
9 Dec 2021



Americans are voting with their feet — and there’s no mail-in ballots to rig this kind of vote. The country is experiencing an enormous red-state migration, with big political consequences. People are bailing out of high-tax, high-crime, high-regulation, high-unemployment, business-hostile, harsh-lockdown, poorly-run Democrat hellholes as fast as they can pack. And the blue flight is about to be reflected in the House of Representatives.

There are currently 219 Democrats and 212 Republicans in the 117th Congress — which means Nancy Pelosi commands a razor-thin Democrat majority. But in the next Congress we elect in 2022, thanks to the 2020 Census, red states like Texas and Florida gain seats, while blue states like New York and California lose representatives. Texas, in fact, gains two seats, thanks to an influx of 4 million new residents, many fleeing California. Nancy is in deep red trouble.

Forbes reports: “America is on the move like never before … and for many, the driver is as much political as it is economic. The top five states seeing a mass exodus are all Democrat-controlled… California, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and Illinois lost a combined 4 million residents between 2010 and 2019.”

The National Association of Realtors reports that 8.9 million people picked up and moved during the pandemic — mostly relocating West and South, according to U.S. News & World Report. It’s a national out-of-the-blue pulling up stakes, as shown by change-of-address information from the U.S. Postal Service and moving van data. The great blue-state escape is going full steam.

The New York Post reveals that in the last two years, 104,960 New Yorkers made the switch to no-state-tax, no-lockdown, schools-open Florida. According to U-Haul, the top five inbound-mover states are Republican-run Tennessee, Texas, Florida, Ohio, and Arizona. The bottom five (with far more leaving than arriving) are California, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Maryland — with Connecticut, New York, and Pennsylvania rounding out the most-fled states.

The U.S. Sun reports that 267,000 people left California during the last three months of 2020 alone. According to Fox News, 70 percent of the people moving to Texas are from California. “We’ve never seen something like this,” says Dallas real estate exec Rogers Healy. “It’s like waiting for people to get an iPhone when it comes out. We have lines out the door for people seeing houses all across all sorts of price points.” He says people “are motivated to move by their high state taxes.”

And there’s another factor: liberty. The annual Frasier Institute “Economic Freedom” rankings put Florida, Texas, and Tennessee among the top five free states, while New York and California are dead last when it comes to economic liberty. The great national migration perfectly reflects that.

Dysfunctional blue-state America is losing, big time, and red-state America is winning — decisively. The left can fake opinion polls and mess with voting machines. But they can’t fudge the millions of real people getting the hell out of blue-state Dodge and putting down roots in red-state havens. The nation’s gravitational field is shifting right, and it’s glorious.


Cartoon by ©2021 permission of Steve Kelley and Creators Syndicate, Inc. 

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