News Digest

9 Dec 2021

Archive [December 1999]


Brain Drain

brain drain

Well, scientists think they may have located the moral compass. The November issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience reports: “A key part of the brain’s circuitry for learning moral and social rules lies right behind the forehead, a study suggests.” Previous studies have shown that adults who receive injuries to the prefrontal cortex can start acting irresponsibly. In the new study, lead author Steven W. Anderson and colleagues at the University of Iowa College of Medicine concentrated on two adults who sustained prefrontal cortex damage as toddlers. The scientists posit that early injury may prevent certain people from learning the rules of society. Writes Anderson: “The man and woman were reared in stable homes and had normal intelligence … But both engaged in petty thievery, lied habitually … acted irresponsibly sexually and showed no guilt or remorse for their behavior … for these two people, the brain damage apparently kept them from absorbing lessons taught through reward and punishment in childhood.” Hmmm. Anyone spring to mind here? Perhaps that’s the real explanation of the conflict between Bill Clinton’s mother and grandmother. Maybe someone dropped him on his head.


Clinton Edifice

clinton edifice

The Clinton Presidential Library planned for Little Rock is in big trouble. The New York Post’s Neal Travis reports that at least one of the donors believed to have pledged between $5 million and $10 million has said “forget it!” The potential patrons of the Clinton legacy are miffed at the soaring expense of building the library, which could reach $125 million.

The Washington Post recently claimed that between $20 million and $130 million has been pledged for the Clinton shrine, but it looks like that figure is wildly inflated. Hollywood mogul David Geffen even had to cancel a big fundraiser at his home for lack of interest.

“It just seems obscene to be trying to raise so much money for a monument to himself,” one Left Coast supporter told Travis. Obscene? Clinton? Nah.

“I’ve chipped in for the Clinton defense fund,” the supporter went on to complain. “I’ve contributed a heap to the Democratic Party, and I’m supporting Al Gore. But I don’t like their idea that I’m automatically going to help pay for some edifice down in Arkansas.”

You know, there’s an easy way to solve the cost problem for the building. 1) Scrap all of Clinton’s dishonest statements and documents during his Presidency. 2) Exclude all sexually-oriented materials having to do with the Clinton Administration. Take both those steps and you could house the Clinton library in a locker at the Little Rock bus depot.



Fight the Real Enemy

fight the real enemy

A decade after the end of the Cold War, what do you suppose is the biggest issue for the Pentagon? Introducing a nuclear warhead design that the Chi-Coms can’t download? Inventing a cruise missile programmed not to go off in the vicinity of aspirin factories? Nope. The Department of Defense is proposing to ban ATM machine surcharges on all U.S. military bases in this country and abroad. The point is to help military personnel who are financially strapped. After all, these ATM fees add up. Surcharges can average as much as $1.20!

Jon Golinger of the California Public Interest Research Group says the idea “is a nuclear bomb that spells the beginning of the end of the ATM fee rip-off.”

Hey, I have a better idea. How about something that will actually make a difference in people’s lives — as well as being the morally correct thing to do. I propose this: no taxes for anyone serving in the United States military.




As I’ve reported before, development plans in San Bernardino County have collided with the federally protected Delhi Sands fly. Last year, the feds provided $6 million for “habitat conservation” plans in the county for the poor, endangered fly. But that isn’t enough. Turns out the Delhi Sands fly’s potential habitat is real, real big. As The San Bernardino County Sun reports: “The cost to buy the land the Delhi Sands fly might inhabit could be more than $200 million.” The land it might inhabit!

“Congress is going to have to step up the [financing],” says Randy Scott, San Bernardino County planning manager. Sure. Just charge it to the American taxpayer.

Here’s the latest plan, as reported by The Sun: “During [a] meeting at the county’s Government Center, Fish and Wildlife officials presented maps of a proposed corridor linking fly reserves in different cities. The east-west passageway, which Fish and Wildlife biologists think flies would follow, starts in Colton near Agua Mansa Road and runs along Jurupa Avenue through Fontana to Interstate 15 and then goes in a north-south direction through Ontario.”

In other words, they want to maintain long stretches of undeveloped land to allow for a fly transportation system! These people are hoping that a “route” connecting the “fly reserves” will encourage the fly to go from place to place and “recolonize.” But get this: “There’s no guarantee the fly would stay on the proposed path linking the reserves.”

It’s over, folks!


Semper Fun

Semper Fun

The United States Marines has a long, proud tradition of excellence and high standards. Its rigorous training and single-minded dedication to military discipline sets it apart — and goes a long way to explain why the Marines have had none of the recruiting and retention problems common in the military under Bill Clinton. But now the Marines have a new General, who is pushing gobbledygook concepts such as “holistic readiness” and “empowerment.”

Gen. James Jones took over command of the 172,000 troops in June. The London Daily Telegraph reports that the new commander wants the troops “to start loosening up.” Says Jones: “I think it’s important that, while people do these very demanding and difficult things, that we also find ways in which to allow them to have some fun.”


Gen Jones says that he will “empower” lower ranks to give “feedback” about the way the corps is run. Oh, geez. He says: “We need leaders who will take leave, go on vacation, so that some of their subordinates will.”

Pray for the Marine Corps.



A Lewinsky at Georgetown

a lewinsky at georgetown

Did you know there was a whole course at Georgetown University Law Center on Bill Clinton’s legal lapses? There is, and 65 second-and third-year students are taking the class, which “explores the myriad constitutional issues surrounding the President’s numerous legal problems,’’ according to The Washington Post. Last month the Clinton class had a guest speaker — Monica Lewinsky. I kid you not. Ms. Lewinsky took time out from all her business ventures that exploit her dalliance with the President — to exploit her dalliance with the President. One member of the class said the Teacher for a Day was very “articulate and thoughtful.” Which would be a first. Here is The Post’s snapshot: “Crossing and uncrossing her legs, she confided to her ‘students’ that she was ‘having a bad hat day,’ and then removed her Chateau Marmont chapeau, according to a witness.’’ No word on how many parents demanded their tuition money refunded.


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