America’s China Class

13 Dec 2021

Special Kind of Stupid


SKS cartoon


“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man… They’re not bad folks, folks … They’re not competition for us.” — Joe Biden, campaigning in Iowa, Axios, 5/2/19


“In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1  billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5  billion.” — Peter Schweizer, in The New York Post, 5/11/19


“In May 2017, [Hunter] met with Ye Jianming, chairman of Chinese energy company cefc, to discuss investment opportunities in the U.S. After the meeting, Ye sent a 2.8-carat diamond to Hunter along with a ‘thank you’ card.” — Peter Schweizer and Jacob McLeod in The New York Post, 10/10/19. A deal with Ye (who has since vanished) was to provide Hunter with more than $10 million a year “for introductions alone,” according to newly revealed emails.


The Chi-cash-grasping Bidens are emblematic of a large swath of American elites who’ve been eagerly hoovering up Chi-Com money. A significant number of influential bigwigs in government, the Pentagon, medicine, academia, the media, Hollywood — heck, even in sports — have become extremely wealthy via payments from China.

It’s been an unimaginably successful strategy for Red China, which has spread its long tentacles of influence and intimidation into almost every area of American culture by spreading greenbacks. And those cozy lucre-lubricated relationships explain something else.

They answer a question I’ve had for a long time. Why is the hatred for Donald Trump so extreme, so vicious, so downright psychotic? Yes, he pledged to drain to swamp. Yes, the swamp creatures have fought back tooth and nail. Yes, Trump is an outsider, and D.C. elites have never accepted outsiders into their club. But I’ve been convinced by my friend and intrepid investigative reporter Lee Smith and others that it’s really fear, not hatred, that is driving the unhinged reaction towards Trump from the establishment. It’s all about China.

“Trump … threatened to sever the American political, corporate, and cultural elite’s economic lifeline to the Chinese Communist Party [ccp],” wrote Lee Smith in Tablet on 9/15/20: 

The central pillar of the corrupt new order is the American elite’s relationship with China… By shipping America’s manufacturing base off to China, they seized a business opportunity the likes of which had never been seen before — an enormous captive labor force controlled by an authoritarian regime that guaranteed the steady production of goods at a fraction of what it would cost at home. American cultural elites (Hollywood, sports, art, etc.) … exploited the increasingly large Chinese market for their products… [So] deeply entwined [are] Beijing’s interests … with America’s China class … that [Trump] trying to decouple the two [led] to … a permanent coup … targeting not just [Trump] and his supporters but the foundations of the republic.

Imagine their horror in 2016 when Donald Trump ran for the Presidency aiming to roll back Chi-Com power — and then actually acted on his promises to checkmate China. This “China class” remains terrified that Trump will destroy the cushy arrangements they expected would keep them and their families in fat city for the rest of their lives. They have been even more terrified of what could be exposed during a Trump second term.

Despite Joe Biden’s self-serving coddling of our nuclear foe, Attorney General William Barr correctly notes that “China is a very serious threat to the United States geopolitically, economically, militarily, and a threat to the integrity of our institutions given their ability to influence things,” as quoted at Breitbart on 4/9/20. “The Chinese are engaged in a full-court blitzkrieg of stealing American technology, trying to influence our political system, trying to steal secrets at our research universities and so forth…” Let me count the ways:





