Keep The Faith

18 Nov 2020


“Christmas [1776] 6 p.m. — The Regiments … are marching toward the ferry [to cross the Delaware]. It is fearfully cold and raw and a snowstorm setting in. The wind is northeast and beats in the faces of the men. It will be a terrible night for the soldiers who have no shoes. Some of them have tied old rags around their feet; others are barefoot, but I have not heard a man complain. They are ready to suffer any hardship and die rather than give up their liberty.” — “An Aide-de-Camp to General Washington Recounts the Battle of Trenton,” pivotal battle of the Revolutionary War, in The Battles of Trenton and Princeton


“Christmas is probably not gonna be possible.” — Jake Tapper, cnn anchor, to Dr. Anthony Fauci, who warned “public health things” are necessary “to get us back to normal,” which won’t happen “till the second or third quarter of 2021,” on cnn, 11/15/20


Two hundred forty-four Christmases ago, General Washington gave his troops the directive, “Victory or Death.” They marched toward death, and battled to victory — with its precious prize, American liberty.

Now the left has declared Christmas over before it begins. At a 11/18/20 press conference, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D, NY) announced that Christmas “is going to be the problem” due to “living-room spread” of covid-19, which will require “more dramatic” government action, according to Meaning enforced shutdowns and quarantines and the stifling of liberties: assembly, exercise of religion, commerce, movement, speech.

Well, I have a prediction for you leftists. Despite what you may hope, there will be a Christmas this year. And next year. And every year to the end of time. Neither the coronavirus nor any state edict will prevent us from celebrating one of the holiest and most treasured days of our lives. And to cnn: there isn’t a journalist who can stop it. You don’t have that kind of power, and you never will.

It’s yet another American religious and cultural tradition under assault.

The truth is, what propels today’s liberal left, energizes them, is they literally despise America. They are a threat for that reason. They have talked themselves into hating this country. That’s not healthy; it’s dangerous. Maybe there are other countries worth investing your dislike. Not this one. This is the greatest country ever, for the greatest number of people ever.



I love America as much as I love anything in life. I’m grateful that I was born an American. I have no guilt about it. What I’m interested in is spreading the concept of America as far and wide as I can. My God, this nation is a miracle. Its birth was miraculous. Our Founders were part of a blessed miracle.

I’ve been saying on the air, and I’m going to keep saying it: keep the faith, folks. Just keep the faith that the America we know, the America we love, will continue to be preserved. Keep the faith that the best days of our country are still ahead of us.

But it will take a fight.

We elected President Donald Trump in 2016 precisely to oppose and stop what we are all having to put up with right now — fraud, deceit, cheating, anti-Americanism, un-Americanism. We’ve had our fill of it. We chose Donald Trump, a fighter. And we were right.

The President must continue to fight. He has to take every legal action open to him to reverse the Democrat political election corruption and win again for the real American people.

I know it seems like an overwhelming task. We want to do everything legitimately so that when we win, it’s real. We don’t want to get anything by fakery or cheating. We want legitimate mandates, legitimate majorities. We play by the rules to get there. Yet we’re up against people who don’t, and don’t care about it. They mock us, “What a bunch of chumps you people are.” It seems like the bad guys constantly win.




But they don’t. Donald Trump was elected, and it’s obvious he was reelected. That’s why all this dirty dealing is going on. They know he was reelected.

So here’s where we are with this. This election-fraud investigation must take place and must be adjudicated. The Founding Fathers of our country knew there would always be intense political battles. They knew there would be bad actors. They were not naive. They knew from the moment they founded the United States that it would be a threat to the power hungry. They devised defense mechanisms — separation of powers, creating three branches of government, checks and balances throughout our system. It is vitally important as this investigation goes forward that our Constitutional framework be protected. It is crucial that American institutions are revered, respected, and secured.

We’ve got to get this right. Folks, the history and future of this country depend on it. If we do not, we’ll lose all integrity in elections. Democrats have already damaged that with four years of the Russian collusion hoax. Yet now that they’re claiming Joe Biden is the winner, there’s not a Russian in sight. Regardless, we cannot survive as a country where 70 million-plus voters don’t trust the outcome. And that’s where we are right now.

The left doesn’t care about election integrity. All they want is the win. They don’t care about your opinion. They just want you rendered irrelevant. And if that means they have to erase your votes, that’s exactly what they will do, without a moment’s hesitation.

So it’s up to us to preserve the rule of law. The Constitution has to dominate how we track down the fraud and how we present it to the American people. We must put our energy and faith into the founding principles and ideals of this country. That is what will get us through this. The Constitution is the rule of law; if it is adhered to, we will solve what happened. It’s a golden opportunity to shine the guiding light from our founding documents and rekindle their power.

I’m not trying to sound like a Miss America contestant, but the purpose of this is not just so Donald Trump gets a fair shake. This has to be done so our Constitution survives, so that the institutions and traditions which have defined our nation’s greatness survive. Because those are the institutions under assault. Those are what Democrats are attacking in order to seize power that they likely did not win at the ballot box.

A number of people have asked me, “You said that you’d tell us when it’s time to panic. Is it time?” Let me answer that once and for all: it isn’t time to panic, because I’m never going to panic. I’m never going to give up. It will never be time to run away from this fight for the country. I will never run away from the United States of America! I may die, but I’m not going to abandon my country.

I’m not going to give up. I’m not going to tell you we’ve reached the last straw, no way. Never, ever. Not going to happen, folks. Not as long as I’m drawing a breath.

May God bless America. Merry Christmas!


Illustration ©2020 Christopher Hiers for The Limbaugh Letter


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