News Digest

13 Dec 2021


Not a Pretty Sight

Not a Pretty Sight

Beauty is only skin deep, but beauty/personal-care company Unilever believes it has the power to control deep feelings. That’s why the corporation is pulling the word “normal” from 200 product labels immediately, according to The New York Timesand making it normal to totally erase “normal” by March 2022. The Dove Soap maker says most people want the beauty industry “to make them feel better, not just look better.” British Beauty Council advisor Ateh Jewel says categorizing a beauty product as “normal” on the label “could be dangerous for a person’s self-esteem and mental health.”

But Jewel warns that de-normalizing product labels isn’t enough. Because “normal” is apparently a racist term, Unilever must address its “normal” problem by bringing ethnic diversity to the boardroom, the labs, and advertisements. Unilever president Sunny Jain submits, “We know that removing ‘normal’ from our products and packaging will not fix the problem alone, but it is an important step forward.” He’s trying to placate the woke mob, but it won’t fly. In their war on normal, leftists will cancel his cleansers without blushing, without foundation, and without saying “pretty please.”


Homeless High Life

Homeless High Life

California officials are always creating new ways to “help” the homeless, but because they’re leftists, none of their ideas actually work. As reported in the California Globe article, “SF Homeless Department Stuns Budget Committee With $16.1 Million Tent Program Revelation,” San Francisco is spending around $5,000 a month per homeless person in their homeless tent program.

You cannot make this up. At each tent site, the city pays for 24-hour security, three meals a day, bathrooms, water hookups, electrical hookups, maintenance, and medical testing.

Surprise, surprise: even with all those cushy perks, crime has skyrocketed. One San Francisco resident says, “At best we have more panhandlers. At worst, we’ve seen fights and drug use and all sorts of things like that. If the [Town] Supervisors like these places so much, why don’t they have the camps set up on their lawns?”

Great question. And here’s a related point. Under Biden, fema has started paying to house homeless people in hotels. Since Biden wants to pamper the homeless, why not ask Dr. Jill to decorate their habitats with her giant cardboard hearts including the messages, “kindness,” “healing,” and “compassion” — and relocate the tents to the North Lawn of the White House?


California Screamin’

California Scremin

What a howl. In Democrat-run California (one of America’s scariest places), it’s all over including the shouting. As the wildly unpopular Governor Gavin Newsom faces recall, he finally decided to open California’s theme parks — but the fun will have its ups and downs. The New York Post reports that California’s Attractions and Parks Association has decreed that as rollercoaster riders twirl through space at breakneck speeds, they are forbidden to scream. (The same bunch forbids booing at sports events, notes ktla.)

This isn’t satire. According to the People’s Republic of California’s Responsible Reopening Plan, amusement parks like Disneyland and Universal Studios must open at a lower capacity, require face masks, and change seating so all riders face one direction — to “mitigate the effects of shouting.” And don’t expect to sit down for an amusement park hot dog; indoor dining is still restricted. (Unless, of course, you happen to be a member of California’s political elite.) No word on whether you’re allowed to take off your mask for a bout of rollercoaster motion sickness.


Genderless Is More BS

Genderless Is More BS

Grace Church School, a private K-12 school in Manhattan, NY, now frowns on teachers addressing students as “boys and girls” or “ladies and gentlemen.” The Epoch Times reports that teachers are being told to instead use gender-neutral terms like “friends,” “readers,” or “people.” Characters in books should not be referred to by their gender, but called a “child” or “person.” The school’s “inclusive language guide” also nixes terms like “mom,” “dad,” and “parents,” replacing them with words like “grownups,” “folks,” or “family.” The guide — because it’s “inclusive,” mind you — declares “traditional family” an outdated term. “Families are formed and structured in many ways. At Grace Church School … we actively try to undo notions of a ‘typical’ or ‘normal’ family structure,” the school says. And, although the school is a member of the National Association of Episcopal Schools, officials are reluctant to touch religion. So in lieu of wishing people “happy holidays,” teachers should say, “Have a great break!” Ladies and gentlemen, any typical mom and dad would yank their boys and girls out of this wackadoodle place. But we’re talking Liberalville, Manhattan: headquarters in the battle against normal.




Big-Tech Rulers

Big-Tech Rulers

This crowns it all: an elected Democrat wants to give actual rule to Big Tech companies. Er, more rule than they have already. According to abc News, “Nevada Governor Proposes Giving Tech Firms Power to Govern.” Yes, Gov. Steve Sisolak (D, NV) wants to let tech companies reign supreme over tiny kingdoms. Companies that own at least 50,000 acres of land and promise to invest $1.25 billion would establish Innovation Zones — “with powers similar to local government.” In those areas, the unelected tech company would “oversee zoning, taxation, law enforcement, and other government functions on their land and override local regulations put in place by the county in which they are located.” What could go wrong?

Justice Clarence Thomas recently warned about Big Tech’s bloated power: “As Twitter made clear, the right to cut off speech lies most powerfully in the hands of private digital platforms.” Adding taxation and zoning to its powers would be worth a king’s ransom.

One tech company that already qualifies for an Innovation Zone is the cryptocurrency firm Blockchains. ceo Jeffrey Berns promises, of course, utopia. “What we’re trying to build is a place where you [the people] have power instead of companies,” he proclaimed. Which is exactly what you’d expect a leftist to say before crushing the people. What a royal pain.


Illustration ©2021 Allison Smith for The Limbaugh Letter, Genderless Is More BS ©2021 Shutterstock/Fizhes; Mutton Dearest ©2021 Mark Pedley/Stockimo/Alamy


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