Obama Never Left

9 Dec 2021



“If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front-man or front-woman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats, looking through the stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that.” — Barack Obama, on a hypothetical third term, cbs, 11/30/20


When people tell you who they are, believe them. Barack Hussein O just described who he is: the power behind the scenes, the puppet master pulling the strings. That’s what he’s been doing for the last four years, and that’s what he plans to do for the next four, with Joe “Big Guy” Biden/Kommie Harris as his front-people.

I first predicted this seven years ago, on January 7, 2014, while Obama was still in the White House: “Most Presidents go back to home. Now, Obama’s home is Hawaii or Chicago… But Obama is going to stay in Washington … to make sure that whatever he accomplishes is not unwound,” I said. “The Republican President, whoever he is, if there is one, his election will be said illegitimate… They’ll do everything they can to delegitimize the next President. They’ll lie, and the lies will be promoted, amplified by the media.”

Did I call it, or what?

Now, I didn’t get a certain puppet master detail right. I predicted that anytime there was any effort to change or unravel any aspect of his agenda, Obama would go on television. I predicted he would constantly attempt to undermine the new President in public. Well, that didn’t happen; Obama in fact was uncharacteristically mute. So at the time I thought, “Okay, I blew it.”

But I did not know how fundamentally right I was. The only thing I got wrong was that Obama didn’t do it publicly. He didn’t go on television, but he was running the show. My instincts on this were on the money. Everything that’s happened these past four years — the refusal to accept the 2016 election results, the lack of a peaceful transfer of power (which never did happen, by the way), the Russia hoax/attempted coup, the impeachment — all of this was directed by Obama.




Obama ran everyone — from John Brennan to James Clapper to Jim Comey to the agents at the fbi who were in on this to the “whistleblowers” to the thousands of his minions imbedded in the bureaucracy. Everybody was taking their marching orders from Obama — including the media. They allowed him to keep what he was doing under the radar and anonymous.

I should have recognized how intimately involved Obama was. He has been pulling all the strings on everything anti-Trump for the last four years. Start with the January 5, 2017 meeting in the Oval Office. Obama, Comey, and Clapper planned what was basically a sting operation for the following day at Trump Tower, a Clapper and Comey meeting with Trump. That’s when they set Trump up by telling him the ridiculous “golden showers” story, that he supposedly hired prostitutes to urinate on the hotel bed Obama had slept in in Moscow. Their mission was to get that dossier story into the news cycle. I should have known that entire operation was directed by Obama.

According to ace reporter Paul Sperry on 12/7/20, “irs tax filings reveal that Obama’s Organizing for Action paid Perkins Coie, llp $302,000 in ‘legal services’ in 2016 as Perkins Coie paid for the anti-Trump Russia dossier and spread its debunked allegations to the Hillary Clinton Campaign, dnc, Washington media, and fbi.” Yes, it was Obama money behind Christopher Steele and his fake dossier peddling Russian disinformation.



In fact every bit of the sabotage, every element in the attempt to ruin Donald Trump began with Barack Obama, according to the great reporter Lee Smith in “Behind the Scenes, Obama Never Left,” which ran in The Epoch Times on 11/17/20: “He was the first President in a century to stay in Washington after the end of his term,” writes Smith. And Obama was the first to ever interfere in the peaceful transfer of power.

He has gotten away with acting as if he’s completely uninterested in day-to-day politics, which is part of the trick. He carries himself as if Trump is beneath him, as if Obama has bigger things to do, like produce Netflix features, do Apple TV interviews, push yet another memoir, or whatever. When in fact he was intensely involved in doing everything in the shadows to undermine the will of the American electorate. Writes Lee Smith:

[R]ecords were [recently] declassified that gave evidence of Obama’s direct role in the anti-Trump operation. They showed that in January 2017, he’d tasked James Comey to continue the fbi’s phony investigation of [Lt. General Michael] Flynn. They documented that John Brennan had told [Obama] in July 2016 that Clinton had green-lighted an operation to vilify Trump as a Russian agent. Months later, Obama directed Brennan to produce an intelligence community assessment replicating Clinton’s smear campaign that delegitimized not only Trump’s Presidency but also [the November 2016] election.

