Kommie’s Kackle

13 Dec 2021


Kamala Harris eating white house


“Kamala Harris Giggles as She Announces Trip to Mexico, Guatemala to Deal with Biden Border Crisis.” — video via Conservative Brief, 4/14/21


Is there anyone who cackles more than Vice President Kamala “Kommie” Harris? Not even the Arkansas Broadbeam, Hillary Clinton, has erupted in as many inappropriate random guffaws. It has gotten so embarrassing that the fact-checkers were sent out to “debunk” actual video of Kommie laughing uproariously at inopportune moments. According to usa Today, “Fact Check: Posts Mislead About VP Harris’ Response to Question About Migrant Influx”:

The claim: Vice President Kamala Harris laughed about migration struggles at the U.S.-Mexico border… The full 8-minute video of the incident… shows the broader context in which Harris made the statement… Harris told reporters she was in Jacksonville to address food insecurity… She was then asked if she had plans to visit the border. “Not today,” she said and laughed. “But I have before and I’m sure I will again.”

Oooookay then. Fact, checked.

Meanwhile, instead of heading to the southern border, Harris promptly announced a beeline to New Hampshire. Her Oval Orifice priorities are showing. Which is why her usual chortle was toned down to a huge, head-bobbing smile when she declared the Derek Chauvin guilty verdict “will not heal the pain that existed for generations.” To Kommie, that real pain is actually happy horse manure to exploit, and she’s gleefully riding dirty to the highest office — as soon as she can knock Ole Joe out of the saddle.

Speaking of naked political ambition, fact-checkers spent the last year “debunking” claims that Harris’ résumé showed her having slept her way — er, that is, advanced in her career due to her romantic connections with powerful men. Snopes says that yeah, “Harris did date former San Francisco Mayor and State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown… [And] in his capacity as Speaker, Brown appointed her to two political posts… [But] although Brown was technically still married during the time period that he dated Harris, he had been estranged from his wife.” So don’t bring any of that up, you miserable misogynist sexist pigs.

In The San Francisco Chronicle, Willie Brown himself wrote: “Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly Speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco.” The photo with his story, subtitled “So What?” — a 2005 shot of Harris practically doubled over, cackling at Brown while others in the room look on, bemused. That’s been Kommie’s go-to pose for decades.

Hers is the mouth that roared. And likely more than that, laughing all the way to the Harris White House.


Illustration ©2021 William Lesniewski for The Limbaugh Letter


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