Dick Gephardt Wants You To Be One Of The Few, The Proud, The Moderates!

9 Dec 2021

Archive [December 1998]


dick gephardt
the moderates


Be part of the new juggernaut in Washington! First we learn that a bloc of 40 moderate House Republicans might vote to kill impeachment proceedings. Bravo! At the same time, Rep. Dick Gephardt (D, MO), House Minority Leader, says he wants to “reach out to moderate Republicans to try to put together majorities in the areas of health care and education and Social Security.”

Good! In order to meet all your passionately held moderate goals, your best bet is to follow Dick Gephardt! As you do, you will help him meet his stated moderate goal: to “take the profit out of health care.” How refreshingly moderate!

It’s the first great centrist revolution. Can’t wait for the best-sellers arising from your movement: Profiles in Moderation and Great Moderates in American History (with leading centrists’ stirring memorable quotes, such as: “Give me moderation, or give me death!” Or: “I regret that I have but one life to give for my country … on the other hand, that seems so extreme.”) And here are some added benefits: in one fell swoop, Dick Gephardt busts up the Republicans, exorcises the hated “liberal” label, and aligns a new coalition against far-right-wing-extremist-pro-lifers to advance the hardline moderate agenda. With this bouquet of roses to GOP moderates (which hates the far right almost as much as the liberals do), liberals can pretend not to be liberals and recruit added manpower to demonize the right.

Sign up now! Join with all the other moderates in the U.S. Congress pictured above, as you work together to “get things done.”


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