
9 Dec 2021


Biden falling. Arm and a Leg


Joe Biden is the only guy who can fall up the stairs — which is totally appropriate for this pratfall Presidency. Wherever you look, his economy is failing up: up goes inflationunemploymentgasoline priceshousing costsmisery. By every economic measure, every metric, Biden’s “up” is bringing America down. It only took him 100 days, and runaway Biden-flation has been fully unleashed.

Lucky for Joe, he has the cheerleader media covering him, or, actually, covering for him. Just a month ago, they were telling us there was no chance of inflation, and all those pesky Republicans warning about it were just dumb and stupid and hateful and privileged and shut up. On April 30, Politico declared: “Why Big-Spending Biden Can Shrug Off gop Warnings of Inflation.” Besides, even if inflation is coming, “it won’t happen until after Biden is out of office.” Oops.

In March, The Washington Post had promised, “Inflation Isn’t a Real Danger.” The real danger, said WaPo, is the people predicting inflation, because that needlessly scares the public due to “inflation psychology” so shut up. Barron’s declared: “Inflation Isn’t Happening, and It Likely Won’t. Here Are 7 Charts Showing This.” Well, now you know what you can do with your charts.

Then, when it was obvious to real people that real stuff was suddenly costing exponentially more real cash — at the grocery store, the gas pump, at all the big-box “essential businesses” — and that actual items like building materials and appliances were both unaffordable and back-ordered for months, the tone of the “journalism” changed.

Now we were told, okay, there might be a few blips of hints of shadows of slightly elevated prices, but it’s all temporary, and transitory, and based on weird, unique events that are going away soon because Biden is awesome so shut up. It was just the used car market (which saw its biggest price jumps in 68 years) messing with the statistics. Take the soaring costs of food, energy, and commodities out of the mix, and Bidenomics is golden. So calm down!

“Don’t Freak Out About Inflation Yet.” — The Washington Post, 5/13/21

“Inflation Is Up. The Stock Market Is Down. Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Panic.” — The Washington Post, 5/13/21

“Should We Worry About Inflation? Not Yet.” — The Hill, 4/29/21

This pathetic punditry perfectly reflects the pathetic skillset of those in power, who can’t imagine that flooding the economy with $6 trillion while lowering productivity by paying people not to work while keeping interest rates super-low could be textbook “too many dollars chasing too few goods.” Hello, inflation. Hello, stagflation. Hello, the usual crippled economy when liberals are in charge.

Joe Biden looks at what he calls “hiccups” — gas pump closures, long lines, and major price hikes — and says, “Don’t panic, number one.”

Well, here’s number two: don’t buy the malarkey. Better buckle your seatbelt, America — we’re in for a bumpy ride.


Illustration ©2021 Mark Herron for The Limbaugh Letter


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