News Digest

13 Dec 2021



Trump Derangement Syndrome 101


Feminists want equality and special treatment, and now they can get it via a new course available this spring at Tulane University. Professorette Kate Baldwin is teaching a class called “Feminism After Trumplandia.” Because Trump’s policies apparently created “an unprecedented dystopia for women across the political spectrum.”

The class description cites policies like “the Muslim ban,” the defunding of Planned Butcherhood, and “rescinding of protections for transgender students.” There you go. Modern-day feminism says it’s all men’s fault, but it’s also immoral to categorize people as binary.

Campus Reform reports that the course will cover authors like commie Angela Davis and Shulamith Firestone, who was inspired by Karl Marx (who was, by the way, a man) to attack the “sexual class system.” Despite all this, Prof. Baldwin claims Feminism After Trumplandia “is not a politically partisan course.” Right. I’m sure it will be as ideologically diverse as the Biden-Harris Regime.

Well, Trumplandia-friendly Tulane students could always spend the semester studying a broad instead. Oh, wait.



Cosmic Fuzzball

Cosmic Fuzzball

Once upon the universe, we were told that what goes into a black hole stays in a black hole. As reported by Popular Mechanics, string-theory scientists now say that black holes may not be matter-sucking abysses in the sky after all. They could be balls of stringed matter tangled together. The universe’s balls of yarn.

In the article titled “Black Holes May Not Be Black Holes at All. They May Actually Be Fuzzballs,” Paul Sutter from says, “[I]n a neutron star, atomic camaraderie breaks down and dissolves, leaving behind just neutrons crammed together as tightly as possible. With fuzzballs, the fundamental strings stop working together and simply crowd together, becoming a large, well, ball of strings. A fuzzball.”

New research suggests that old black holes don’t just suck in new matter; they also spit it out. On the other hand, scientists aren’t even sure if fuzzballs are the black holes they’ve been monitoring, or if fuzzballs simply wind up within a black hole.

So what’s the truth, the hole truth, and nothing but the truth? Here’s my theory, which is just as good as any string theorist’s: the universe is actually echoing the message I’ve always told you, writ large across the stars: Rush Limbaugh — a harmless, lovable little fuzzball.



Big Battle Bot

Big Battle Bot

As you know, the Japanese love their cyborgs. But now they’ve gone the extra mile with a 60-foot-tall automaton. It’s designed to look like it stepped out of “Mobile Suit Gundam,” a popular Japanese cartoon that features gigantic battle robots controlled by humans. While this huge Gundam robot won’t actually fire at the enemy, it can move its head and limbs. But it doesn’t byte. Reuters reports that the Gundam robot is the star of Gundam Factory, a theme park that opened in Yokohama in December.

At a press conference unveiling the robo giant, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato said he hoped the Gundam robot would attract tourists to “recharge their batteries,” enjoy the city, and, oh yeah, revive the local economy. Kato added, “Of course, we now have the coronavirus issue. I want people to tackle [entertaining] endeavors like this while making an effort to prevent the spread of infection.” You better build your bot a gargantuan Gundam face mask, Mr. Kato. Or the tourist Karens will shut you down.


Illustrations ©2021 Allison Smith for The Limbaugh Letter; Cosmic Fuzzball photo of Limbaugh ©2021 Brian Smith; Fuzz Ball and Space photo ©2021 Shutterstock; Disgraced Lib Rewards frame photo ©2021 Shutterstock; Big Battle Bot photo ©2021 imageBROKER/Shutterstock


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