All Trails Lead to Barack Obama

23 Jan 2020

Special Kind of Stupid


Barack Obama


potus wants to know everything we’re doing.” — Lisa Page, fbi lawyer, text to lover Peter Strzok, fbi special agent, on preparing talking points for then-fbi Director James Comey to deliver to President Obama, 9/2/16


“You’re going to see me early next year, and we’re going to be in a position where we can start cooking up all kinds of great stuff … [T]he clouds are going to start parting and the sun is going to come back out, and we’re going to be busy …” — Barack Obama, to his Organizing for America minions, six days after Donald Trump was elected, Obama White House archives, 11/14/16


“I think that President Obama is behind it, because his people are certainly behind it. And some of the leaks possibly come from that group, you know, some of the leaks, which are really very serious leaks, because they’re very bad in terms of national security.” — President Donald Trump, on organized anti-Trump protests, “Fox & Friends,” 2/27/17


Barack Obama was working against Donald Trump “until the hour he left office” at noon on January 20, 2017, according to Lee Smith inThe Plot Against the PresidentThere’s no hint Obama ever stopped working against our 45th President, as the anti-Trump coup continues to this day. Rep. Devin Nunes (R, CA) and others have contended that Obama and his Regime were spying on and sabotaging Trump as early as 2015. Obama weaponized the U.S. intelligence community — particularly the cia and fbi — to derail the Trump train.

That assignment shifted after November 8, 2016 when the unthinkable happened: Trump won. Using damaging leaks as political carpet bombing, Obama loyalists in the entrenched, corrupt Deep State and in the drive-by media embarked on the ongoing mission to reverse the election results. In the minds of countless federal bureaucrats and foreign service personnel, the White House still belongs to Barack Hussein O. Since the election, their obsession has been to destroy Trump’s Presidency and drive him out of office.

The efforts on Obama’s behalf have been global: undercutting Trump’s policies and decisions, foreign and domestic. (Ex-Obama Secretary of State John Kerry, for instance, holds “secret meetings with Iran’s foreign minister to strategize over how to undermine President Trump’s plans to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal,” as The Washington Post reports.) All trails in the massive and complex anti-Trump enterprise, folks, lead straight to Barack Obama. Here’s a brief anatomy of just one operation, Spygate:


Pre-Election Dirty Tricks

  • “How did [Obama] the candidate of hope and change turn into the President of secret kill lists, drone strikes hitting civilians, and immunity for torturers? The answer may lie in his relationship with the cia Director [John Brennan], … architect of a morally murky national security policy … Brennan was Obama’s man. His conscience on national security, … the untouchable head of America’s most powerful intelligence agency.” —BuzzFeed, after Brennan was caught spying on the U.S. Senate, 4/23/15
  • “[W]e set up a group [within cia] in late July [2016] that included the fbi and nsa. I wanted to make sure that every information and bit of intelligence that we had was shared with the Bureau so that they could take it.” — John Brennan, testimony to House Select Committee on Intelligence hsci, claiming his “concern” caused him to focus on the Trump campaign,, 5/23/17
  • “I was aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons that raised concerns in my mind about whether or not those individuals were cooperating with the Russians, either in a witting or unwitting fashion, and it served as the basis for the fbi investigation to determine whether such collusion [or] cooperation occurred.” — John Brennan, taking credit for launching the Trump investigation, testimony to hsci,Time magazine, 5/23/17
  • “In consultation with the White House, [on 8/4/16] I … raised the published media reports of Russian attempts to interfere in our upcoming Presidential election [with the head of Russian intelligence, who] … denied that Russia was doing anything to influence our Presidential election … but said that he would inform President Putin of my comments.” — John Brennan, testimony to hsci, 5/23/17
  • “[M]embers of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 Presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former [Obama] officials.” —The New York Times, just one example of the plethora of lies disseminated throughout the media via “leaks” from unnamed Obama officials, 2/14/17
  • “Brennan’s briefing [the ‘Gang of Eight’] prompted [then-Senate Minority Leader Harry] Reid to write …two letters to Comey. Both demanded that Comey commence an investigation … Comey had been considering closing the fbi investigation of Trump, something Brennan strongly opposed.” — The Epoch Times, 12/10/19
  • “[Reid’s 8/27/16 letter] was leaked to The New York Times and then migrated throughout the mainstream media. It contained references … [from] the Democratic Party-financed dossier written by ex-British spy Christopher Steele … The dossier at that point had not been published.” —The Washington Times, 5/12/18
  • “Through the so-called Gang-of-Eight process we kept Congress apprised … Again, in consultation with the White House…” — John Brennan, testimony to hsci, 5/23/17
  • “I don’t.” — John Brennan, lying to hsci when asked, “Do you know who commissioned the Steele dossier?”, 5/23/17
  • “[Christopher] Steele’s company was hired by Fusion gps in June 2016 … [I]n early July, Steele passed his initial report to [Obama Assistant Secretary of State Victoria] Nuland and the State Department. Nuland later said these documents were passed on at some point to both the fbi and then-Secretary of State John Kerry.” —The Epoch Times, 12/10/19
  • “If ever there were an admission that taints the fbi’s secret warrant to surveil Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than two and a half years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written account of her Oct. 11, 2016 meeting with … Steele shows … [he] admitted that his research was political … Steele’s client ‘is keen to see this information come to light prior to November 8,’ the date of the 2016 election, Kavalec wrote in a typed summary of her meeting with Steele.” — The Hill, 5/7/19
  • “According to doj Inspector General Michael] Horowitz, ‘managers and supervisors in the Crossfire Hurricane chain of command, including fbi senior officials who were briefed as the investigation progressed,’ all knew what was going on [regarding the Obama Regime fisa abuse]. No one said a word.” — David Harsanyi, “The Obama Administration’s fisa Abuse Is a Massive Scandal,”National Review, 12/12/19
  • “This fisa abuse isn’t … ‘sloppiness’ … a lawyer [Kevin Clinesmith] for the fbi, run by the Obama Administration, concocted evidence and modified emails to use in warrant application, which was the ‘basis’ of a sworn statement in court. All of it to keep open, during an election season, a ‘low threshold’ counterintelligence investigation into the opposition Party’s political campaign … [I]t is corruption.” — National Review, 12/12/19
  • “On September 8, Comey, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, and Obama’s Homeland Security Advisor, Lisa Monaco, summoned congressional leaders … Obama [wanted] them … to urge a show of solidarity and bipartisan unity’ against Russian interference.” — Lee Smith, The Plot Against the President. Devin Nunes said it was clear that “Comey and the others wanted to create a panic,” but he and other Republicans “knew that something wasn’t on the up-and-up” and refused to go along.
  • “Thanks to a report from the Obama-appointed Inspector General [Michael Horowitz], now everyone knows the truth about 2016. The Obama Administration misled the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and wiretapped an American who supported the Presidential campaign of the Party out of power.” — The Wall Street Journal, 12/16/19


