BLM Foot Soldiers: Young White Women

23 Jul 2020



“It says something when you’re at a Black Lives Matter protest, you have more minorities on the police side than you have in a violent crowd, and you have white people screaming [racial slurs] at black officers,” said Portland police officer Jakhary Jackson on video on 7/9/20. “A lot of times someone of color — black, Hispanic, Asian, [will] come up to the fence and directly want to talk to me… I go up to the fence, someone white comes up: ‘F– the police, don’t talk to him.’”

Jackson shook his head. “That was the most bizarre thing… I even had a young African American girl tell me, ‘Why is it you guys aren’t talking to us?’ I said, ‘Honestly, … every time I try to have a conversation with someone that looks like me, someone white comes up and blocks them, and tells them not to talk.’ And then right when I said that, this white girl popped right in front of her. [The girl I was talking to] said, ‘He said that was going to happen!’ And [I asked the white girl] … ‘Why do you feel that she can’t speak for herself to me? Why is it that you feel you need to speak for her, when we’re having a conversation?’”

This phenomenon of enraged white Millennial female protesters screaming at cops, many of them African American, has become a strange staple of this latest wave of leftwing chaos being unleashed in Democrat-run cities.

“Why don’t you take off your uniform? Are you afraid of police?” a young white woman yelled at black officers protecting Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, D.C., as Fox News reported 6/24/20. When questioned by a reporter, the woman screamed: “Just because I’m white and I haven’t experienced racism myself doesn’t mean I can’t fight for justice! They’re a part of the system! They’re a part of the problem! Just because they’re black doesn’t mean they’re not a part of the problem! I’m allowed to say this to whoever! Because I’m white, racism is a white person’s problem. Racism is my problem! I need to fix this! That’s why I’m here. I’m talking to all of them, black, white, f—in’ brown, purple! I don’t give a sh–!”

It turns out, the basis for this awful behavior comes from a hard-left ideological construct that is now permeating college campi: “intersectionality.”

According to a scholarly paper by Jessica Watters at American University titled “Pink Hats and Black Fists: The Role of Women in the Black Lives Matter Movement,” white women have a moral obligation to champion blm. “For modern feminism to survive,” insists Ms. Watters, “it must adapt to include the significant group of people who are presently excluded by ‘white feminism’ — those who are both women and members of racial and ethnic minorities, as well as those who are economically disadvantaged; it must fully embrace intersectionality… White women have the privilege to protest without fear of state violence and … this privilege should be used to support women of color” and support “causes like Black Lives Matter.”

Let me translate. Intersectionality means all is connected in wokeness; racism permeates everything in America, every activity, every phase of life. So the success of the vagina-hat marches several years ago was due to the fact that the vast majority of participants were white women; officials didn’t harass or oppress them. Thus to earn true lefty cred, these white women now must use their privileged political power to pull up marginalized peoples, and particularly the blm movement.

This idea of the obligation of the white activist women to empower African Americans is in universities everywhere and has even hit the fashion magazines. Note the 6/9/20 issue of Glamour:

Gloria Steinem … capitalized on her fame to support black women. Her appearance loaned itself to iconic images of her and Dorothy Pitman-Hughes, as well as other black activists… Marilyn Monroe used her sex appeal and fame to promote Ella Fitzgerald’s career… Kaylen Ward, who goes by “the Naked Philanthropist” on social media … alternates [topless] pics and Black Lives Matter posts on her timeline. And if you’re a white woman and you really want to use your body and appearance more directly, check out the white protesters who physically place themselves between law enforcement and black protesters. Or the white crowds who used their bodies as human shields for black protesters, knowing that police were less likely to attack them.

Call it the new “white woman’s burden.” It’s ridiculously condescending — and, yes, even racist, resulting in an attitude of superiority that can somehow justify screaming at black cops. As our friend Angelo Codevilla puts it in “Millenarian Mobs,” in the Summer 2020 Claremont Review of Books, “The Americans who confess other people’s racism absolve themselves inexpensively by a moral mechanism common to humanity: the more I profess to hate evil, the more I showcase my own goodness.”

