“Stupid Quotes”

13 Dec 2021


“Want to see less racism and sexism in classical music? Stop calling Beethoven by his last name.” — Slate

Classic liberal idiocy by any other name is still idiocy.


“Sean Connery was a fine actor, an even better Bond. A Bond that was suave, dapper, and charismatic, but defined by a toxic masculinity that he sadly seemed to exhibit offscreen. A problematic fave. rip.” — Hanna Ines Flint, British film critic, on Twitter

Hanna Galore — a woman shaken, not stirred by her own fantasies.


“Pope Francis Urges Catholics to Pray for ‘Ethical Robots.’” — Zero Hedge, on papal warnings on any artificial intelligence or “technological progress [that] increases inequalities”

Send them to tabulate votes in Democrat wards.


Andrew Cuomo

“This is not a matter of religious freedom, right? I don’t care if you’re a Roman Catholic, you’re Jewish, you’re Muslim, you’re an atheist, you have to follow the rules of the state, the laws of the state.” — Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D, NY), quoted at Breitbart

Stalin. Mao. Cuomo. The beat goes on.


“The data is clear. ‘Living room spread’ is a big reason why covid is surging… [T]o lower the risk if you choose to be indoors … wear masks. Keep distance (even with masks on)!” — Gov. Andrew Cuomo, on Twitter

Tell it to Fredo. And leave the rest of us alone.


Gretchen Whitmer

“The fact of the matter is, covid-19 doesn’t care if we’re tired of it. covid-19 doesn’t care about a Supreme Court decision. covid-19 is … a still very real threat.” — Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D, MI), imposing new restrictions despite the Michigan Supreme Court ruling against her, Michigan’s 9&10 News

The fact of the matter is, people are more tired of Governor Gretch than they are of covid.


“[America has] that independent spirit. I can understand that, but now is the time to do what you’re told.” — Anthony Fauci, on health rules like mask-wearing, quoted by cnbc

Just follow the orders. Seems like we’ve heard that approach before.


“I have no doubt, especially if it were me. I have no doubt. I mean, I was born for that.” — Hillary Clinton, asked if a woman President would handle the pandemic better than Trump, quoted at Axios

Well, your face was born for a mask, I’ll give you that.


“In the spring, there was also a lot of public health messaging that … said outright — that if we just locked down for a couple of months, our problems would mostly be behind us, which wasn’t true then but may actually be true-ish now.” — Nate Silver, lefty “FiveThirtyEight” pollster, on Twitter

Fake-ish. Like most of Nate’s polls.


Maxine Waters

“I have worked with Crips and Bloods and gang members and all of that, bringing them along, helping to connect them to all kind of possibilities — and I’ve never encountered any of them who were as bad as the President of the United States of America.” — Rep. Maxine Waters (D, CA), video via The Hill

Auntie Maxine, straight outta Compton gang mentor.


“For those black young men who think somehow they can align themselves with Trump, not only are they terrible mistaken, any of them showing their face, I will never ever forgive them.” — Rep. Maxine Waters, quoted at Breitbart

What, are you going to send your pals in the Crips and Bloods to “educate” them?


“It’s not only that Trump has to lose; but that all his enablers have to lose. We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party. We have to level them. Because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again.” — Jennifer Rubin, “conservative” Washington Post columnist, on msnbc

Yes, we will do it again.


Robert Reich

“When this [Trump] nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.” — Robert Reichhhhhhhhh, Obama Labor Secretary, on Twitter

The “enemies list.” Funny how liberals used to claim that was evil.


Elizabeth Warren

“Donald Trump threatens the existence of human life, of all life, on this planet.” — Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D, MA), quoted in The Hill

Smoking that peace pipe all alone again, Lizzie?


Barack Obama

“For millions of Americans spooked by a black man in the White House, he [Trump] promised an elixir for their racial anxiety.” — Barack Obama, in new book, A Promised Land, as usual calling Trump voters racist, quoted at cnn

No, we were spooked by a socialist.


George Stephanopoulos

“Following Alex Trebek’s death … at age 80, George Stephanopoulos’ rep is lobbying for the abc News anchor to become the next host of the hit game show ‘Jeopardy!’” — The Wrap

I’ll take “Lightweights” for $800.


election officials nationwide find no fraud.” — huge front-page banner headline, The New York Times

Eyes closed nationwide.


“we don’t want biden — we want revenge!” — Antifa banner, at Portland riot, after the election, Oregonian photo, via Twitter

Wait, I thought the riots were Trump’s fault.


“Four years ago, I used my dog’s Xanax the night of the election. Now I have my own. Happy 2020!” — Sally Kohn, cnn commentator, on Twitter

Congratulations. To your dog.


“There is a lizard brain in this country. Donald Trump is a product of the white man’s, the anguished, nervous white guy’s lizard brain.” — Jon Meacham, liberal “Presidential historian,” on nbc, quoted in The Hill

Jon. Try listening to Beethoven. It might calm your bigotry.



“It’s legitimately hard being a first-generation woman … and being working class, trying to navigate a professional environment. It continues to take me so long to try to figure out how to look put-together without having a huge designer closet.” — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D, NY), wearing “a rust-colored suede moto jacket and a Black Panthers T-shirt,” in long loving profile and fashion spread in Vanity Fair

Amazon has vast clothing options for first-generation gals. And they deliver.


“[It’s time to] take our gloves off with Republicans. We’re always messaging around bipartisanship and how much we love working with Republicans… [T]his idea that we can win over white voters on a civility argument is, like, not a reliable strategy.” — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, complaining that “Democrats don’t want to talk about race,” in Politico

Go ahead. Take the gloves off, honey.


“Generations yet unborn will suffer the consequences of this nomination.” — Sen. Chuck Schumer (D, NY), on Amy Coney Barrett, quoted at cns News

Generations yet unborn may have a chance to be born.


“It’s sinful! It’s sinful that we have not addressed protecting the lives of the American people.” — Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker (for now), complaining about Trump’s pandemic response, which she thwarted at every turn, abc News

At least you admit it. Next step is to confess to, you know, the Thing.


“We [Democrats] are not some demonic cult like we’re portrayed to be.” — Sen. Doug Jones (D, AL), after losing his race by 20 points, complaining that Democrats couldn’t “counter the Republican narrative,” quoted at Politico

You’re portrayed to be Marxists. And that’s dead-on.


Photos ©2020 Shutterstock: Cuomo: Lev Radin/Pacific Press; Whitmer: Al Goldis/AP; Waters: Earl Gibson III/Shutterstock; Clinton: MediaPunch; Obama: Larry Marano; Reich: ERIK S LESSER/EPA/EFE; Warren: ETIENNE LAURENT/EPA/EFE; Ocasio-Cortez: Paul Sancya/AP


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