  • “Confucius Institutes (funded by the Chinese government) operate on or near approximately 60 U.S. universities and colleges. These institutes often provide financial and other incentives to the university or college to abstain from criticizing Chinese government policies. They also pressure faculty members to censor themselves. While the Confucius Institutes are branded as Chinese language and cultural learning centers, in 2014 the American Association of University Professors wrote in a report, ‘Confucius Institutes function as an arm of the Chinese state and are allowed to ignore academic freedom.’” — The Clarion Project, 10/15/20. China has sent teachers trained by the People’s Republic of China [prc] into hundreds of U.S. elementary and high schools through a program called “Confucius Classrooms.” Many educators are unaware that the curriculum was developed by the Chinese government and taught by teachers who are vetted, supplied, and paid by the Chinese government.
  • “[Former chair of Harvard’s Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology Charles] Lieber is accused of working for Wuhan University of Technology in China beginning in 2011, and accepting $50,000 per month, living expenses of up to roughly $158,000, and $1.5 million in awards to establish a research lab at the Chinese university… Lieber allegedly did not inform Harvard of his involvement with the foreign entities… Lieber is one of more than a dozen researchers, professors, and students at American universities who have been arrested in the last year on charges related to lying about their ties with the Chinese government, often while accepting U.S.-taxpayer-funded grants.” — The Daily Caller, 10/9/20
  • On 9/3/20, The Daily Caller listed 13 academics — some of whom served in Chinese military — who lied about their Chinese government affiliation and/or received American taxpayer money for research to benefit China at some of America’s most prestigious universities.
  • “A researcher at the University of Virginia who was arrested while trying to board a plane to China with allegedly stolen research has been charged with federal crimes, including theft of trade secrets… Haizhou Hu, 34, a Chinese national … ‘was alleged to be in possession of bio-inspired research simulation software code that he was not authorized to possess [according to doj].’” — The Daily Caller, 8/28/20
  • “[ucla researcher] Guan Lei, 29 … is being investigated for possibly transferring sensitive U.S. software to China’s National University of Defense Technology [nudt]. Lei … lied about his ties to … China’s military in his 2018 visa application… [O]ne of his nudt advisors was a Lieutenant General in the Chinese military who developed computers and nuclear technology for departments of the People’s Liberation Army.” — The Daily Caller, 8/28/20
  • “The U.S. Justice Department has charged another professor at an American university with committing research grant fraud to benefit China. Ohio State University’s Song Guo Zheng used more than $4 million in grant money from the … National Institutes of Health [nih] to develop rheumatology and immunology expertise for the Chinese government, according to a criminal complaint…” — Chemistry World, 7/15/20
  • “Dr. Qing Wang, a professor of molecular genetics at the Cleveland Clinic and Case Western University, was arrested … on charges of lying to investigators and wire fraud related to more than $3.6 million in funding that he and his research group at the Cleveland Clinic received from the National Institutes of Health under false pretenses. At the same time that he was receiving millions of dollars in U.S. government grants, court documents reveal he concealed how he was also the Dean … at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China. He was also receiving grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and hid his participation in China’s Thousand Talents Program, a Chinese Communist Party effort to recruit academics to gain access to foreign technology and intellectual property.” — The Washington Examiner, 5/14/20
  • “Harvard Leads U.S. Colleges that Received $1 Billion From China.” — Bloomberg, tallying gifts and contracts from China to U.S. universities since 2013, 2/6/20



