My Call for an Obamagate Special Counsel

18 Jun 2020

Teachable Moment


“Who knew what, and when did they know it? … Were they trying to cover something up? Was it a massive U.S.-led, [intelligence]-community-led disinformation campaign and diversion operation? Or was it simply to delegitimize the election and sabotage this Administration?” — Sen. Ron Johnson (R, WI), Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, who now has subpoena power to investigate the origins of the Russia hoax, “Sunday Morning Futures,” Fox News, 6/14/20


“I’ve publicly made clear that this does not involve looking at President Obama or Vice President Biden; I think the people that we’re looking at are not at that level … [But] I’m very troubled by what has been called to my attention so far.” — William Barr, U.S. Attorney General, on federal prosecutor John Durham’s investigation into criminality by the Obama coupists; Barr acknowledged that some familiar names are under criminal investigation, Fox News, 6/9/20


counsel seal


Some weeks ago, a caller asked me when I thought Obama was going to be indicted. My answer: “It’s not going to happen.” That lit you people up. Snerdley spent the rest of the show sending me callers who were livid at me, accusing me of selling out.

I was just being honest. We don’t criminalize former Presidents. And there’s a reason for that. Because if you could take criminal action against an ex-President with whom you disagree politically, it would render the Presidency almost toothless. And I understand this. You live with it; you die with it.

We’ve been able to survive with that treatment of ex-Presidents for as long as the country has been around. That’s not to say it doesn’t frustrate me, folks. It frustrates me out the wazoo. Everybody in the Obama Administration behind the coup, including James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Strzok-Stroke-Smirk, all of them, ought to get the Paul Manafort treatment. They all deserve to have happen to them exactly what they did to the Trump team — particularly since everything they did was a lie. There wasn’t a single piece of evidence in three years of investigating it or reporting on it.

So what is to be done about the people leading the coup? Who are still at it, by the way. I came across an article by Frank Miele, a Real Clear Politics columnist: “Trump Must Name Special Counsel on Obamagate.” His thesis is that Obama should not get a pass. Miele thinks none of the plotters ought to get a pass, because if they do, there will never be any limit on them, ever.

He makes the case that President Trump must throw back at these people exactly what they threw at Trump — and at us. Don’t forget, everything that was aimed at destroying Trump and reversing the election results was actually aimed at us, the people who voted for Trump, those who continue to support Trump. 

And that is true. I was not saying that Obama and his minions shouldn’t face the music. I have always said there has to be accountability, because what they did is unprecedented in American politics. Everybody considers Watergate the absolute worst political scandal in our history; but Watergate is Romper Room compared to Obamagate, given how deeply integrated it was with the highest levels of law enforcement and intelligence — all the way up to the Oval Office in the Obama Regime. I was just saying hundreds of years of American tradition belie leveling criminal charges against a former President. Which the Attorney General echoed.

But Frank Miele makes a good argument. He is livid about Barr’s dismissing the prospect of pinning Obama’s and Biden’s malfeasance where it belongs: on Obama and Biden. The proposal he advances for an Obamagate Special Counsel is a serious one.

Honestly, I love this. I love the reciprocity. These people ought to get exactly what they dished out. I think they ought to get an endless investigation. The investigation should even be loaded with a bunch of Republicans biased against Obama — just replicate everything. Stack the deck the way Mr. Integrity, Robert Mueller, did.


Obama Gate


Miele is incensed that Barr pronounced both Obama and Biden off-limits. As AP reported on 5/18/20, Barr said: “Whatever their level of involvement, based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man. Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others.”

This is the point of the column where Mr. Miele loses it. So just hold on a minute, he writes. Obama and Biden could get off scot-free, “whatever their level of involvement”? Why? And if the Attorney General is afraid to look at wrongdoings at the highest level, asks Miele, then how can he be expected to put the Constitution first?

And that is a legitimate question. But look, Barr is not “afraid.” He is adhering to historical precedent. The Justice Department didn’t prosecute Richard Nixon. President Gerald Ford even pardoned him. As long as Nixon agreed to leave, that was the deal. And his enemies got to continue to roast him as though he were a criminal every day for the rest of his life.

Miele is furious at what Barr said next: “As long as I’m Attorney General, the criminal justice system will not be used for partisan political ends. And, this is especially true for the upcoming elections in November.”

Well, that sure as hell is convenient for Biden, Miele points out. The criminal justice system and the intelligence community were used for partisan political ends by the Obama-Biden Regime, and voilà, now that their victim is readying the counterpunch, the referee calls the fight. And besides, this Obama-Biden record of malfeasance and corruption is exactly what should be adjudicated as part of the upcoming elections.

But Barr says, “We live in a divided country. I think it’s critical that we have an election where the people are allowed to make the choice between Trump or Biden based on robust policy issues.” The corruption of the American government and its agencies under Obama-Biden is a policy issue. In fact, it’s the most critical one.

According to Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch, Barr’s comments mean that the Justice Department “ain’t gonna do justice.” So it’s up to Trump to appoint a Special Counsel “outside the Justice Department” to determine whether prosecutions are necessary.


Fitton was asked to name anyone now in Washington who could be trusted to act as a Special Counsel, and he picked Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn’s lawyer. That is a good answer to an excellent question. If we’re going to have a Special Counsel looking into Obamagate — and I wholeheartedly call for one, by the way — who do you pick? Besides Sidney Powell, you know who would be a great Special Counsel? Andrew McCarthy.

I think naming Andrew McCarthy as a Special Counsel would be like putting Arnold Palmer as the captain of the Ryder Cup team. You couldn’t reach any higher level of integrity or honesty or unimpeachable judicial independence. Whatever McCarthy ended up reporting, it would have enormous credibility. Over a lifetime of achievement, he has earned that reputation.

McCarthy is a former U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York. He successfully prosecuted “the Blind Sheikh,” who was the mastermind behind the first terror attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. He’s only got one little black mark on his résumé: he used to be friends with Patrick Fitzgerald, the Special Prosecutor who sent Scooter Libby away for nothing. I’m joking about the black mark. Andy’s a friend, so I can kid.



I’m telling you that McCarthy would be ideal. He understands like nobody in that town what the Russia collusion hoax was really all about. He knows how high it went and how deep, he knows the chronology, the fbi timeline, the fisa abuse, he knows the background and the details and the entire context of what happened. Miele says, “The only chance to make sure that politics plays no role in the investigation is to appoint a Special Counsel who would proceed without regard to the outcome of the upcoming election. That really is the only hope of we have for getting to the truth.” And there is no one better to follow the facts and the law than Andy.

Miele then says to “assure moral justice, President Trump must also appoint a separate Special Counsel to investigate Biden for his self-confessed role in bribing the president of Ukraine back in 2016.” You remember the story. The Ukraine prosecutor was investigating Biden’s son Hunter, and Biden said, “You better fire that prosecutor who’s looking into my kid or you’re not gonna get the billion dollars we promised you. Don’t believe me? Call Barack; he’ll tell you.” So Ukraine fires the prosecutor; Biden then appears before the Council on Foreign Relations and starts bragging about how he got the prosecutor fired, laughing about it, and everybody in the room applauds this tremendous corruption. Then they try to impeach Trump for looking into it!

So where does this leave us? Right now, Sen. Ron Johnson’s committee is investigating why the U.S. government pressured Ukraine to get rid of the Ukraine prosecutor. But as Sen. Johnson explains, his role is to get the information to the public. His committee does not prosecute. Both roles are critically important, and the prosecution role — John Durham aside — is languishing. I hereby call for the President to name a Special Counsel immediately.


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