Democrat Incitement

17 Sep 2020

Special Kind of Stupid


Democrats Donkey setting Flag on Fire


“They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop … before Election Day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day.” — Kamala Harris, on Black Lives Matter riots, “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” 6/18/20


You’ve been warned. Democrats have been threatening violence from the day after Donald Trump was inaugurated in January 2017, when hundreds of thousands of angry vagina-hatted leftist women descended on Washington and Democrat legislators stood behind Madonna while she shouted, “Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.” Kamala spoke, too, with another warning for the new President: “Buckle in, because it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.”

Well, promise kept. Four years of Democrats throwing everything at the wall hoping something, anything, would stick in their obsession to take down Donald Trump. Four years of ratcheting up their nonstop hate-filled attacks on the President, his family, and his supporters.

Now Democrats are working overtime to gaslight the American public into believing the violent mayhem in Democrat-run cities is due to President Trump. A current Joe Biden ad blames it all on “the darkness of the past four years.” If we get rid of Trump, Biden says, we can “end the anger, the insults, the division, the violence, and start fresh in America.”

What hogwash. The unrest has Democrat fingerprints — and cash — all over it. Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the black bloc anarchists, Occupy Wall Street, the G7 protests, and on and on, are all the same bunch of rent-a-mobs, professional agitators, and “trained Marxists,” funded by the same left-wing dark-money sources.

It’s a vicious fraud they’re running on the American people. The only ones doing the inciting are Democrats. What they accuse Trump and his supporters of doing is precisely what they’ve been guilty of for four years:


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  • “He better have an army if he thinks he’s gonna walk down the street in New York… He can’t have enough bodyguards to walk through New York City.” — Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D, NY), threatening President Trump, in press briefing, Real Clear Politics, 9/2/20
  • “This is as much about public outcry and … pressure so that this gop-led Senate and these governors that continue to carry water for … [Trump are held] accountable… There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives.” — Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D, MA) on msnbc, 8/17/20
  • “Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti. These are not the actions of a democratic republic… Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.” — Nancy Pelosi, on Twitter, 7/17/20
  • “I hope I’ve demonstrated I can take a punch, and if I’m our nominee, [Trump’s] gonna understand what punches mean.” — Joe Biden, campaigning in Iowa, nbc News, 1/28/20
  • “[I]f there is some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it.” — Nancy Pelosi, on fallout from Democrat policies, The Washington Times, 10/18/18
  • “What we’ve got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box, and now there’s the momentum…” — Sen. Tim Kaine (D, VA), cns News, 10/16/18
  • “Michelle [Obama] always says, ‘When they go low, we go high.’ No. No. When they go low, we kick them.” — Eric Holder, former Obama Attorney General, on cnn, 10/10/18
  • “Go to [Capitol] Hill today. Please, get up in the face of some congresspeople.” — Sen. Cory Booker (D, NJ), to activists, Fox News, 7/28/18
  • “And if you see anybody from that [Trump] Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” — Rep. Maxine Waters (D, CA), Fortune, 6/25/18
  • “I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country, and maybe there will be…” — Nancy Pelosi, press briefing, The Washington Times, 6/14/18
  • “If we were in high school I’d take [Trump] behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.” — Joe Biden, The Hill, 3/23/18
  • “I will go and take Trump out tonight!” — Maxine Waters, Grabien, 10/13/17
  • “I hope Trump is assassinated!” — State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal (D, MO), Facebook post, eventually apologizing under threat of removal from office, The Washington Post8/18/17


