Crossfire Backfire​

20 May 2020

Special Kind of Stupid


Comey Strzok Cartoon


“It’s time we asked: what did Obama and Biden know, and when did they know it?” — Sen. Chuck Grassley (R, IA), on Senate floor,, 5/11/20


From the moment Donald Trump won the election, he has been pursued on one pretext after another, as if he were a criminal. And it is still happening, folks. The machinery is still in motion. It may no longer be the specific Deep State operation code-named “Crossfire Hurricane,” with the Obama-directed James Comey or John Brennan pulling the levers. It may not be James Clapper or Peter Strzok or Lisa Page. But that doesn’t matter. The minions are interchangeable; the objective remains the same: destroy and get rid of President Trump. They’re willing to shut down and ruin elements of the United States economy to do it.

We’ve learned the basic outlines of this coup over the past three years, but newly released documents tied to the Michael Flynn investigation (“Crossfire Razor”) provide jaw-dropping proof that the corrupt Obama Regime committed unforgivable offenses against a mainstay of our Constitutional order: the peaceful transfer of power.

All the pieces of this puzzle are not yet on the table, but as documents continue to be released, it becomes crystal clear that these conspirators made one huge miscalculation. They never thought any of this would become public. Barack Hussein O and Joe O’Biden never imagined the blowback would light them up. They were wrong. Here’s what we now know about the framing of General Flynn:


The Setup

  • “What’s our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” — Bill Priestap, then-fbi head of counterintelligence, newly released handwritten meeting notes for the January 24, 2017 Michael Flynn interview, quoted at cns News, 4/30/20
  • “[O]n January 23 [2017], the day before the interview, the upper echelon of the fbi met to orchestrate it all. Deputy Director McCabe, General Counsel James Baker, Lisa Page, Strzok, David Bowdich, Trish Anderson, and Jen Boone strategized to talk with Mr. Flynn in such a way as to keep from alerting him from understanding that he was being interviewed in a criminal investigation of which he was the target.” — The Federalist, 10/19/19
  • “I sent them [i.e, fbi agents to interview Flynn]. Something I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized Administration, in the George W. Bush Administration, for example, or the Obama Administration … And in both those Administrations there was process, and so if the fbi wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House Counsel, and there’d be discussions and approvals … [But] I thought, ‘It’s early enough, let’s just send a couple of guys over.’ And so we placed a call to Flynn, said, ‘Hey, we’re sending a couple of guys over, hope you’ll talk to them.’ He said, ‘Sure.’ Nobody else was there. They interviewed him [1/24/17] in a conference room at the White House Situation Room, and he lied to them [about the 12/29/16 call with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak]. And that’s what he’s now pled guilty to.” — James Comey to nbc’s Nicolle Wallace, YouTube, 12/17/18
  • “I don’t think he knew. We didn’t tell him.” — James Comey, answering Wallace’s queston, “What did he [Flynn] think they were coming over for?” YouTube, 12/17/18
  • “[O]ne of the agents wrote … that fbi brass had ‘decided the agents would not [give the usual warning to] Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an fbi interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed, and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport.” — Fox News, “Flynn Says fbi [McCabe] Pushed Him Not to Have Lawyer Present During Interview,” 12/12/18
  • “It was always a perjury trap to oust Flynn. The details … tell that truth: the strategizing over how to put Flynn at ease; … the plotting over how to [avoid] alerting Flynn to the real purpose of their questioning; the fbi’s decision not to show Flynn the transcript of his call with the Russian ambassador, even though, as Priestap’s notes reveal, that would be the regular course of action. Then, following his interview, even though Strzok didn’t believe Flynn had lied, Strzok was nonetheless giddy that Flynn had misremembered the details of his conversation with the Russian ambassador [so Flynn could be accused of lying].” — Margot Cleveland, on fbi discussions revealed in newly released documents, in The Federalist, 5/4/20
  • “Michael Flynn got railroaded … Since the fbi was already in possession of the transcript of Flynn’s telephone call with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, what exactly was to be gained by the interview? Nothing except the potential to jam him up and get him removed as National Security Advisor.” — James A. Gagliano, former fbi agent, cnn law enforcement analyst, in Washington Examiner, 5/4/20
  • “Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team pressured Flynn to plead guilty to falsely telling fbi agents that he did not discuss [Obama’s] sanctions with Russia’s ambassador. It turns out that wasn’t true … A draft fbi report of the interview made public this week showed Flynn didn’t deny it and instead suggested it was a possibility he did discuss sanctions and Russia’s response to them.” — Just the News, 5/9/20


