Are These Guys Good for America?

13 Dec 2021


Time cover


“Twitter Confirms Trump Can Be Banned from Inauguration Day Onwards.” — The [UK] Independent, 12/15/20


“A lot of these [Twitter censorship] decisions are not being made by humans anymore, they’re being made by algorithms. And that’s certainly enforcement decisions, but also decisions around what you see or what you don’t see.” — Jack Dorsey, Twitter ceo, trying to avoid charges of bias, Senate hearing, 11/19/20


“Left-leaning donors Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan gave $[400] million to … thousands of governmental election officials around the country to ‘help’ them conduct the 2020 election.” — Capital Research Center, on the Facebook ceo’s funding vote-counting and ballot-harvesting operations in swing states, 11/29/20


I watched a little bit of the testimony by Jack “Rasputin” Dorsey and Mark “Cyborg” Zuckerberg at the Senate hearing late last year. I have never seen two weirder looking people in my life. And to think that these nerds are running the country! These dweebs are controlling who learns what — not just in the media, but in education. These two look like the quintessential types who had spitballs thrown at them in junior high, and now it’s time to get even.

And it reminded me of something. Remember when Time magazine ran that cover back in 1995, “Is Rush Limbaugh Good for America?” They clearly didn’t think so. I, doing a radio talk show, was a problem for America. I represented a huge threat. The photo of me was doctored, because I never had infernal looking smoke coming out of my mouth like that. Some photographer altered it. And I know why: so Time readers’ answer would be “No!” to the question, “Is Rush Limbaugh Good for America?”

And do you know what the cover was a couple of weeks later? Fidel Castro, “The Lion in Winter.” It described Fidel Castro’s attempts to revitalize his idyllic island paradise. A communist dictator got better treatment in Time magazine than I did.

So I’m wondering how Time would handle these two guys, Rasputin and Cyborg, on their cover. Philip Michaels, editor of the tech website Tom’s Guidetweeted a photo of the two with this comment: “This Senate hearing looks like the tale of a marooned lighthouse keeper and the robot butler he built to stave off loneliness.” I’m sick of the country’s information — and elections — being manipulated, especially by weird looking people, but that is just hilarious.

So here’s my question: do you think Time magazine would ever put their images on the cover with the headline, “Are These Guys Good for America?”

Of course not. So I’ll do it. (You’re welcome.) And I’ll answer: no they are not. They’re good for China.


Illustration ©2021 William Lesniewski for The Limbaugh Letter


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