Meeting Hate with Love

17 Sep 2020


“What I’m worried about is this country descending into a race war.” — Mayor Muriel Bowser (D, DC), quoted in The Hill9/1/20


“I love the people… We are all in this together… There was love on the streets, I can tell you, of Wisconsin when we were coming in. There was love on the streets. And so many African Americans, Hispanic Americans, I can see waving… It was so beautiful to see.” — President Trump, visiting Kenosha,, 9/2/20


“We love you! We love you!” — Trump rally crowd, chanting to President Trump, who momentarily choked up, Fox News, 9/10/20


There is a cynical saying that “patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels.” No. Wrong. The last refuge of political scoundrels is trying to start a race war. Hello, modern-day Democrat Party. And “scoundrels” is a kind word for them.

Take Bill Ayers, Barack Obama’s commie pal, whose entire adult life has been devoted to attempting to destroy America via uprising and civil war. On 9/11/20 he touted the unrest in U.S. cities, posting at “Am I the only one, or do you feel eerily that we’re living in Kansas, 1859, and that tensions are boiling over, but only years later will people say, ‘Yes, the Civil War began there and then?’” He’s excited about it.

This is the guy who founded the domestic terror group Weather Underground, which carried out bombing campaigns against “the system,” including New York City police headquarters (1970), the U.S. Capitol building (1971), the Pentagon (1972). He pops up when he smells peril to America, which makes him happy. Nineteen years ago, on the morning of 9/11/01, hours before the planes hit the Twin Towers, The New York Times lovingly profiled Ayers, quoting him: “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” And now he’s itching for a new civil war.

His ideological offspring — Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the black bloc anarchists — are now in the streets creating mayhem, attacking cops, businesses, and white people while chanting, “This is not a riot — this is a revolution!” and “White silence is violence!” and “Who do we protect? Black criminals!”

Meanwhile, Washington, D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser held a press conference to declare that she’s worried about America descending into a race war. If I may be so bold, I think she’s worried there might not be a race war.

I believe the Democrat Party power brokers — the wannabe “Harris Administration together with Joe Biden” and whoever is in the shadows behind them, pulling their strings — are attempting, and have been for a while, to literally foment a race-based civil war. I think that has been the deliberate objective. They have been throwing nothing but hate at Donald Trump to goad him into responding in kind. 

And that is where Trump has been brilliant. He has not given hate for hate. Democrats have ladled it on, hoping he will hammer them back. But they have completely misjudged him — and misjudged the country.



Case in point: the Republican convention. You couldn’t find a shred of hate. All you found was love and appreciation. It was one of the most diverse political conventions I have ever seen, one that was uplifting to me personally. I needed to be uplifted at that point in time. And Trump and that convention heartened me. I know it had the same effect on a lot of other people.

Trump is not merely running for reelection. The story the President told at the Republican National Convention — and believe me, it was his vision — is ultimately about saving this country from the race war that I firmly believe the left is attempting to incite.

It is patently obvious now that Democrats want this election, and the state of America, to be black versus white. Not only left versus right, male versus female, straight versus gay. They want it to be chiefly race against race. And Trump didn’t buy into it. He didn’t take the bait. The President celebrated people of all backgrounds who overcome obstacles, who relish and pursue the blessings of liberty, who are constructive, who are productive and generally happy — that’s us. Contrast that with the people on the left who are, let’s face it, miserable.


Rush in Trump speed boat


I don’t care what they claim, but Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and the rest are not happy people. The closest they get is when they cheer the murder of a Trump supporter, as happened in Portland, or when they celebrate an attempted assassination of two sheriff’s deputies sitting in their squad car, as happened in Compton, CA. They express a sick happiness, and it’s phony, when they loot, burn, destroy private property, and engage in general mayhem. That doesn’t make normal people happy. But this is who we’re dealing with. People who are violent, hateful, and parasitic.

That’s the difference: joy versus misery; constructive versus destructive; love for America versus hate for America. This transcends categories like race. It’s a message that Trump conveyed throughout the convention — and, in truth, throughout his Presidency. And by promoting it, I literally believe that Donald Trump may be saving America from a fate you and I don’t want to contemplate. We don’t want another civil war based on race. We don’t want race wars. We don’t want any of that, and it’s not naturally occurring. Democrats are literally trying to foment hate. It isn’t working because it’s not who the American people are, ladies and gentlemen.


Look at the difference in political expression between Trump supporters and the Democrats’ foot soldiers. Trump supporters, having been deliberately stifled by shutdown rules and social distancing limits, invented an entirely new way to rally: Trumptillas. “Parades” of boats decked out with as many Trump flags and American flags as the rigging can hold. These have been unbelievably joyful, a full-on party atmosphere of hundreds of boaters who are clearly loving life, loving being Americans, and enjoying the hell out of showing their support for President Trump. It’s infectious. And with cooler weather, the boat parades are giving way to highway parades — with thousands upon thousands of cars honking and displaying Trump regalia.

On the left? Hellish scenes of burning buildings, rioting, and leftists screaming vile curses at police. And, according to Axios, $2 billion in property damage, the most expensive in insurance history.

We’re really looking at good versus evil. There’s no other way to put it.

According to The Washington Examiner, “Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Jumps Nine Points During gop Convention.” The Hill-HarrisX poll shows that 24 percent of registered black voters approve of the job Trump is doing. As do 32 percent of Hispanic voters. It’s just another indication that we are in the era of the new Trump Republican Party. Here’s what came across: Trump cares about everybody.

Remember, I know this guy. I may be more knowledgeable about who Donald Trump is than anybody in the media. I’m not his closest friend, but I understand him. I think Trump cares about people much more than any Democrat you can name. He really cares about black people. He really cares about Hispanics. He cares about the average American, the people who make this country work. And they know it.

Do you know anyone else in the Republican Party who could have made such gains? I don’t. Folks, we have been feeling the rumbles for four years, but there has now been a seismic shift in politics. After the conventions, the ground shook. What emerged was the new Trump Republican Party. It’s the Party of the little guy. It’s the Party of working America, not politicians, not elitist think-tank denizens. It’s a Party of and for individuals.

It’s also a Party that solves problems. That’s what Donald Trump does — and it has reminded us of who we are as Americans. Our can-do spirit is reawakening, as is our confidence in “good-old American know-how.” Long may it live!


Illustration ©2020 by Christopher Hiers created for The Limbaugh Letter


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