FBI file photo

“What’s our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” – notes from fbi planning meeting before setup interview of General Michael Flynn in January 2017


302 Scam

  • “I made your edits and sent them to Joe [Pientka]. I also emailed you an updated 302 [Flynn interview summary]. I’m not asking you to edit it this weekend, I just wanted to send it to you.” — Peter Strzok, text to Lisa Page, who had no business manipulating the record, 2/10/17
  • “In his fateful interview at the White House with since-fired anti-Trump fbi agent Peter Strzok and another fbi agent [Pientka], Flynn ‘clearly saw the fbi agents as allies,’ according to one fbi 302, which was dated Aug. 22, 2017 — nearly seven months after the actual interview. (The August 302 was from the fbi’s interview with Strzok about the January Flynn interview; a separate 302 exists for Flynn’s conversations. The Flynn 302 was approved by fbi brass in mid-February [2017], three weeks after the initial interview at the White House.) According to the Strzok 302, Flynn was ‘relaxed and jocular’ as he gave the agents a ‘little tour’ of his West Wing office. (McCabe reportedly testified later that the agents, after speaking with Flynn, ‘didn’t think he was lying’ at the time.)” — Fox News, 12/12/18
  • fbi policy requires 302 forms to be submitted within five working days of an interview. The fbi took three weeks to deliberate on and compose Flynn’s 302 form, and it was mislabeled a ‘draft document,’ requiring a resubmission of the form three months later.” — Mark Hemingway, Real Clear Investigations, 5/8/20
  • “[Flynn attorney Sidney] Powell has long asked for the original 302, and now we know why: They were substantially revised by Strzok and Page … What exactly the original 302 said before the edits is important to know.” — The Federalist, 5/4/20
  • “[I]t was shocking for me to read the newly released text messages between Peter Strzok … and Lisa Page. They show that after Mr. Strzok and Agent Joe Pientka interviewed Mr. Flynn, Mr. Strzok heavily edited Mr. Pientka’s [302] — to the point that he told Ms. Page he was ‘trying not to completely rewrite’ it. Even more shocking, Ms. Page, an fbi attorney who wasn’t an agent and wasn’t at the interview, provided edits. Worse still, the [302] that was eventually provided to the court wasn’t that of the agents’ interview of Mr. Flynn. It was instead a [302] of an interview of Mr. Strzok, conducted months later, about his recollections of the original interview. Truly bizarre.” — Thomas J. Baker, former fbi special agent, in The Wall Street Journal, 5/3/20


