MAGA Will Never Die

9 Dec 2021

Your Guiding Light



Rush and Trump

The political establishment — representing both parties — wants to erase the “Make America Great Again” movement. The Rush Forecast: they will fail.


I know you’ve had this sense that the tide is turning against you. Yes, all the Democrat election tactics were designed to offset your vote. They were designed to make your vote not count at all, in fact. They were designed to overwhelm the massive turnout they knew there would be for Donald Trump.

But the idea that things have been aligned against you is not new at all! And do you know what’s going to happen? All of this, eventually — I don’t know when, and I don’t know how — is going to backfire. Do you know why? Because the Democrats are Wile E. Coyote. They always blow themselves up. They always step in it. I can’t predict when it will happen in this case. But they always do. The media will continually cover for them, but they’ll blow this because they blow everything. They blew the Wellstone memorial. They’ve had any number of chances to totally take over and co-opt this country.

I’m frankly surprised, given everything that’s happened, that there is still a viable opposition —which is made up of people like you. You’re not without options, and you certainly have not lost all of your power. Never lose sight of the fact that they’re scared to death of what you could still do. They’re scared to death of Trump. They’re terrified he’ll run again. Despite their arrogant shows of bravura, they do not think they have vanquished Trump. They hope they will able to down the road, but they don’t believe they have now.



People who have visions of authoritarianism are quite dangerous, and they’re not to be taken lightly, don’t misunderstand. But they are going to blow this. It will blow up on them one way or another. It always does. And the reason it does is because of the people of this country. The majority of this country is not socialist. The majority of the population doesn’t want socialism or communism. And they realize it’s being forced on them against their will.

And I’m going to tell you something. We have a more active, engaged opposition to the Democrat Party today than at any time in my lifetime. I have been frustrated over the years, as I have shared with you, that we don’t seem to engage in any real opposition. We just complain. We vote, we complain. Repeat. Well, those days are behind us.

I think there are a whole lot of people doing a lot more than complaining. And I’m not talking about the conspiracy side of things. I’m not talking about the QAnons, whoever the hell they are, and whatever else. I think there is a genuine degree of anger in this country over what happened in the 2020 election. I think there is a legitimate amount of anger among the American people who voted for Trump who realize or strongly believe that he was cheated. They are livid over the way he was treated for four years. They are furious over the efforts made to destroy him. They are not going away. You have every reason in the world to remain confident.

Now, having said that, Biden is President. And the Democrats will run everything for a while. But in that, they’re going to blow it.


Rush and Trump


Look at what they’re doing in California. The ruinous results of their policies are forcing people to leave the state. Including tech people. They’re driving people out. Now, that has its downside. Those people are going to other states, red states, and they’re bringing their corrupted policies with them. But it is significant that even the people who supported liberalism in their states can’t stand to live there.

So you’ve got plenty of opportunity to make the case against Democrats that will be right in front of your faces each and every day. It will require action. And yes, in addition to activism and organizing, it will require voting. And don’t give me doom-and-gloom on that.

If you’re worried that if Trump doesn’t start a new party or change parties he’s lost all opportunity, that won’t be the case. The truth is, I have moved beyond and outside of that aspect of politics, parties and labels, Independents, Republicans. I’m loyal to the term “conservative” — it means specific things — but even that has been subject to a massive branding effort to destroy it. So I think even conservatism may need to be rethought in terms of where and how it is used.

But I think in Trump’s case it doesn’t matter what his party is. Doesn’t matter what his label is. Trump is maga. Trump is Make America Great Again. Whatever he does, that needs to remain the identity of his political objectives.

Make America Great Again, America First. It needs to be done. It can be done. He did it! The first three years of Trump’s Presidency were just phenomenal. And then came the pandemic, a disease from which 99 percent of the people who get it recover. We shut down the economy; we shut down small businesses. It was devastating. Unnecessary. But if Trump wants to go independent, fine. If you think Republican is a bad word and that the Republican Party’s reputation, image has been destroyed, fine and dandy. Doesn’t matter to me. As long as it’s the agenda that remains understandable.

Here’s the thing about political agendas, which I’ve called your attention to with Ronald Reagan. Reagan had a very understandable agenda. It was not complicated. He could express it and advance it anywhere. It was referred to as “the three-legged stool.” Anti-communism, i.e., defeating the Soviet Union; rebuilding the American military; and growing the American economy by way of tax cuts. Those were the three things that made up the Reagan agenda, no matter where he went, no matter what his labels were, conservative, Republican, what have you.