  • “‘Over the Moon’ … Netflix Celebrates Chinese Culture With Dazzlingly Designed … Lunar Toon: … [T]his incandescent Chinese-American co-production [is] inspired by legends of [the Chinese] moon goddess Chang’e… Produced in partnership with Shanghai-based Pearl Studio … ‘Over the Moon’ celebrates Chinese culture as no mainstream American toon … has before.” — Variety, 10/9/20
  • “‘The Rock’ Has Sold His Soul to China: Russia cannot buy the United States, but the Chinese can. And that’s exactly what they’re doing. They bought Joe Biden and his family. And now they’ve bought Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.” … A look at some of the Rock’s blockbusters over the past decade suggests the real reason he’s endorsing Biden. He wants to please his Chinese partners… It’s not just movies [distributed in China] where the approval of the Chinese regime is critical to Johnson’s financial success, but also to smooth the way for sales of his new brand of tequila. Launched earlier this year, Johnson’s ‘Teremana’ tequila is attacking a sleeping giant, the Chinese market for tequila.” — Edward Ring, American Greatness, 9/28/20
  • “Walt Disney would be disheartened to see how the company he founded deals with the foreign dictatorships of our day. When Disney produced Kundun, the 1997 film about [China’s] oppression of the Dalai Lama, the ccp objected to the project and pressured Disney to abandon it…After the ccp banned all Disney films in China, the company … apologized for Kundun, calling it a ‘stupid mistake.’ Disney then began courting the prc to open a $5.5 billion theme park in Shanghai. As part of that deal, Disney agreed to give Chinese government officials a role in management.” — William Barr, Remarks on China Policy,, 7/17/20
  • “[S]ome industry watchers objected when the trailer for … ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ — a sequel financed in part by the Chinese firm Tencent — omitted the Japanese and Taiwanese flag from Tom Cruise’s jacket [because of China censorship]… That censorship is increasing because … every film released in China must now be vetted not only by the Central Propaganda Department but also (depending on its subject matter) by the Ministry of State Security, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the State Bureau of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and numerous other bureaucratic entities.” — The Atlantic, 9/15/19
  • “Some people in Hollywood … would very much like to stop China from chipping away at their industry’s hard-won freedom. But unfortunately, the deep-blue movie colony is deeply averse to doing anything that agrees, or seems to agree, with the political agenda of Donald Trump.” — The Atlantic, 9/15/19
  • “[China] is a country with such suffocating strictness that even ‘Winnie the Pooh’ is banned. Why? Because the government is worried he’ll be compared [in looks] to President Xi Jinping.” — The Daily Signal, 6/14/19
  • “American audiences are being submitted to … a Communist Party censorship. [In movies] we get shown a very benign view of China, in which China is a normal country, no different from … Germany. That is not the case obviously. If you speak against the government in Germany, nothing happens to you. If you speak against the government in China, they’ll throw you in jail.” — Mike Gonzalez, former Asian Wall Street Journal editor who was subjected to pressure from Chinese government officials, on “Heritage Explains” podcast, 12/13/18. Gonzalez says some studios not only allow ccpto censor scripts but allow Chinese censors on set to weigh in during filming.
  • “The Chinese are financing some of your favorite films, buying theater chains. It is a growing trend. Major Chinese production companies [are] teaming up with Tinseltown, which is leading to concerns over pro-China propaganda making its way into major American blockbusters.” — Fox News, quoted in “How China Is Taking Control of Hollywood,” Heritage Foundation
  • “If you go to a movie theater right now, there’s a pretty decent chance you’re going to be seeing a Hollywood movie with a budget partly from China. That is actually true of two of the top three movies out right now, and it’s just one sign of a global power shift in entertainment that’s already changing the movies you see.” — “nbc Today,” via Heritage Foundation
  • “The censors felt that it did not portray Shanghai in a positive light, so that scene was removed from the movie.” — T.J. Green, ceo of Apex Entertainment, referring to a scene in “Mission: Impossible III” of Tom Cruise walking in Shanghai streets with underwear hung out on balconies, showing that many Chinese cannot afford dryers, npr, 5/18/15
  • “Nor do they like to see Chinese portrayed as incapable of defending themselves. In the 007 movie, ‘Skyfall,’ an assassin walks into a skyscraper in Shanghai’s showcase financial district and shoots a security guard. Censors ordered that scene cut, too.” — T.J. Green, npr, 5/18/15