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False Accusations

  • “If you give a climate arsonist four more years in the White House, why would anyone be surprised if we have more of American ablaze?” — Joe Biden, blaming Trump for the wildfires in Western states run by Democrats, usa Today, 9/14/20
  • “While America was going through civil unrest in all 50 states, quite frankly, America was on fire, we had a President, a Commander-in-Chief, who was walking around with a gasoline can.” — Rep. Val Demings (D, FL), on abc’s “This Week,” 9/6/20
  • “These [Trump] people will stop at nothing… The Russians are helping them now… He is a clear and present danger…” — Hillary Clinton, ranting to April Ryan, The Daily Wire, 9/6/20
  • “This order is plainly illegal. Portland is not a toy in Trump’s authoritarian playset.” — Sen. Ron Wyden (D, OR), on Trump’s memo directing the Attorney General to identify “anarchist jurisdictions” so funds can be blocked, on Twitter, 9/3/20
  • “I’m worried about the continued incitement of violence from [Trump] leadership, who should be focused on bringing our communities together.” — Mayor Muriel Bowser (D, DC), Breitbart, 9/1/20
  • “He’s stroking [sic] violence in our cities… Unwarranted police shooting, excessive force, seven bullets in the back of Jacob Blake. Knee on the neck of George Floyd, killing of Breonna Taylor in her own apartment, violence of extremists and opportunists, right-wing militias… the senseless violence of looting and burning and destruction of property.” — Joe Biden, campaign speech in Pittsburgh,, 8/31/20
  • “This President long ago forfeited any moral leadership in this country. He can’t stop the violence because for years he’s fomented it.” — Joe Biden, in Pittsburgh, The Hill, 8/31/20
  • “He [Trump] may think that war in our streets is good for his reelection chances…” — Joe Biden, accusing Trump of “recklessly encouraging” violence, AP, 8/30/20
  • “Do you seriously wonder, Mr. President, why this is the first time in decades that America has seen this level of violence? It’s you who have created the hate and the division.” — Mayor Ted Wheeler (D, Portland), news conference, AP, 8/30/20
  • “The President is willfully fanning the flames of this fire. The President is only motivated by one thing: what is in it for him. He sees this violence and his ability to agitate more of it as useful to this campaign. What it does to the country, the loss of life, he doesn’t care.” — Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA), The Hill, 8/30/20
  • “[Trump] is doing everything he can to fan the flames.” — Rep. Karen Bass (D, CA), Congressional Black Caucus chair, on cnn, 8/30/20
  • “I think his visit [to Kenosha] has one purpose and one purpose only, that is to agitate things and make things [worse] … [I]n Portland you saw a parade of Trump supporters actively shooting paintballs at peaceful protesters, and the President, in my opinion, encourages that … I think he only means to agitate things.” — Rep. Karen Bass, (D, CA), The Hill, 8/30/20
  • “The chaos and disorder and lawlessness we are seeing, that is Donald Trump’s America… Wouldn’t it be nice for the President … to take to the microphone or the airwaves and send a message for peace and calm, talking to … his supporters who have come in and taken the lives of people trying to send a calming and peaceful message…” — Rep. Val Demings (D, FL), cbs’ “Face the Nation,” 8/30/20
  • “Can we take the gloves off and tell the truth? Trump is deliberately killing people. He holds rallies where people get infected. On Thursday [at the gop convention], no social distancing or masks… His plan is to kill people. Let’s just say it.” — Sen. Chris Murphy (D, CT), on Twitter, 8/29/20
  • “The President incites violence, inspires white-supremacist shooters… [A]sk yourself: Do you feel safe in Trump’s America?” — Joe Biden, on Twitter, 8/28/20
  • “Trump violence led Kyle Rittenhouse & his mother [to] drive from IL to WI to murder two innocent protesters. Rand Paul staged his ‘attack.’ This narrative comes straight from Hitler’s playbook, which Trump used to have on his nightstand.” — Regina Marston (D, CA), Democrat candidate for Congress, on Twitter, 8/28/20
  • “The simple reality is that we are seeing more and more chaos and violence under the Trump Presidency… This is very much characteristic of living in Donald Trump’s America, and I think we’re going to see more and more of it as long as he’s in charge.” — Pete Buttigieg, The Washington Times, 8/26/20
  • “We take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and our honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States… [T]hey’re doing everything they can [to] suppress the vote with their actions, scare people, intimidate… It’s really actually shameful. Enemies of the state.” — Nancy Pelosi, on msnbc, 8/24/20
  • “When it comes to their policies, the cruelty is the point. And when it comes to their culture, corruption is the point… We have lost hundreds of thousands of American lives … and that’s just the most egregious of his criminal negligence…” — Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D, MA), on msnbcNewsbusters, 8/15/20
  • “If this subcommittee wants to protect Americans’ rights to peacefully assemble, we should be focused on preventing federal officers from beating up protesters, tear-gassing them, and shooting them in the face.” — Sen. Mazie Hirono (D, HI), Senate subcommittee meeting on anarchist violenceThe Washington Examiner, 8/4/20
  • “Trump’s forces did not arrest the violent few, they attacked the peaceful many.” — Sen. Jeff Merkley (D, OR), on Portland riots, kval, 8/4/20
  • “Part of why we are in the state of chaos that we’re in in this country is because Donald Trump has failed … Trump has been trying to incite violence this entire summer.” — Kate Bedingfield, Biden deputy campaign manager, The Hill, 8/3/20
  • “We have a President who is determined to sow chaos and division… Homeland Security agents … are brutally attacking peaceful protesters…” — Joe Biden, Portland’s katu News, 7/21/20
  • “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for… [I]f we are fortunate enough to win … that’s when civility can start again.” — Hillary Clinton, cnn, 10/9/18