The truth is, Republicans in Washington didn’t like Ronald Reagan. They thought of him much the same way they think of Trump. Now, Reagan wasn’t as “bad” as Trump, in their view, because Reagan had been a governor; he had electoral political experience. Reagan was relatively sophisticated, they conceded, where Trump was just a bear in a china shop. To them, Trump was out of control. But whatever Trump calls himself party-ID-wise to me is not relevant. It’s what his agenda is. And he still has the best agenda of any politician short of Reagan in my lifetime: Make America Great Again.

There’s a reason 75 million people voted for Trump. There’s a reason that when he made that trip down the escalator on June 5, 2015, he immediately had majority support in the Republican Party. And the reason is: the people who voted for Trump know exactly what the left has been doing to our country. It has nothing to do with race, it has nothing to do with white supremacy, nothing to do with white this or that. It has to do with the left destroying Western civilization, destroying the very culture this country was built on, destroying traditional morality, destroying our Constitutional framework and the rule of law.

It has nothing to do with white people supposedly panicked that their country is being taken away from them. Nothing to do with that at all. That’s what the left claims; they’ve never given up on that smear. They’re wrong. And people are livid over this, too. They’re livid about being called racists, told they wanted to return to slavery. Democrats still say that’s what the Trump agenda was “really” about. It’s just a crock.

It was always about a great country. It was always about making America great again for everybody who lives here, for everybody who’s here legally. It was not complicated. Make America Great Again is not something that you need a Ph.D. to understand. It is so simple; people glommed onto it. They loved it. It’s why they’re still supporting it. And they still believe it can happen — and it can.

The Trump maga agenda can succeed. It will succeed again the next time it’s implemented, because it resonates with millions and millions of people. It’s going to really resonate after two years of the Democrats tearing this country apart, which they’re going to do. The Democrats will tear this country apart, value by value, tradition by tradition, institution by institution. They’re going to make America long and hope for the America of their youth — which was indeed great.

There was nothing wrong with the “Ozzie and Harriet” version of America. There was nothing wrong with the “Beaver Cleaver” version of America. This is not to say there were no problems, but there was nothing fundamentally broken about America then. There is a lot wrong with the version of America that Democrats are going to create. They’re going to turn it into something it was never intended to be. And the more they do that, the greater the opportunity we’ll have to Make America Great Again. The Trump agenda will not die no matter what he calls it, Republican, independent, take your pick, doesn’t matter to me.


A caller asked me if I believed the Democrats will actually try to pack the Court, end the filibuster, making D.C. and Puerto Rico states, expand mail-in voting, and so on. When I said I think they have every intention of trying all that, he asked incredulously, “Then how do you maintain the unbelievable amount of optimism you have for the future?”

Here’s my answer. I just don’t see our country dying that way. Rather, I see something happening that screws up the Democrats in the midst of their efforts to do this. I don’t deny they’ll try. I don’t deny that they’re serious. I just think that something is going to happen that will prevent them from actually accomplishing it. I can’t begin to tell you what it is. I don’t know if they’ll have defectors in their own ranks, but I just don’t see the end of the United States this way.

I don’t deny that it’s frustrating that they are trying all this, especially as it appears that they’re winning while doing it, but I’m telling you: there’s more of an organized opposition to them than there has ever been in 30-plus years. 

I also have found, in all aspects of life, there’s just no purpose in pessimism. There’s no purpose in convincing yourself that the worst you can think of is what will happen. I just have never gotten to that point where pessimism is a worthwhile virtue.

Now, some people will tell you that you have to prepare for the inevitable reality. I’m still of the mind that inevitable reality isn’t inevitable, that it is still subject to change by virtue of going to war against it. I’m not trying to be optimistic for the sake of the audience or anything else. I’m just sharing with you what I actually feel and think. It just all adds up to I’m not ready to give up on the country. And don’t discount Trump in all of this, particularly in America’s future. No, I don’t know anything specific about the lay of the land, other than I know Donald Trump.


Photo Trump and Limbaugh Facing Each Other ©2021 Carolyn Kaster/AP/Shutterstock; Photo Trump and Limbaugh Beside Each Other ©2021 Jim Watson/Contributor/Getty Images 


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