  • “China is one of the most censorious societies on earth. So what better place for Facebook to recruit social-media censors? There are at least half a dozen ‘Chinese nationals who are working on censorship,’ [reports] a former Facebook insider… [T]he team that does much of this work … [is] called Hate-Speech Engineering … and most of its members are based at Facebook’s offices in Seattle… Facebook engineers … root out what bosses call ‘borderline content.’ It all makes for perhaps the most chillingly sophisticated censorship mechanism in human history… [The] staff includes a research scientist … from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing… Another … from Jilin University. Still another … Nanjing University… Another … worked for the Communist-backed conglomerate Huawei… Globalists thought that engaging with China would make that country more open; I fear it’s making us more restrictive.” — Sohrab Ahmari, “Meet your (Chinese) Facebook censors,” in The New York Post, 10/20/20
  • “At home, China’s regime deploys its high-tech skills to control domestic internet access via its Great Firewall, bans the use of U.S. social-media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter (with exemptions for officials to purvey propaganda abroad), and makes prolific use of data-driven technologies for monitoring, controlling, and censoring the Chinese population. The effects were illustrated earlier this year with the silencing and detention of Wuhan’s Li Wenliang, the physician who tried to sound an early warning about the coronavirus before dying of covid-19 in February.” — The Wall Street Journal, 10/7/20
  • “While the U.S. is trying to limit data flows to Beijing, the United Nations Secretariat in New York is working with Beijing to set up joint global data hubs based in China. Plans include a research center for crunching data from U.N. member states and a geospatial center [based in Zhejiang province] to enlist China’s prowess with satellite surveillance… The Big Data institute will be [located near] … the tech giant Alibaba Group, whose co-founder … Jack Ma, co-chaired with Melinda Gates a 2018 panel on ‘Digital Cooperation’ organized by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The deepening relationship between the U.N. and billionaires in the U.S. and China is serving the Chinese Communist Party’s aspirations for global dominance.” — The Wall Street Journal, 10/7/20
  • “The Justice Department unsealed charges … against five Chinese nationals for their alleged hacking of over 100 companies in the U.S. and overseas, including social media companies, universities, nonprofit organizations, and think tanks…” — The New York Post, 8/16/20
  • “Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim [is the largest shareholder of] The New York Times … Slim has regularly conducted business with Chinese companies with overt ties to the ccp [including Huawei Technologies]… Huawei is actively working to undermine American security interests by overturning legislation in the United States that bans the use of Huawei’s 5G network… Slim is making all kinds of lucrative business deals with the Chinese government while influencing the business side of The New York Times.” — The Federalist, 5/4/20
  • “[Washington Post owner Jeff] Bezos has direct ties to the Chinese business market, which is regulated by the ccp… The Amazon Echo and Kindle e-reader … [are] produced by Chinese laborers who work long hours with low pay and little safety training… When you purchase a Washington Post subscription, it comes with an advertising supplement called ‘China Watch’ … courtesy of China Daily, a Chinese state-run media organization. The Washington Post openly accepts money for advertisements from the ccp and distributes Chinese propaganda.” — The Federalist, 5/4/20
  • “Comcast which owns nbc Universal … [is] building a big theme park in Beijing which is a multibillion dollar investment … [S]o what does that mean? If Rachel Maddow were to come on and start bashing the Chinese government, you know, the Communist Party could come down and say, ‘Actually, we are not interested in opening your theme park anymore.’” — J. Arthur Bloom, quoted at The Daily Caller, 4/8/20
  • “The companies that own the major news networks, nbc, abc, and cbs, all do significant business in China.” — The American Conservative, 3/31/20
  • “We hope that the nbc and other U.S. media will objectively and fairly report China’s efforts to control the epidemic.” — Huang Ping, Chinese Consul General, in veiled threat to media companies to give China good press on their response to the coronavirus, quoted in The American Conservative, 3/31/20