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Media Gaslighting

  • “This President, Donald John Trump, has instigated a race war in America. Portland, Oregon, is ground zero… Trump has basically stoked the flames for racist extremists, neo-Nazis, and the alt-right.” — April Ryan, on cnnReal Clear Politics, 9/2/20
  • “[Trump] says the federal forces are protecting federal property from violent anarchists… Local officials say they’re making it worse. So, what’s gained? Well, for Trump, we know what it is. This perverse pandering to white Americans about law and order. For the rest of us, nothing is gained. When you abuse your power … you hurt all of us.” — Chris Cuomo, on cnnThe Washington Examiner, 7/28/20
  • “Too many see the protests as the problem… Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful.” — Chris Cuomo, on cnn, 6/2/20
  • “I want to be clear on how I characterize this. This is mostly a protest. It is not, generally speaking, unruly but fires have been started and this crowd is relishing that.” — Ali Velshi, msnbc reporter, standing in front of buildings fully engulfed in flames in Minneapolis, The Political Insider, 5/29/20
  • “Nobody wants to hear from the White House… Nobody wants to hear from the man who said there were very fine people on both sides [in Charlottesville]. No one wants to hear from the person that they perceive as contributing to situations like this in our society…” — Don Lemon, on White House investigation into the death of George Floyd, on cnn, Deadline, 5/28/20
  • “Trump’s Republican Party has become numbed to its party leader’s daily outrages — the racist attacks, the 18,000 lies (and counting), the petty insults, the breaches of Constitutional norms, and the gross incompetence that has worsened the covid-19 crisis in the United States and has driven America to the edge of a depression.” — Joe Scarborough, msnbc host, in The Washington Post, 5/12/20
  • “New details today on the incident that left Senator Rand Paul with six broken ribs — this might be one of my favorite stories.” — Kasie Hunt, msnbc host, quoted at Fox News, 11/27/18
  • “We keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is … some people who are marching toward the border… We have to stop demonizing people and realize that the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.” — Don Lemon, on cnn, quoted in usa Today, 11/1/18
  • “The rhetoric of this racist, heartless, soulless man [Trump] will lead to more violence. Yes, I said that… [So] vote all D this time around.” — Mika Brzezinski, on msnbc’s “Morning Joe,” 11/1/18
  • “I told Jeb Bush after that [2016] debate that I thought he should have punched [Trump] in the face.” — Nicolle Wallace, msnbc anchor, quoted at Fox News, 10/12/18
  • “Our democracy is under siege. People need to start taking to the streets. This is a dictator. This is not something to analyze anymore. This is not, ‘Oh, well, good day for Trump.’ This is frightening stuff. If you are an American, if you’re somebody who is 80 years old and sitting at home and you’ve watched the greatness of this country, you should be terrified, and if you’re a 12-year-old and the future is in front of you, this is terrifying. This is not time to analyze and pundit. People, we need a revolution at this point.” — Danny Deutsch, on msnbc, Grabien, 2/2/18
  • “How do you resist the temptation to run up and wring [Sarah Huckabee Sanders’] neck?” — Nicolle Wallace, anchor, msnbc Breitbart, 5/11/18


What are Democrats and their media accomplices trying to achieve with this incendiary rhetoric? Well, they can’t help themselves. It’s what liberals do, by nature. Donald Trump has broken them, and completely exhausted their ability to cope with his Presidency — which is a relentless daily reminder of their loss of power. Sheer torment.

According to The Hill, Hillary Clinton recently declared: “Joe Biden should not concede [in November] under any circumstances because I think this [election] is going to drag out, and eventually, I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch.”

There you have it from the horse’s, um, mouth: these people are already telling us they will refuse to accept another Trump victory. They are running the riots, chaos, and anarchy in blue cities as a dress rehearsal. But events haven’t gone according to Democrat plan yet in the era of Trump — so count on their incitement burning them in their own posteriors, once again.


Cartoon ©2020 Pat Cross; photos ©2020 Shutterstock: Harris: Sheila Fitzgerald; Madonna: Evan Agostini/Invision/AP; Biden: Patrick Semansky/AP; Bowser: Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images; Waters: Anthony Harvey; A. Cuomo: Lev Radin/Pacific Press; Clinton: Evan Agostini/Invision/AP; C. Cuomo: Evan Agostini/AP; Scarborough: AP  


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