Hiding Exculpatory Evidence

  • “[T]he absence of any derogatory information or lead information … reduced the number of investigative avenues and techniques to pursue. Per the direction of fbi management, crossfire razor [General Flynn] was not interviewed as part of the case-closing procedure … The fbi is closing this investigation.” — fbi, newly released 1/4/17 “closing communication” document finding no negative evidence regarding General Flynn and Russia in “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, 4/30/20. This information was never shared with General Flynn.
  • “[W]e know that on January 4, 2017, the fbi wrote a closing memorandum on Flynn … that said the Intelligence Community could find no derogatory information on him. On the very same day the fbi was ready to close the Flynn case, Peter Strzok asked another fbi agent, ‘Hey, if you haven’t closed Razor, don’t do it yet.’ The case was still open at that moment and Strzok asked that it be kept open ‘for now.’” — Sen. Chuck Grassley (R, IA) on Senate floor, Just the News, 5/11/20
  • “They kept it [the investigation] open for the express purpose of trying to catch, to lay a perjury trap for General Flynn.” — Bill Barr, Attorney General, telling cbs News that the Justice Department dropping its case against Michael Flynn on 5/7/20 was an “easy decision,” quoted at Talking Points Memo, 5/7/20
  • “We’ve … learned that there was a letter dated January 30, 2017 … from the Department of Justice, that completely exonerates Mr. Flynn of being an agent of Russia, and that document has not been produced to us as yet …[and] we learned that there’s a memo … from Mr. McCabe also saying there’s no Logan Act violation for Mr. Flynn as of February 8 [2017]. So that means that Mr. Comey lied to the face of the President, among other things, on February 14, just a few days later, and then started a whole obstruction of justice narrative based on what was said about Mr. Flynn in that meeting with the President.” — Sidney Powell, hearing before Judge Emmet Sullivan,, 9/10/19
  • “[Assistant U.S. Attorney Brandon] Van Grack stood here on December 18 [2018] and implied to the Court that [the Logan Act] was one of [Flynn’s] possibilities for liability, when Mr. McCabe had ruled it out in January/February 2017.” — Sidney Powell,, 9/10/19
  • “[T]here never would have been a plea to begin with if the government had met its Brady obligation disclosing what it knew before Mr. Flynn entered a plea and, frankly, before he even made a proffer. So [prosecutor Van Grack] had a lot of information that they didn’t disclose. They also have knowledge of a letter from the British Embassy that completely discredits Christopher Steele and undoes the whole Steele dossier debacle … And I believe I mentioned we’ve also identified already material differences in the agents’ notes and the 302s.” — Sidney Powell,, 9/10/19
  • “[N]ew disclosures demonstrate that Mueller’s prosecutors — [Powell] specifically cites Brandon Van Grack … — did indeed promise Flynn that they would not charge his son if Flynn pled guilty. Worse, Powell avers that the prosecutors coerced Flynn and his counsel to keep this agreement secret. That is, this was to be a side deal that would not be written into the plea agreement and therefore would be kept from the court and the public. Under federal law, all understandings that are relevant to a guilty plea must be disclosed to the judge.” — National Review, 4/27/20. Van Grack suddenly “withdrew from the case and other related legal matters” on 5/7/20.
  • “[T]he agents … saw nothing that indicated to them that … [Flynn] was lying to them.” — James Comey, congressional testimony on 3/2/17, quoted in “Government’s Motion to Dismiss the Criminal Information Against the Defendant Michael T. Flynn,” Scribd, 5/7/20
  • “Mueller had all these facts. He had the documents. Had the Brady [exculpatory] material. He had the fbi notes and contradictory 302 summaries. He had the emails. He had all the information that showed Flynn was set up, targeted, and pressured to plead guilty in a secret side deal between the Mueller team and his former lawyers only because he was running out of money and the government was coming after his son. Flynn did what he did to save his family … If it can happen to Flynn, it can happen to you.” — Sen. Chuck Grassley (R, IA), on Senate floor,, 5/11/20 