Transition Dirty Tricks

  • “In his memoir, Comey said he flew to New York on Jan. 6, 2017, to give the President-elect a private ‘defensive briefing’ — to ‘tell him what Russia had done to try to help elect him.’ But there was more to it than that, in light of Comey’s meeting in the Oval Office the day before with Obama, Biden and the other Cabinet officials. Their plan to brief Trump, which Obama approved, included disclosing [‘golden showers’] allegations from the dossier about the President-elect. As the top law enforcement official in the room, Comey was chosen to confront Trump with ‘the material’ that [falsely] accused him of being compromised by Russia and engaging in a criminal conspiracy with Moscow to hack the election.” — Paul Sperry, Real Clear Investigations, 7/22/19
  • “[T]his was a setup. The intention was not to simply brief Trump as they would a normal President. Rather, they … hoped that he’d then incriminate himself … The entire thing was an exercise in entrapment that ultimately failed. Shortly after the meeting took place, it was leaked to cnn, most likely by James Clapper. None of this was a coincidence … With the hook provided to the news media, the narrative that Trump was a Russian agent who liked his bed [urinated] on by prostitutes was set into motion. For the next two years we dealt with completely ridiculous conspiracy theories, not just daily, but sometimes hourly from the mainstream press.” — RedState, “IG Report Reveals Comey’s Briefing to Trump on the Steele Dossier Was a Setup,” 8/29/19
  • “Comey took that dossier after a meeting with Barack Obama, the next day — he took it to President-elect Trump to confront him with the dossier, to get information and evidence … [A]ccording to another IG report he ran downstairs to his car and started typing out his memo. He went back to the fbi field office and called the Crossfire Hurricane team to give them his information about his spy-op on President-elect Trump. Comey was running the show and he did it, frankly, at the orders of President Obama. He told Obama and Biden at that Oval Office meeting what they planned. And according to Comey, Obama said, ‘Good luck with that.’” — Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch on Fox News, 12/23/19
  • “In the Obama Administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the Presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians — across the government … At intelligence agencies, there was a push to process as much raw intelligence as possible into analyses, and to keep the reports at a relatively low classification level to ensure as wide a readership as possible across the government — and, in some cases, among European allies.” — The New York Times, 3/1/17
  • “I was urging my former colleagues and, frankly speaking, the people on the Hill … ‘Get as much information as you can. Get as much intelligence as you can before President Obama leaves the Administration.’” — Evelyn Farkas, former Obama Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, on scooping up material to leak in order to hamper the newly elected Trump Administration, msnbc, 3/2/17
  • “Trump had won. But now, on his way out of the White House, Obama instructed Brennan to stamp the cia’s imprimatur on the anti-Trump [Intelligence Community Assessment (ica)].” — Lee Smith, The Plot Against the President, on the ica, the Obama Administration’s propagandistic report based on a now-debunked claim that “17 intelligence agencies” determined that Putin helped swing the election to Trump
  • “’Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections’ is a declassified version of a highly classified assessment that has been provided to the President [Obama] and to recipients approved by the President.” — ica, the report created at Obama’s direction and released by John Brennan 1/6/17, used to continue pushing the Russia-collusion narrative after Trump’s inauguration. According to Lee Smith, this Obama-ordered ica “produced more media reports and legitimized more spying on the Trump Administration. News reports of the dossier opened up more channels for the Crossfire Hurricane team to spy on the Trump Presidency.”
  • “If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that, and it was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.” — James Clapper, Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, on cnn, 7/18/18
  • “On January 5, following a briefing by IC leadership [Brennan and Clapper] on Russian hacking during the 2016 Presidential election, President Obama had a brief follow-on conversation with fbi Director Jim Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates in the Oval Office. Vice President Biden and I were also present. President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book.’” — Susan Rice, then Obama National Security Advisor, email sent to herself 15 minutes after Trump was inaugurated, often described as “the cya email,” 1/20/17
  • “When initially asked about leaks related to the ica in July 2017, former dni Clapper flatly denied ‘discuss[ing] the [Steele] dossier or any other intelligence related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists.’ Clapper subsequently acknowledged discussing the ‘dossier with cnn journalist Jake Tapper,’ and admitted that he might have spoken with other journalists about the same topic.“ — House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence [hpsci] Report, lawfare blog, 4/27/18. Soon after Clapper resigned in 2017, he was hired by cnn.


