America vs. Anti-America

23 Jan 2020


“Today, I hold up the American model as an example to the world of a working system of free enterprise that will produce the most benefits for the most people in the 21st century and beyond. A pro-worker, pro-citizen, pro-family agenda demonstrates how a nation can thrive…” — President Trump, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, 1/21/20


“As much as we like to say that the United States is the richest country in … modern history — for who? … We’re here to say that what we’re living in right now is not an advanced society … It is fascism!” — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, addressing a Bernie rally as crowd chants, “aoc! aoc!” 12/23/19


“Nearly half (47 percent) of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents under 30 say … other countries … are better than the U.S.” — Pew Research Center, revealing the partisan divide: only 9 percent of Republicans say other countries are better than America; 31 percent of Democrats overall think so, 1/8/20


Why does “Make America Great Again” and “America First” cause the left to go bat-excrement crazy? What can possibly be controversial about that — unless you don’t see America as good and decent? And the left doesn’t. The left believes it means racism and white supremacy and white nationalism and all that rotgut, which is patently absurd. That needs to be absolutely nuked. We are the good guys; but they believe we’re the problem!

In fact, according to Paul Sperry at Real Clear Investigations on 1/22/20, it was President Trump’s directive to put America First in foreign policy when he came into office that reportedly unhinged the alleged whistleblower:

Barely two weeks after Donald Trump took office … [a] military staffer detailed to the nsc [National Security Council], who was seated directly in front of [cia analyst Eric] Ciaramella and [national security colleague Sean] Misko during [a White House] meeting, confirmed hearing them talk about toppling Trump … “After [Trump’s then-National Security Advisor Michael] Flynn briefed [the staff] about what ‘America First’ foreign policy means, Ciaramella turned to Misko and commented, ‘We need to take him [Trump] out,’” the staffer recalled … “They were triggered … they were huffing and puffing throughout the briefing any time Flynn said something they didn’t like about ‘America First.’” He said he also overheard Ciaramella telling Misko … “We can’t let him enact this foreign policy.” … [T]he military staffer immediately reported what he heard to his superiors.

Coincidentally, on July 26, 2019, the day after the Ukraine phone call, Misko was hired by Adam Schiff to join the House Intelligence Committee staff where, according to Sperry, Misko “offered ‘guidance’ to the whistleblower [Ciaramella]” and “helped run the impeachment inquiry.” And here we are.


Make America Great Hat


You may believe this is the endgame. But we are not even close to reaching the finale on the left’s efforts to get rid of Donald Trump and expunge his entire Presidential record of accomplishments. I still don’t think enough people realize exactly what we are all up against when opposing today’s American left or the Democrat Party. These are not just political battles. This is the beginning of something, not the finish.

It is a problem. We are in a battle to determine the kind of country this is going to be. We’re not in a familiar fight over who is going to win every four years, who will be President, who’s going to run the House and Senate. The pitched battle we are in is literally about whether this will remain the United States of America as Founded. That’s what is being waged. And we’re up against a Party that’s attempting to eliminate as many of the principles of our Founding as they can, using any means available.



They’ll do it year by year, election by election, event by event. That’s what we’re up against. This is why the question I often hear discussed, “Who do you think the Democrat nominee is going to be?” just bores the hell out of me. It doesn’t matter who their nominee is! He or she will simply be a figurehead for the overall objective of ripping up the Constitution and reshaping how they want this country to be.

With eight years of Obama, they were well on the way to transforming this country. They had convinced a lot of people to stop expecting an always-improving nation and always-improving economy. They had gotten people far and wide to stop embracing traditional American values. The new normal was to see those as outmoded, racist, discriminatory, bigoted. They were on the way to turning the foundational ideals of this country upside down and inside out.

Then Trump was elected. And in three years, all their “progress” (as they define it) was brought to an utter, screeching halt.

Not just when it comes to taxes and regulations and global wealth transfers. Look at any of their issues. Why do they want to wipe out the traditional definition of marriage? It’s not about equality. Why do they want to sweep away traditional morality? It’s not about tolerance. Why are they fixated on climate change? It’s not about the environment. Why are they obsessed with punishing the rich? It’s not about social justice. As aoc admitted, it’s all about power.


That’s the battle we are in with the left. It’s not what everyone thinks, Republicans versus Democrats, conservatives versus liberals. It’s America versus Anti-America. It’s the American Founding versus a diminished, twisted shadow of what the republic was Founded to be.

What have we been told? “America’s best days are behind us; in fact, America’s best days were not legitimate. The United States finally must pay the price for all the sins that led to its superpower status.” Yada, yada, yada.


Pussy Hat


Trump came along and said, “This is not necessary! There’s no reason the United States has to be seen as in decline.” As a citizen, it’s bothered him for a long time, as it’s bothered me, as it’s bothered you — this rotten view of America adopted by much of the Washington establishment that somehow we’re the problem, we are the destabilizing agent in the world. It’s a crock. The left has been telling you, “America’s glory days are over; it’s time for new thinking!” Well, “Pfft!” to that.

We have elected someone in his 70s who — thank God — remembers an entirely different America. The America of Obama and the left, where we are to blame for all the problems in the world? Trump doesn’t recognize that America; he thinks it’s bogus. So, he has stormed Washington, D.C., intent on blowing that notion to smithereens and once again returning America to its age-old greatness.

As he told the Davos forum: “The American Dream is back — bigger, better, and stronger than ever before.” The Anti-America leftists no longer speak for this country. It is America, we the people. That is the rekindled vision. Our American dream will beat out the Anti-American nightmare of the left, every time it’s tried.


Illustration on the front cover and this page ©2020 Christopher Hiers for The Limbaugh Letter


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