Illegal Unmasking

  • “Former Vice President Joe Biden was among those who requested Michael Flynn’s identity be revealed in intelligence reports  — a process known as ‘unmasking’ — according to documents made available … by acting [dni] Richard Grenell on [5/13/20] … Biden made the request on January 12, 2017, eight days before leaving office.” — Forbes, 5/13/20
  • “The names of private U.S. citizens caught on tape by U.S. intelligence are supposed to be ‘masked’ so their privacy is protected … [yet] a stunning 39 separate officials [unmasked and snooped] on Mr. Flynn’s conversations … [M]ost … are partisan officials who had no business spying on their successors.” — The Wall Street Journal editorial, 5/13/20. Collecting intelligence on U.S. persons without a fisa warrant is a felony.
  • “[I]t is worth noting that the bulk of unmasking requests precede [the Flynn/Kisylak call]. Obama officials were less interested in that particular call than in the broad sweep of Flynn’s conversations. The sheer number of requests to unmask his identity is evidence of a widespread surveillance campaign targeting the man who was, outside of Trump’s family, his most trusted advisor.” — Lee Smith, The New York Post, 5/13/20
  • “The fbi’s interest in Mr. Flynn was supposedly triggered by [his Kislyak] conversations starting Dec. 29, 2016. Yet Mr. Flynn was first unmasked a month earlier — shortly after Mr. Trump named him [National] Security Advisor.” — The Wall Street Journal editorial, 5/13/20
  • “The list [of unmaskers] includes then-White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and then-Secretary of Treasury Jacob Lew. Ambassador to the UN and Obama confidante Samantha Power made no fewer than seven requests, though she told Congress she had no recollection of unmasking Mr. Flynn. Mr. Flynn was unmasked by at least four U.S. ambassadors, six Treasury officials, and people connected to the Energy and Justice departments and nato, among others. Then-fbi Director James Comey, then-cia Director John Brennan and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper also made the list. This means they had access to the transcripts of any phone conversations Mr. Flynn had with foreign sources as he prepared to take power.” — The Wall Street Journal editorial, 5/13/20




Illegal Leaking

  • “According to a senior U.S. government official, Flynn phoned Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak several times on Dec. 29 [2016], the day the Obama Administration announced the expulsion of 35 Russian officials as well as other measures in retaliation for the hacking … Did [Flynn’s call] undercut the U.S. sanctions? The Logan Act (though never enforced) bars U.S. citizens from correspondence intending to influence a foreign government about ‘disputes’ with the United States. Was its spirit violated?” — David Ignatius, swamp reporter, The Washington Post, 1/12/17 — the same day Joe Biden made his unmasking request
  • “The leak of the Kislyak transcript [to Ignatius] is a felony that should be prosecuted to the max, including a conspiracy charge for all those who decided to make it happen as part of the setup and framing of General Flynn.” — Sidney Powell, quoted at The Daily Caller, 5/11/20
  • “[Sidney] Powell … referenced a purported conversation between former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, claiming Clapper told the reporter ‘words to the effect of “take the kill shot on Flynn”’ after he reportedly obtained the transcript of Flynn’s phone calls.” — Fox News, 10/25/19


Backstory: Why Target Flynn?

  • “It infuriates me when our President [Obama] bans criticism of our enemies, and I am certain that we cannot win this war unless we are free to call our enemies by their proper names: radical jihadis, failed tyrants, and so forth. With good leadership, we should win. But we desperately need good leaders to reverse our enemies’ successes.” — Michael Flynn, on his 2014 firing by Obama, op-ed in The New York Post, 7/9/16. Three weeks after Flynn published this criticism of Obama policy, reports American Greatness, the fbi launched an official probe into Flynn “for allegedly colluding with Russia to rig the election in favor of Donald Trump, whose campaign Flynn was advising at the time.”
  • “[Being firing by Obama] had more to do with the stand I took on radical Islamism and the expansion of al Qaeda and its associated movements. I felt the intel system was way too politicized … I was working very hard to change the culture of [Defense Intelligence Agency] from one overly focused on Washington, D.C., to a culture that focused on our forward-based war fighters and commanders.” — Michael Flynn, The New York Post, 7/9/16
  • “The reason they … prosecuted General Flynn and made up the case against him [is because] he was a twofer. One, they needed to take him out completely or he would find out as National Security Advisor exactly what they’d been up to. He was already planning to tighten up and audit the intel agencies — all of them — because he knew how bloated and inefficient they were and how they were running billions of dollars in off-book operations, particularly Mr. Brennan and Mr. Clapper, probably. [Flynn] knew where the bodies were buried in Benghazi, no pun intended, and any number of other interactions by federal officials, because he was a head of Obama’s Defense Intelligence Agency until he was outspoken on the whole isis problem, which Obama was minimizing when Flynn saw it as the huge problem it was, and Obama fired him.” — Sidney Powell, on “Breitbart News Sunday” radio, quoted at American Priority, 5/4/20
  • “August 15, 2016: Strzok texts Page about ‘insurance policy’ they discussed in McCabe’s office. August 16, 2016: fbi opens ‘Crossfire Razor’ probe into Flynn. August 17, 2016: fbi agents sent to … briefing for [gop] nominee Trump to assess Flynn’s mannerisms.” — Fox News graphic, via Twitter, 5/10/20


