jail to silence them? … Because if you say he wouldn’t, you’re just lying to yourself.” — Joe Scarborough, calling the President a “would-be dictator,” msnbc’s “Morning Joe,” NewsBusters

Ease up on the morning joe. You’re over-caffeinated.


Chuck Schumer

“Does anyone think it’s out of the question that President Trump might order the fbi to investigate Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, or anyone else? Without any evidence to support such an arbitrary violation of individual rights? … That is Third World behavior, not American behavior. That kind of behavior defiles that great flag that is standing above us. This is not ordinary stuff. Never seen it before with any President — Democrat, Republican, liberal, or conservative.” — Sen. Chuck Schumer (D, NY), abc News

James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Struck-Stroke-Smirk, and Lisa Page were unavailable for comment.


Chris Matthews

“Can you go to somebody who isn’t running? … How about Adam Schiff? Could [delegates] all agree, ‘Let’s give it to Schiff’?” — Chris Matthews, hoping for a brokered Democrat convention, on msnbc, quoted at The Washington Free Beacon

Getting another thrill up your leg?


Photos Carville ©2020 Dave Allocca/Starpix/Shutterstock; Sanders ©2020 Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP/Shutterstock; Warren ©2020 Matt Rourke/AP/Shutterstock; Schumer ©2020 Shutterstock; Matthews ©2020 Erik Pendzich/Shutterstock


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