Look Out for Coup 3.0

19 Feb 2020

Do Not Doubt Me


Rush Limbaugh


“[F]or most in … the left, this is no longer about principle. it is about power and control. And power is a more corruptive influence than money. That’s why they are willing to stop at nothing as they experience the worldwide rejection of their ideas.” — me, See, I Told You So, 1993


“The Democrats never stop fighting, just like the old communists. They never go away. They never give up, never accept defeat.” — me, EIB, 6/27/16


They bombed out with “Russia, Russia” and “Ukraine, Ukraine” — their first two big coup attempts, Robert Mueller and impeachment. Layer those against three years of smaller schemes (Stormy Daniels, “Anonymous,” 25th Amendment, Emoluments, etc.) aimed at kicking Trump out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue — and they’ve got squat. Zip, zero, nada.

But that doesn’t mean it’s over, folks. After Trump was acquitted, a 2/5/20 Washington Examiner editorial headline declared “A Fitting End to a Political Impeachment.” Sorry, this isn’t the end, not by a long shot. We can’t be naïve. And sure enough, less than a week later Politico reported, “With Impeachment in Rear View, Pelosi Looks to Next Attack on Trump.” That’s exactly what they’re all doing right this minute: plotting the next attack.

The left is never, in any shape, manner, or form, deterred by a lack of success. They see it as temporary. Like commies, they take the long view. The entire left — Democrats, the drive-bys, and the Deep State — is unified around one goal: getting rid of Trump. Russia collusion, the Mueller Report, the “Insurance Policy,” the Fake Dossier, Pajama-Boy “Whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella, Lt. Col. Alexander (“O Say Can You See”) Vindman, Lev Parnas, leaks, surveillance, spies, intelligence community plants, and on and on, are all puzzle pieces in the larger operation.

Coup 1.0 (Russian collusion narrative) failed; Coup 2.0 (impeachment) failed. They have doubtless already set Coup 3.0 in motion. When that fails, it’s on to Coup 4.0. But beware: this leaves them only nine months before the November 2020 election to overturn the results of the November 2016 election. So the agenda is moving at hyper-speed.

Shortly after the Senate acquittal vote closed down the Schiff/Nadler road show, Judy Woodruff interviewed Rep. Schiff on pbs NewsHour. “There are calls to subpoena John Bolton,” she noted. “Will there be more investigations? Could there be more impeachment charges brought against the President in the House?” Schiff replied, “We’ve made no decisions about any next steps.”

This was just one more of the many lies Schiff told during the 134-day impeachment farce. That same night on The Rachel Maddow Show, according to Axios, Schiff said they are “discussing” the possibility of “mov[ing] forward with a subpoena.” Meanwhile, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler’s (D, NY) answer to the same question, as reported by The Washington Post, was: “When you have a lawless President, you have to bring that to the fore. You have to spotlight that.”

The de facto head of Coup 3.0, The Washington Post, shored up any wavering Democrats by supplying talking points, including “The investigation into what Trump did is not over”:

There will be more revelations about what Trump’s intentions were when he paused Ukraine’s aid and asked Ukraine’s president to investigate the Bidens, whether they come from former national security advisor John Bolton’s book, or from others who resisted House subpoenas speaking out, or from witnesses called by House Democrats.

In “Can Trump Be Impeached Again?” The Post’s Amber Phillips weighed in with helpful tips from “impeachment expert” Sarah Burns: “There is nothing in the Constitution prohibiting another impeachment trial of Donald Trump. They could even retry him for these charges if they so choose. For example, if John Bolton … or anyone else can prove that there was a threat to national security, the House could reopen the case.”

Got that, Dems? Greg Sargent made the directive very clear in The Washington Post:

House Democrats … can redouble their oversight and investigative efforts, post-impeachment, geared toward … preventing future efforts by Trump [to manipulate the election] … The impeachment and trial produced a remarkable new fact record documenting extraordinary misconduct and likely criminality on Trump’s part … demonstrating why continued efforts to protect the country [from Trump] are even more imperative.