And this intersectional “moral duty” is a major reason why white Millennials are highly represented, even dominant, in the current protests. As The New York Times reported on 6/26/20: “One study of the Floyd protests … found overwhelmingly young crowds, with large numbers of white and highly educated people. White protesters made up 61 percent of those surveyed in New York, according to the researchers, and 65 percent of protesters in Washington. In Los Angeles, 53 percent of protesters were white.”



This is the bunch who are facilitating this anti-American movement. They are not promoting justice. They are not promoting safe policing. They’re not promoting anything. They are being used by or are part of the cabal of Marxists that is attempting to tear apart this country. It is white Millennial women who are propelling blm. They’re funding it; they’re raising money for it; they are providing the manpower, er, womanpower — the foot soldiers on the ground. It’s an amazing cultural phenomenon.

And a political one. As Mary Frances Berry, former chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, put it in “Why Did Black Lives Matter Protests Attract Unprecedented White Support?” at on 6/18/20: “Here’s the bottom line. This whole protest, writ large, is a protest against Trump.”

I think there’s a lot to that. The original vagina-hat marches, if you recall, were essentially a paroxysm of fury at Donald Trump’s election. So that anti-Trump energy has now fused with intersectional self-righteousness to produce blue-city mayhem, the left’s latest in a long series of hapless get-Trump schemes.


It’s a teachable moment. Let’s review some of the episodes we’ve had to live through — every one of which had the left crowing, “He’s toast! We got him now!” Remember the “grab ’em by the privates” “Access Hollywood” tape? That was the genesis of the whole feminist pink-hat fad. Then came the “golden showers” story in the Steele dossier, remember? That was the subject of James Comey’s set-up briefing. That alone was supposed to get rid of Trump. Didn’t work.

Then came Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels, all with weeks and weeks of overwrought coverage. Each time, Trump was supposedly finished, because every one of these people supposedly had the goods: secret data that Trump hadn’t paid his taxes, or that Putin had paid Trump’s taxes, or whatever. But they had nothing.

Next was the General Flynn fiasco. And E. Jean Carroll. She’s the one who claimed Trump raped her in Bergdorf Goodman’s. We got three weeks out of that. We had Dr. Ronny Jackson, the then-White House physician who was ostensibly lying about Trump’s health, because the President was actually on the verge of keeling over and insane. We had the kids-in-cages photos that turned out to be from 2014 when Barack Hussein O was President.

Every Trump phone call to every world leader was leaked. Next we had Roger Stone. Then Carter Page. And George Papadopoulos. Then came the entire Russiagate scandal, the corruption story that’s still going on, actually. The Mueller report, the Ukraine story, the impeachment. We had books by Anonymous, by Omarosa, by the Mooch, Scaramucci, by Bob Woodward, Michael Wolff, Donna Brazile, John Bolton, Trump’s niece. And a bunch more. They were all hyped to high heaven, and then: poof! Nothing came of any of them.


White Girl Protesters


That isn’t nearly a comprehensive list, but every day for four years, from every drive-by publication and network, four times an hour from The New York Times and cnn, this kind of thing has invaded our national life. Every bit of it was lies. Not a week goes by when you get a break from it. And there won’t be.

No, on top of the coronavirus economic lockdown gambit, we are witnessing a violent Marxist uprising under the guise of social justice that has been amazingly successful at co-opting a cohort of white, college-educated, Millennial women. The Democrats know that their silence is a green light for more. And I might add that the Republican Party’s lack of pushback is also a green light for more.

They spied on Donald Trump. It didn’t keep him out of office. A silent coup did not remove him. A bogus impeachment did not sack him. And now there’s a violent uprising meant to end his presidency. It is designed to create sufficient chaos to guarantee his defeat in November. This is the Democrat Party plan in action. It is the sponsor and promoter of all of it. But none of it will destroy Trump. Because — and this is the essential point — none of these people had anything to do with making Trump.

Once this episode is seen for what it is, it is easy to predict it will dissipate like vapor. And the Millennial chicks can move on to something useful — like ironing their boyfriends’ shirts.


Photo ©2020 Getty/NurPhoto/Contributor

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