Hillary The Horror Movie

19 Feb 2020


Hillary and Candidates

She’s baaa-aack. As in all horror films, the monster is relentless. To a crashing nightmarish soundtrack, it keeps returning, even after being thrown insensate into a van like a side of beef. We are seeing such a spook script unfold right now, subtitled: “The Brokered Democrat Convention.”

Hillary Clinton, who’s still not tired of losing, started laying the PR groundwork in January, with the rollout of a docuseries cleverly titled “Hillary” debuting at the Sundance Film Festival. That’s when she told Variety she was feeling the “urge” to beat Donald Trump, because the 2016 election was “a really odd outcome.” You could almost hear the theme from “Jaws.”

Throughout the month of February, she kept looming into the camera view. The Hill ran a headline with a question no one had asked, “Is Hillary Clinton Angling to Become Vice President?” Her planted narrative reared its ugly head: “Clinton and/or her team could be negotiating with … Michael Bloomberg … to join the ticket as Vice President. She would add the gravitas, delegates and, eventually, millions of votes needed to get them over the finish line … If I were in Trump’s world, this scenario would send chills down my spine.”

Well, no. But it is creeping out the Democrats.

When her name came up at a Bernie Sanders campaign event in Iowa, the crowd booed. The moderator admonished, “We’re not gonna boo! We’re classy here.” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D, MI) jumped in: “Oh, no, I’ll boo. Booooo! … No, we’re gonna boo. That’s all right, the [Bernie] haters [like Hillary] will shut up … when we win.”

Why were Bernistas booing Hillary Clinton? She had claimed that “nobody likes” Bernie Sanders. Wrong, nobody likes her! She will not leave the scene. They’re freaked that she will not just shut up and go away. She keeps haunting the Party. Worse, they know she has positioned her minions on key committees for this summer’s Democrat National Convention — including her former campaign chairman, the ghoulish John Podesta.

The truth is, nobody in the Democrat field is her malign equal. The screeching theme music from “Psycho” can be heard in the distance. Hillary Clinton already has her claws in the nominating process. She can fiendishly play Bloomie and Bernie, two old rich white guys, against each other — and then float in to possess the brokered convention. Boo.


Illustration ©2020 by Mark Herron created for The Limbaugh Letter


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