On 11/15/20, Barack Obama went on “60 Minutes” to smugly boast about how well he managed the transition to the incoming Trump Administration: “There are a set of traditions that we have followed in the peaceful transfer of power. The outgoing President congratulates the incoming President, instructs the government and the agencies to cooperate with the new government coming in… [T]he new President is sworn in and at that point, the outgoing President is a citizen like everybody else and owes the new President the chance to do their best on behalf of the American people.”

Well, that didn’t happen for a single minute. “The Obama-Trump Transition Was More Like Sedition,” writes our friend Julie Kelly at American Greatness on 11/16/20:

At the very moment Barack Obama welcomed Trump to the Oval Office on November 10, 2016 for a kumbaya photo op, his fbi was spying on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, and by extension, Donald Trump. Barack Obama’s fbi, under the corrupt leadership of James Comey, used fabricated political opposition research to convince a secret [fisa] court that Page was a Russian agent and had conspired with the Russians to rig the election… Comey’s fbi also was investigating [Trump’s] former campaign manager and Lt. General Michael Flynn, the incoming national security advisor… On December 9, 2016, Obama amplified the farce by instructing his intelligence community to conduct a ‘full investigation’ into the 2016 election.


Peaceful transfer of power? Hell, no.

And the sabotage has never let up. As Lee Smith explains, “‘Russiagate’ gave rise to the special counsel investigation, which transformed into impeachment, which was replaced by the Democrats’ weaponization of the coronavirus, and the subsequent razing and looting of U.S. cities.”

Which were all part and parcel of Obama’s weaponization of the 2020 election — which Obama micromanaged, starting with the Democrat primaries. He wanted Kamala Harris, but Democrat primary voters hated her. She couldn’t get a vote, she couldn’t raise money, and she got out before a single primary vote was cast. But Obama found a way around his own party’s voters.

Lee Smith lays it out: “[I]n the first week of March, Obama’s establishment pushed out Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and Elizabeth Warren to consolidate support behind Biden. In the age of coronavirus, a … voluntary shut-in [Biden] was the perfect role model for Americans forced to stay home. And Obama made sure they did.” Get this:

In April, [Obama] told Democratic mayors on a conference call not to reopen their cities until coronavirus testing and monitoring were available nationwide. Shutting down the economic activity of major U.S. cities would put limits on any economic rebound and thereby hamper Trump’s reelection chances. covid-19 also became the platform for the massive vote-by-mail campaign, which Obama promoted the same month … alert[ing] Democratic voters that his was the hand driving the Biden campaign.

So even the lockdowns in these Democrat cities happened because Obama was ordering them. It wasn’t Biden. It wasn’t Cuomo. It wasn’t de Blasio. They were the order takers. So the mayor of Portland, the governors of Washington state, New Jersey, Michigan, California, all of them were taking their orders to lock down from Barack Hussein O. Those orders continue to this day.

Now, it may not have taken a whole lot of brain power to predict this, but Joe Biden is not going to serve out the first year of his first term. You know it; I know it. He was never intended to stay President. He was a placeholder from the get-go. Biden will serve at the pleasure of Barack Obama, period. It is Obama who is totally running the Democrat Party’s political operation. And make no mistake, Obama has been running it since he left the White House on January 20, 2017.

And he has not stopped. So now it’s Barack Obama directing operations for the media to finally notice the Hunter Biden story. But why? Because what they really want is Kommie Harris as a proxy. She is so radical left that she could never have won the White House in a real election. But Obama is jamming her in there precisely because she will owe him. He wants to install her because she will reflect the kind of politics he wants coming out of the Oval Office: his.

In the 11/20/20 interview with Stephen Colbert on cbs, Obama said this: “You don’t have to call me Mr. President; you can just call me President.”

He means it. Forever.


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