News Digest

17 Sep 2020



Freak Chic

Freak Chick

What’s trendy on the left these days? Arson, looting, rampaging, and vandalism — and the best threads to wear while making mayhem. The Washington Post just ran a long style-spread celebrating Portland rioters, featuring all-black ensembles, gas masks, homemade shields, and outfits ready for Molotov-ing. While most Oregonian rioters are white college-educated millennials, reporterette Marissa J. Lang showcases model anarchists who check the left’s diversity boxes. Such as “Afro-Indigenous sisters Essence Belle, a horticulturist, and Kia Rae, a healer and licensed massage therapist.” Each race and gender representative is first pictured in an everyday home-and-garden setting, and then dressed to kill in riot gear in a slick studio closeup. The headline declares that “Protest Is What Portland Does Best.” Yes, Portland may be falling apart at the seams as these self-styled Marxist revolutionaries destroy it. But the Democrat-run city takes pride in being the riot fashion capital of the world.



Mickey-Mouse Mix-Up

Mickey-Mouse Mix-Up

Well, isn’t this just ducky — Donald Ducky. Some of Rhode Island’s taxpayers were underwhelmed when they got refund checks in the mail bearing Mickey Mouse’s “signature,” with Walt Disney’s John Hancock where the State Controller’s should have been. According to the state’s Department of Revenue, this was a “technical error in the automated refund check printing system.” The fake signatures were “incorrectly sourced” from their “test print files.” Uh-huh. The fictional monikers appeared on tax credit refunds, tax rebates, and corporate tax refunds. Rhode Island officials say the checks have been voided and new checks mailed to those who got the mickey-mouse mistakes. Rhode Island’s state motto is simply “Hope,” and taxpayers certainly hope revenuers get it right this time. Will receiving a state check signed by a cartoon character make people lose faith in government? One can hope.



Reign of Error

Reign of Error

Representatives of the party of death — the Democrats — made a special appearance on the streets of Manhattan, in between riots. As reported in The New York Post, New York City teachers, ticked off at being expected to honor their contracts for the 2020-21 school year, carried coffins, body bags, and a homemade guillotine with “doe” [Department of Education] painted on the blade. Marchers croaked that “the current model does not go far enough in terms of safety or logistical specificity.” Which isn’t very catchy, as protest chants go. These paranoid non-essential workers are basically complaining about being exposed to icky germs if they’re forced to actually go to work. Truth is, the worries about “exposure” should go the other way. Students are much safer when they’re kept away from these socialist indoctrinators. With more and more parents everywhere learning what teachers have been up to, heads are gonna roll.


Pretend Friend

Pretend Friend

BethAnn McLaughlin, founder of MeToostem, was foundering soon after she started the nonprofit to help sexual harassment victims in the science fields. People began quitting the organization left and left. The only two black female employees resigned because “white leadership input was prioritized over our own.” Then BuzzFeed reported allegations that McLaughlin harassed her own staff.

What’s an entitled activist to do? Create a fictional chum of color to prove her wokeness alliances. According to The Daily Caller, McLaughlin made up a Twitter account, Sciencing-Bi. She invented a bio for this account as a Native American professor at Arizona State University [asu]. And then the kicker: McLaughlin pretended Sciencing-Bi kicked the bucket.

McLaughlin posted a eulogy, claiming Sciencing-Bi, who was “more loving than everyone else,” died of covid-19 after her university forced her to teach in-person. Twitter erupted in anger, hurling verbal abuse at asu and (naturally) President Trump, and praising the apex victimhood of this poor female Hopi bisexual professor, sacrificed for the white supremacist systemically racist patriarchy.

But the university noticed that no Native American bisexual prof was dead of covid. And besides, it had no in-person teaching, having gone virtual last March. “Unfortunately, this appears to be a hoax,” said asu spokesperson Jerry Gonzalez. More proof of what I’ve been saying for years, folks: Twitter isn’t the real world!


Illustrations ©2020 Allison Smith; Money Won’t Buy Hoppiness photo ©2020 Shutterstock/somchaij; Can’t Take My Eyes Off Moo photo ©2020 Ben Yexly/UNSW; Micky Mouse Mix-Up screenshot WJAR; Franken-Mind photo ©iStock/Nikola Nastasic; Reign of Error ©2020 Dan Herrick; Pretend Friend ©2020 Shutterstock; Dumbwaiter screengrab USA Today


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