LeBron James



  • “Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.” — Daryl Morey, Houston Rockets general manager, on Twitter, 10/4/19. As reported by npr, Morey was forced to delete the tweet and apologize after the Chinese Basketball Association suspended cooperation with the Rockets. According to nbc News, the nba’s Chinese operations are worth $4 billion. The Chinese demanded the nba fire Morey; a year later, on 10/15/20, Daryl Morey was gone.
  • “Daryl Morey does not speak for the Houston Rockets … we are not a political organization.” — Tilman Fertitta, Rockets owner, after Tencent, nba’s media partner in China, and China state television dropped Rockets games, on Twitter, 10/4/19
  • “We apologize. You know, we love China… They show us the most important love.” — James Harden, Houston Rockets star, after Morey’s tweet supporting Hong Kong protesters, espn, 10/6/19
  • nba chief communications officer Mike Bass called Morey’s tweet ‘regrettable’ and said the league had ‘great respect for the history and culture of China.’ ‘The nba can be used as a unifying force to bridge cultural divides and bring people together,’ Bass said.” — nbc News, 10/7/19
  • “By taking on the wildly popular nba … China’s leader, Xi Jinping, is blowing a whistle on companies (and nations) around the world. On topics that Communist Party leaders really care about — particularly Tibet, Xinjiang [the site of Uighur genocide by the Chinese government], Taiwan, and now Hong Kong — they’ll risk as much domestic backlash as needed to make adversaries pay.” — “China Bends Another American Institution to Its Will,” The Atlantic, 10/10/19
  • “I think when we talk about the political side, it’s a very delicate situation, very sensitive situation… I don’t want to get into a word or sentence feud with Daryl Morey, but I believe he wasn’t educated on the situation at hand and he spoke, and so many people could have been harmed, not only financially, but physically, emotionally, spiritually, so just be careful what we tweet and we say and what we do, even though yes, we do have freedom of speech, but there can be a lot of negative that comes with that too.” — LeBron James, abc News, 10/15/19
  • “Nike is a brand of China, for China.” — Mark Parker, Nike ceo, on the company’s 9/27/19 earnings call, Fox Business, 10/15/19. Nike earned $6.2 billion in China in 2019.



  • “The medical journal [New England Journal of Medicinenejm] had never involved itself in U.S. Presidential elections before, but recently published an op-ed entitled, ‘Dying in a Leadership Vacuum,’ which implored American voters to remove President Trump from office.” — National Pulse, 10/8/20. nejm has gotten very cozy with China through multiple business ventures, including a Chinese publication and website. It also partnered with the Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing Co. which describes itself as “under the guidance of the [Chinese Communist] party and the government’s publishing policies.”
  • “‘If China wants to retaliate against the U.S. at this time, aside from a travel ban, it could also announce strategic restrictions on the export of medical products to the U.S.,’ said an opinion essay by Huang Sheng, a financial commentator and nationalist book author, published in March on state-run Xinhua News Agency.” — “Pandemic Lays Bare U.S. Reliance on China for Drugs,” in The Wall Street Journal, 8/5/20
  • “China produces 97 percent of U.S. antibiotics and about 80 percent of active pharmaceutical ingredients used in American drugs, giving the Chinese Communist Party absolute control of potentially life-saving medicine… Chinese pharmaceutical companies supply 70 percent of the world’s acetaminophen … used in Tylenol.” — Fox News, 6/30/20
  • “You could take a dart board with medical colleges with significant research programs and … you’d have a 50-50 chance of hitting a school with an active case.” — Dr. Ross McKinney, Jr., chief scientific officer of the Association of American Medical Colleges, on doj investigating over 180 cases of researchers with links to China involving theft of biomedical secrets, quoted in The New York Times, 11/4/19
  • “The theft [of biomedical research] involves not military secrets, but scientific ideas, designs, devices, data and methods that may lead to profitable new treatments or diagnostic tools. Some researchers under investigation have obtained patents in China on work funded by the United States government and owned by American institutions, the nih said. Others are suspected of setting up labs in China that secretly duplicated American research, according to government officials and university administrators.” — The New York Times, 11/4/19


What we’re looking at here is communist infiltration, plain and simple — invasion by other means. On 9/28/20, as reported by Just the News, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, “The greatest external threat that the United States faces over the medium and long term is the threat by the regime in China today, the Chinese Communist Party led by General Secretary Xi Jinping.”

True. But the threat is also internal. What is being injected into our culture and institutions from the Communist China influences is an alien totalitarian mindset that can now be observed in the American China class: a mindset that brooks no opposition, allows no liberty, and respects no rule of law. There’s a word for this: corruption.


Cartoon ©2020 by permission of A.F. Branco and Creators Syndicate, Inc.; Disney photo ©2020 AP/Shutterstock; Bezos photo ©2020 Michael Reynolds/EPA/Shutterstock; James photo ©2020 Broadimage/Shutterstock

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