
13 Dec 2021

Archive [September 1999]



A one percent tax cut! It will end life as we know it!! Here’s what liberals foresee:

  • “[New York] city alone could lose as many as 4,000 desperately needed teachers.” — HILLARY CLINTON
  • “It threatens Social Security and Medicare, makes it harder to pay off the debt, and imperils the prosperity that has brought real benefits to American families.” — BILL CLINTON
  • “[It’s] like pouring lighter fluid on white hot coals… It could trigger a dangerous flame-up of inflation and singe the financial markets with higher interest rates.” — AL GORE
  • “[H]igher home mortage rates, higher car payment rates, higher interest credit card rates, higher college loan rates, and a weaker economy … it won’t take long for that tax cut to disappear in the flash of an eye.” — BILL CLINTON
  • “[We’ll be unable] to fund toxic waste cleanups, provide health care for women, children, and the uninsured fund new cops on the beat, or fund border patrol agents to fight illegal immigration.” — AL GORE
  • “[A] risky tax cut for middle class families that are struggling every day to pay mortgages and car loans and credit cards and send their kids to school.” — DICK GEPHARDT
  • “Republican lawmakers are eviscerating the federal safety net…” New York Times editorial
  • “[It] would actually threaten our environment.” — BILL CLINTON
  • “[It’s] wrong for our children.” — HILLARY CLINTON
  • “[O]pens new deficits, and leaves the cupboard bare…”  AL GORE
  • “An irresponsible, damaging plan.” — HILLARY CUNTON

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