“Stupid Quotes”

9 Dec 2021



“You have not seen my wrath… I can tell the whole world what a bad person you are and you will be finished. You will be destroyed.” — Gov. Cuomo, to state Assemblyman Ron Kim (D, Queens), who slammed the governor’s nursing home record, quoted at The New York Post. Kim’s uncle died of covid-19 in a New York nursing home.

Fredo’s older brother — last seen wandering his mansion’s grounds wearing a blanket.


“You can go find hundreds of pictures of me kissing people, men, women — it is my usual and customary way of greeting… By the way, it was my father’s way of greeting people.” — Gov. Andrew Cuomo, “apologizing” for groping, cnn

Hey, Governor. Kiss this. Your time is up.


“I’m increasingly embarrassed to be a white male these days, in light of what I see of my other white males saying.” — John Brennan, Obama’s cia Director, on msnbc

Understandable, given “your” other Democrat white males like Andrew Cuomo and Joe Biden.



“It’s amazing. Indian-descent Americans are taking over the country — you, my Vice President, my speechwriter.” — Joe Biden, to Swati Mohan, nasa’s guidance-and-controls operations lead for the Mars rover landing, quoted at The New York Post

At least this time he didn’t talk about a slight Indian accent being required to go to a 7-Eleven.



“The President was just recognizing and honoring and valuing — or this was his intention — the incredible contribution of Indian Americans to science.” — Jen Psaki, White House spokesperson, asked by Press Trust of India journalist to “clarify” Biden’s remarks about Indian Americans “taking over,” quoted at The New York Post

Really? Better circle back on that. Preferably not at a 7-Eleven.


“The Patriarchy continues to try to crush my neck with their heavy boots, cut off my life force and take away my voice — even those who call themselves artists. You know who you are!!! death to the patriarchy! Now and Forever.” — Madonna, on Twitter

Pretending to be oppressed, long after the like-a-virgin schtick stopped working.


“We will issue further guidance on what you can and cannot do once fully vaccinated.” — Joe Biden, first prime-time speech, a 24-minute downer, on Twitter

Joe. Try your “strongman” act with your misbehaving dogs. Not free Americans.



“Thank God we have a real President. It makes you cry.” — Rob Reiner, after Biden’s speech telling us what we “can and cannot do,” on Twitter

Yeah, cry. Every time you go to the gas station. Or the border.


“Biden Stimulus Showers Money on Americans, Sharply Cutting Poverty in Defining Move of Presidency.” — The Washington Post, drooling about the $1.9 trillion so-called “covid Relief” law, on Twitter

That’s the Pravda spin. The truth: Biden bails out mismanaged blue states with red state tax dollars.


“With Relief Plan, Biden Takes on a New Role: Crusader for the Poor.” — The New York Times

If he remembers.


“I want to thank the — former general — the guy who runs that outfit over there.” — Joe Biden, forgetting the name of his Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, as well as the name of the Pentagon, National File

President of the United Thingamabobs.



“No President has entered the White House with as clear a focus on Alzheimer’s disease as Joe Biden.” — Maria Shriver, Time magazine

 Doctor Jill had no comment.


“Nancy, I love you… I admire the devil out of you.” — Joe Biden, to Nancy Pelosi, video conference with House Democrats, quoted at Breitbart

The Exorcist, Part IV.



“In order to open these doors, we do not say ‘Open Sesame,’ we say ‘Open Biden.’ That’s our magic word. Open Biden! I love it!” — Nancy Pelosi, giggling, to Joe Biden, claiming her grandchildren used those terms when “playing games” with Biden, whitehouse.gov video via Twitter

Next up, her head-spinning pea-soup scene.



“I drive a Chevy Bolt, which is an electric vehicle. I don’t have to buy gasoline… I have solar panels on my house. So I drive on sunshine. That’s … what the Department of Energy is all about.” — Jennifer Granholm, Biden’s Secretary of Energy, on abc’s “The View,” quoted at Breitbart

Powered by fossil fuels. Drive on that, Ms. Sunshine.



“I don’t think we’re going to be completely normal a year from now… Sooner or later, the variants, the new lineages, the mutants, will come back and rekindle the outbreak, even in countries that seem to have it under control.” — Anthony Fauci, perennial doom-and-gloom messaging, quoted at Breitbart

Put a mask on it — and go away.


“There are things, even if you’re vaccinated, that you’re not going to be able to do in society: for example, indoor dining, theaters, places where people congregate. That’s because of the safety of society.” — Anthony Fauci, quoted in The Washington Times

If you really care about safety, never get between Dr. Fauci and a TV camera.


“[I]f you have individuals, adults who are vaccinated, two people that are doubly vaccinated and are protected, then you can do things that we weren’t talking about before. You can have dinner in a home without masks on.” — Anthony Fauci, quoted at The Epoch Times

Dr. Fauci. There is something you can do. Wanna know what?



“When this pandemic ends, and it will end soon, we’re not going back to normal. Because I think we all agree, normal was never good enough. Normal accepts inequity.” — Gov. Gavin Newsom (D, CA), State of the State Address, cbs-la

Your voters all agree that by the time this “pandemic ends,” you’ll be recalled and can hang out all day with your upper-crust friends in exclusive restaurants. If any of them are still in business.


“Lockdowns are quietly improving cities around the world.” — World Economic Forum, in since-deleted tweet

“Improving” for whom?


“Everything Is About to Get More Expensive. It’s a Crucial Next Step for the U.S. Economic Recovery.” — Business Insider, praising inflation

Right, and we’re about to re-experience the “funemployment” we had under Obama. Same bad policies, same bad outcome, same media lies.


“It’s the U.S.’s Deadliest Avalanche Season in Years. Experts Say covid Is Partially to Blame.” — cnn

Triggered by all the sneezing, no doubt. Listen to the science.


“China Gave U.S. Diplomats Anal covid Tests ‘in Error,’ American Officials Say: The U.S. State Department Says It Is Committed to Preserving the ‘Dignity’ of American Diplomats.” — Vice.com

Foggy Bottom gets schlonged.



“[W]e’re asking New Yorkers to show up for their neighbors and intervene when witnessing hateful violence or harassment.” — Chirlane McCray, wife of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, begging residents to “intervene” as violent crime in the city skyrockets after McCray successfully agitated to defund police, on Twitter

If only you knew someone with the power to enforce the law.


“I’ve been very disappointed to see who he has become.” — Kristen Ruehter-Thompson, “once Mr. Hawley’s prom date,” quoted in hit piece on conservative Sen. Josh Hawley (R, MO), along with Hawley’s middle school principal, also quoted as being “disappointed” in Hawley, The New York Times

I’m sure he is lying awake nights wondering where he went wrong. not.


Photos: Cuomo ©2021 Seth Weinig/Poll/EPA-EFE; ©2021 Shutterstock: Biden, Jim Lo Scalzo/UPI; Fauci: Al Drago/UPI; Granholm: Jim Watson/POOL/EPA-EFE; McCray: Lev Radin/Pacific Press; Newsom: Al Seib; Pelosi: Jim Lo Scalzo/UPI; Psaki; Shriver: Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP; Reiner: Andy Kropa/Invision/AP


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