“Reclaiming My Time”

20 Aug 2020




“We are going to win four more years. And then after that we’ll go for another four years, because you know what, they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of four years.” — Donald Trump, campaigning in Oshkosh, WI, video via Twitter, 8/17/20


President Trump was joking with his rally crowd about going for a “redo,” but the fact is, he has a case. He rightly could demand to reclaim the last four years’ worth of illegal Deep State BS he’s had to put up with.

Just imagine Trump going full Congressional hearing mode, declaring “Reclaiming my time!” over and over, as when Democrats repeatedly interrupted Attorney General William Barr before he could get three words out. Over the course of the five-hour hearing on July 28, Democrats interjected that scolding phrase 29 times. Finally, Barr said, “This is a hearing. I thought I was supposed to be heard.” Nope. When Democrats make the rules, there are no rules, only Democrat power plays.

Well, now the time-reclaiming tables have turned.

On 8/18/20, Sen. Marco Rubio (R, FL), the Acting Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence announced: “We can say, without any hesitation, that the Committee found absolutely no evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government to meddle in the 2016 election.”

That came less than a month after John Solomon of Just the News reported, “[N]ewly declassified memos show [fbi] agents improperly spied on candidate Donald Trump in 2016, recording his answers and actions during counterintelligence briefings. The new memos released [on 7/23/20] … detail the fbi’s conduct during a mid-August 2016 counterintelligence briefing, Trump’s first as the gop nominee, in which an agent was secretly inserted to gather evidence of later-disproven Russia collusion.”

Boom and boom. Russian collusion was a lie, and Obama spied. Disproving four long years of Democrat attacks and media “reporting.” So who could blame Donald Trump for demanding those years back? “Reclaiming my time!”

Recently a caller told me this wasn’t an attempted coup — it was a successful coup. After all, the Obama-Biden shadow government kept Obama’s “right people” in key positions at the fbi, the doj, the State Department, and the intelligence services. The Deep State ruled the roost.

Look, it’s true they tried. But the entire purpose of the coup was to get rid of Trump — and that failed spectacularly. They did derail or delay some of the Trump agenda. The oppressive Mueller investigation, with its co-opted media, did cast a shadow. But Donald Trump is still standing. And look at what he was able to achieve anyway! As the President goes around campaigning, it takes him the better part of an hour just to list a portion of his accomplishments.

Now their fingers are being pried off the levers of power, finally. It has taken much of the President’s first term for him to fully secure all his legitimate Presidential powers. Trump 2.0 is going to be lit. It’s his time now!


Illustration ©2020 William Lesniewski for The Limbaugh Letter


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