The Clinton Kiss-Up

9 Dec 2021

Archive [June 2000]


the clinton kiss-up

“I am really happy to be here. Happy to be reunited at long last with the White House Press Corps. (Laughter.)… The record on that count is clear, in good days and bad, in times of great confidence or great controversy I have actually shown up here for eight straight years. (Applause.) Looking back, that was probably a mistake. (Laughter.) In just eight years, I’ve given you enough material for 20 years. (Laughter.)” — BILL CLINTON, WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENTS’ DINNER


It was a rollicking good time with Bill at the annual press confab in Washington, D.C. The elite press corps’ passionately requited love affair with the impeached, guilty-of-contempt-of-court and quite possibly soon-to-be-disbarred President was on full display.

You have to understand that Bill Clinton is just gaming his legacy. He knows that it is the journalists of today who write the history books of tomorrow; he is playing them, pure and simple.

If you study his remarks you’ll see that the “humor” is consistently focused on his record (joking about “my travel office episode,” for example — a line greeted with a roar of laughter and applause) and how it will be chronicled. See what I mean:

“Now, some of you might think I’ve been busy writing my memoirs. I’m not concerned about my memoirs, I’m concerned about my résumé. Here’s what I’ve got so far. Career objective: To stay President. (Laughter.) But being realistic, I would consider an executive position with another country. (Laughter.) Of course, I would prefer to stay within the G-8. (Laughter.) I’m working hard on this résumé deal. I’ve been getting a lot of tips on how to write it, mostly from my staff. They really seem to be up on this stuff. (Laughter.) They tell me I have to use the active voice for the résumé. You know, things like “Commanded U.S. Armed Forces,” “Ordered airstrikes,” “Served three terms as President.” Everybody embellishes a little. (Laughter.)” He wants them to carry on that embellishment. And they will try, my friends, they will. Fortunately for history, however, they won’t succeed. Because I’m here.


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