They don’t think of Trump’s acquittal as a defeat; they see it as a blip, a bump in the road on the march to a successful coup. After all, the investigatory/prosecutorial architecture remains in place for a future operation. We get just a peek at this on page 13 (vol. I) of the Mueller Report outlining the Special Counsel’s “team”:

19 attorneys … assisted by a filter team of Department lawyers and fbi personnel … a support staff of three paralegals … an administrative staff of nine … approximately 40 fbi agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, a paralegal, and professional staff … the fbi also embedded personnel … to send … foreign intelligence and counterintelligence information to fbihq and fbi Field Offices…

You think that “team” simply disbanded? You think they all melted into the bureaucracy, content to investigate corporate asset inflation or Martha Stewart? No, these are the core 3.0 team.


From my decades of reading the stitches on the fastball and gauging the spin on the curveball, I know one thing: these people are on the march, because the left is always on the march. Remember when the Berlin Wall fell and so many believed that communism was over? Did any leftists, progressives, or Alinskyites throw in the towel? “Oh, damn, the Berlin Wall is down! Our precious Soviet Union has collapsed. I guess that’s it for our dreams of a socialist utopia.” Not on your life.

They never stop pushing. They never stop fighting. They are relentless. They may experience setbacks but never give up the goal. Instead they keep chipping away and chipping away until normal people fold. Leftists have lost every one of their battles — abortion, gay marriage, illegal immigration, you name it — until they’ve won. They play the long game.

These people experienced a tremendous shock when Trump was elected in 2016, and they’re determined not to let it happen again. Their end game is to get a Democrat in the Oval Orifice in November — or sooner. A Democrat to keep the Deep State deep. These elitist globalists believe they have an unalienable right to rule over the rest of us. The government is their territory, and Trump has no right to it. At all costs they are intent on maintaining their cabal.


Nadler Schiff


This is not some academic or theoretical exercise. Donald Trump is in a politically deadly battle. Either he wins, or we all lose. It’s as simple as that, folks. And the Democrats know this.

On msnbc, House Judiciary Committee member Jamie Raskin (D, MD) declared, “We have to use all the oversight powers we have … Just because we’ve impeached the President does not mean his schemes have stopped. He continues to be a one-man crime wave.” Nancy Pelosi continued her Party’s anti-Trump smears, as quoted at the The Hill: “Sadly, because of the Republican Senate’s betrayal of the Constitution, the President remains an ongoing threat to American democracy, with his insistence that he is above the law and that he can corrupt the elections if he wants to.”

So far, this sort of calumny has driven the Democrats farther and farther away from their goal. From the beginning to the end of the impeachment fiasco, Trump’s approval rating soared by 10 percent, according to Gallup. President Trump is stronger and more confident than ever. He appears to have vanquished the ankle biters. But they aren’t finished. Folks, don’t for a minute think that their quiver is empty. There will be something, and it’s going to be as outrageous and ridiculous as all the other attempts have been.

John Crudele of The New York Post theorizes that they already might be working on it, via the Fed, in his piece “A Crash in the Stock Market Would Be Democrats’ Last-Ditch Effort to Topple Trump”:

The Democrats need something. So what can they try next to make that something happen? With all else failing, there is only one thing big enough that might make people turn against Trump: a crash in the stock market … It’s going to take something big to make Americans miserable right now. And while most people aren’t invested heavily in stocks, the blaring headlines that the press will deliver if the stock market craps out will get into voters’ heads…

I suppose it’s possible they’ll try that, but the headwinds of the Trump economy are just too strong to be stifled by any pathetic Democrat sabotage. Or maybe, as President Trump predicted in his East Room speech after the acquittal vote, as reported by The Washington Post, they’ll try a second impeachment: “Because if they find that I happen to walk across the street and maybe go against the light or something, let’s impeach him. So we’ll probably have to do it again, because these people have gone stone cold crazy.”

True. But here’s the thing: Democrats haven’t learned a single lesson yet from any of this, which means they’ll keep on repeating their same failed strategies over and over and over. The fact is, these sad-sack leftists may get up to Coup 30.0 by the end of 2024, but they’re no match for the American people busy producing American greatness. Do not doubt me.


Photo ©2020 J. Scott Applewhite/AP/Shutterstock

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