Page and Obama


All Roads Lead to Obama

  • potus [Obama] wants to know everything we’re doing.” — Lisa Page, text to Peter Strozk, 9/2/16, nbc News, 2/7/18
  • “White House is running this.” — Peter Strzok, text to Lisa Page, August 2016, The Hill, 4/17/19
  • “On January 5, 2017, Comey and Clapper met with Obama and his senior team — including National Security Advisor Susan Rice, Vice President Joe Biden, and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates — in the Oval Office … [where they concocted] the plan to tell Trump the following day that the Russians had proof he engaged in perverse sexual behavior while visiting that country a few years prior … [from the] first installment of the Steele dossier, a collection of unsubstantiated allegations produced by Christopher Steele, a political operative paid by the [dnc and Hillary Clinton campaign] to smear Donald Trump.” — American Greatness, 5/20/19 
  • “When Obama asked who would tell Trump about the so-called ‘pee tape,’ Clapper pointed to Comey and said, ‘Jim is gonna do it.’ President Obama then turned to Comey and reportedly raised and lowered both eyebrows, ‘like a Groucho Marx thing.’” — American Greatness, 5/20/19
  • “Obama operatives committed treason for political gain. Only one man [i.e, Obama] had the power to command them, to reward them, and to bring together the forces that spied on men, women, and on a nation.” — Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage magazine, 5/11/20
  • “While Comey found it important to tell the incoming Commander-in-Chief [Trump] of the ridiculous ‘pee tape’ ‘intel,’ following Obama’s guidance, the then-fbi director did not tell Trump that the fbi had an active investigation into Trump’s incoming National Security Advisor predicated on the idea that Flynn was potentially a Russian agent. Even after Obama had left office and Comey had a new Commander-in-Chief to report to, Comey continued to follow Obama’s prompt by withholding intel from Trump.” — “Why Did Obama Tell the fbi to Hide Its Activities from the Trump Administration?” in The Federalist, 5/11/20
  • “[Comey] … did mention [Crossfire Hurricane] to President Obama and others [Rice, Clapper, Brennan, and others] at a [White House] meeting … he may have said there were four individuals with ‘some association or connection to the Trump campaign.’ Comey … believed [White House meeting] may have been in August 2016.” — Michael Horowitz, Department of Justice Inspector General Report,, December 2019
  • “There is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk.” — Barack Obama, leaked call to around 3,000 members of the Obama Alumni Association, The New York Times, 5/9/20. Obama’s mislabeling the charge as “perjury” was seen by some as a signal to Judge Sullivan, who immediately approved the filing of amicus briefs by outside groups in search of a legal strategy to add a perjury charge despite the fact that the Department of Justice has moved to drop the case.
  • “The Flynn unmaskings, and the timely media leaks, take the story into the Obama White House. The peaceful transition of power is a hallmark of American democracy, or at least it used to be. It isn’t supposed to be an opportunity for the Administration [whose party] lost the election to cripple its successors as they take power.” — editorial, The Wall Street Journal, 5/13/20


Every time I think about the details of this ongoing attempted coup, this vicious and criminal assault on our republic and our freedom, I realize I do not have a large enough vocabulary to express the depths of my complete fury and disgust. The public backlash against these coupists — including, yes, Obama himself — is going to be biblical.


Cartoon ©2020 by permission of A.F. Branco and Creators Syndicate, Inc.; Screengrabs of Strzok taken by The Limbaugh Letter; photos of Page and Obama ©2020 Shutterstock Vincent Thian/AP


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