Biden Obama


Post-Inaugural Dirty Tricks

  • “First we f–k Flynn, then we f–k Trump!” — Andrew McCabe, then-fbi Deputy Director, allegedly (according to persistent rumors) shouting this battle cry to cheering senior fbi members, around the time the Obama shadow government orchestrated nsa Director Michael Flynn’s firing by President Trump on 2/13/17; Flynn’s defense attorney Sidney Powell has now included a demand for all evidence and records confirming the quote as part of her list of requested “Brady” (exculpatory) material,, 9/11/19
  • “When [Flynn] was nominated by Trump to be [nsa Director] the most powerful man next to him in the White House, ‘his enemies from the intelligence community went into full swing to target him and get him out,’ said a former intelligence official… ‘They … were worried about what he would discover about their ongoing operation to target President Trump.’” — Sara Carter, investigative reporter,, 10/25/19
  • “Obama had allies throughout the intelligence community, hundreds of them. And they had their own reasons to go after Flynn … ‘Flynn was talking about … getting rid of the Obama holdovers to put Trump’s people in there,’ says Nunes … He had Trump’s ear. They were going to drain the Swamp.” — Lee Smith, The Plot Against the President
  • “Though a majority of House Democrats had previously said Trump should be impeached, after [Robert ‘Beyond My Purview’] Mueller’s [1/24/19] testimony flopped, the effort appeared to be dead in the water. The Ukraine scandal changed that in a matter of days.” — New York magazine, 10/1/19. Actually, the infamous Trump-Zelensky phone call took place on 1/25/19, the very next day after Robert Mueller bombed out. With impeccable timing, the Obama forces deployed the whistleblower Eric Ciaramella, a John Brennan lackey. From Ukraine, with love.
  • “After preparing a failed bill of particulars against the President — Russian election collusion, porn star payoffs, income tax evasion, obstruction of justice, the Emoluments Clause, the 25th Amendment, the Charlottesville rally, the two Michaels (Avenatti and Cohen), Deutsche Bank, Alfa-Bank, and Orange Man Bad — Adam Schiff finally has Trump dead to rights: A quid pro quo without the quid, the pro, or the quo.” — Julie Kelly, American Greatness, 10/31/19


Folks, it’s the Limbaugh Theorem again. Barack Hussein O is the man behind the curtain, pulling the levers of the anti-Trump coup — with few fingerprints. He works really hard to appear uninvolved, as if he’s focused on enjoying his sunset years before rising seas engulf his beachside mansion. Nothing Obama actually did attached to him during his Presidency. But that won’t work in his post-Presidency. America is onto him.


Photo of Obama ©2020 Getty Images/Bill Pugliano/Stringer; Photo of Obama and Biden ©2020 Getty Images Mark Wilson/Staff


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