“Dittos, Rush”

9 Dec 2021

Archive [March 1999]


Bravo! Rush, I just finished reading your February Letter and must say it is the most powerful issue I have read thus far. (Incidentally, I am a charter subscriber.) The interview with Ken Carter brought tears to my eyes, since family values is a major part of my being. And, being a seasoned citizen, it has even more import. Black teachers in inner schools have made a difference, and though we don’t always know their names, they are everyday heroes. — JOHN FORRETTE, VIA E-MAIL

Coach Carter tells me he has received hundreds of letters and e-mails front my newsletter readers — encouraging him to keep on, even offering financial assistance. He said he has gotten more positive response from that interview than all other media he did combined.


As I eagerly read “Heroes in the House” in your latest Limbaugh Letter, I was struck by the obvious parallels between the commitment displayed by the Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence (brilliantly recounted in your father’s essay previously printed in The Letter) and the commitment displayed by Rep. Hyde and the other House managers in the impeachment. “There are issues of transcendent importance that you have to be willing to lose your office over,” says Mr. Hyde. I had thought that politicians of such character had died out in the 19th century. I am enormously glad, proud, and not a little relieved that at least some of them are alive and fighting for the Constitution today. — DR. EDWARD T. POWELL, ARLINGTON VA

Yes — clearly Henry Hyde and the other House managers have actually read the founding documents.


January 1999


In your January Limbaugh Letter you mentioned something that I believe demonstrates how far we have come from our Founding Fathers’ plans for this nation. You said, “Those gears are still turning — heading for the Senate — and they are now grinding up this President’s moral authority. Naturally, being a man not attuned to moral matters, he hasn’t noticed.” There is no respect for morals as the Founding Fathers demanded of those who held public office. If the average person would read what the Founders desired of our leaders, they would see that if you could not live it in private, you were not to have it in public. Just as you have said all along: “Character matters.” Thank you for your voice of truth. — Jeff Diebold, VIA E-MAIL

Yes; we have heard a million times that Bill Clinton’s misdeeds “do not rise to the level of an impeachable offense.” The truth is, Bill Clinton does not rise to the level of the Presidency.


I asked myself a question today as I looked at my renewal notice for The Limbaugh Letter. I thought: “Is Rush Limbaugh relevant anymore? Is he doing any good for the conservative cause? Does he still cast light upon the darkness?” My answer, Mr. Limbaugh, is this: I renewed my subscription to The Letter for three years (and there wasn’t even an offer of a tie, T-shirt, CD or coffee cup on the table). We need Rush Limbaugh more now than ever before because we need to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. We need Rush Limbaugh to help sort it all out and get conservatives energized. We are far from lost. But I think in some ways we are heading into the woods. Your intelligence and forward thinking can help keep us on the right path. Take care of yourself. Rush, America needs you. — PATRICK SMITH, BAKERSFIELD, CA

Good decision.


February 1999


Just got “The Self-Destruction of Liberalism” issue. Way to swing for the bleachers! I’ll only surrender my subscription to The Limbaugh Letter when liberals pry it from my cold, dead hands. — RAY L. RIVERA, LOUISVILLE, KY

And don’t think they won’t try.


Just looked back at the December, 1998 Stupid Quotes section and thought the quote by Mara Liasson quite telling: “I asked somebody [at the White House], ‘Well, how are you going to demonize Bob Livingston’ and he said only half in jest, just watch us.” Prophetic. — EDMUND J. GONZALEZ, CHANDLER, AZ

Thanks, Edmund —you are hereby appointed as an adjunct professor in the Memory Division of the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies.


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