Rush Limbaugh: Marconi’s Titan

9 Dec 2021


It may seem like we’re on an express elevator to hell. Maybe we’ve hit a tipping point, maybe we haven’t. But I submit there is one reason we haven’t already slid this great country into a socialist hellscape. One man who stood, initially and literally alone, like Horatio at the bridge, and stymied the left. That man was America’s Anchorman, The Doctor of Democracy, The Last Man Standing: Rush Limbaugh.

For more than 33 years, Rush has fought for truth, justice, and the American way. There were no conservative media when Rush started out. To whatever extent we Americans have a conservative micron of a fraction of a sliver of the media now, we have Rush to thank. Rush, who stood alone, taught us how to fight, stiffened our resolve, and gave us the tools we need to win the ideological conflict and preserve this Republic — if only we would use them.

Know a man’s enemies, you’ll know the man. Rush was despised and feared by a preening, arrogant press that saw itself as the gatekeeper to what information the American people would have available to them. Rush was despised and feared by Democrat politicians, whose rapacious appetite for grift and corruption only Rush had the stones to point out — those Democrat politicians who could not (until recently) honestly articulate their agenda, because it’s anathema to the founding principles of our Republic. Rush was despised and feared by linguine-spined Republicans who only wanted to lose gracefully, gratefully accept crumbs from the table of political power, and enrich themselves whilst eschewing promises made to their constituents.

Rush put the lie to the never-ending quest for “bipartisanship” with the dishonest, authoritarian left, as embodied by the Democratic Party. “If someone wants you to drink a cup of poison, do you negotiate so that you only drink half a cup of poison?” Amen.

Rush taught us to reject the premise of Democrat/leftist assertions and arguments. Give them not a fig leaf of credibility or legitimacy when they run down our great country, its institutions, or the people who believe we should be governed by our Constitution, understood as the Founders intended. Reject the premise and assault what they really mean.



Rush taught us to assault the left’s premises not with rancor and scathing words, but with humor. His nicknames for Democrat politicians helped make them, and thus their insane ideology, objects to laugh at. Who can forget “Dingy” Harry Reid, Patrick “Leaky” Leahy, or Adam “Pencil Neck” Schiff, among a plethora of other appellations? Rush’s sense of humor is always genuine, deceptively subtle, and spot-on accurate for perforating leftist superciliousness. Is there any better way to illustrate absurdity than by being absurd?

Even when he isn’t eviscerating the left, he is often hilarious. Usually, listening to Rush in my car, he elicits an “I see what you did there” grin from me. Sometimes, he generates a for real, pull-over-or-you’ll-wreck-or-go-into-the-ditch guffaw. One time before he was going to take a trip, he took an extra day off to pack. Somebody (probably Bo Snerdley) obviously wisecracked on their internal comms something like, “C’mon, man! You don’t pack. You have people for that!”

“What?” said Rush, “Okay, I don’t pack — but I have to point!” And into the ditch I went.

Rush called the shot on Trump being able to win the 2016 election. Once djt clinched the nomination, Rush was on the bow wave, telling his enormous audience, basically, “This is a guy who says what he means and means what he says.”

I think Rush’s empathy and affinity for Trump stems from the fact that he understood the slings and arrows fired at Trump probably better than anyone could. Who else had spent decades suffering nonstop lies and bilious slander by politicians and the press? Rush knew that our corrupt and effete elite rolled their eyes when talking about either Rush or his audience — you know, the people who make this country work. Rush recognized that same elitist eyeroll when djt spoke of putting America First.


Since he found out that he has advanced lung cancer, Rush has defined being a mensch. Knowing what he’s going through, and the fact that he still comes out and stands astride the AM spectrum like a Colossus is both humbling and motivating. I don’t think I could face the challenges Rush is facing with his calm, grace, and equanimity. It is, simply, inspirational.

Never one to put a religious slant to his program, if you listen to Rush you know he believes. The cover of the most recent newsletter bears the legend, “God Is With Me.” My wife read the article with tears streaming down her face. “What will we do when he’s gone?”

“We’ll do what he taught us to do.” Over the years, Rush has advised his audience, “Don’t panic. I’ll tell you when it’s time to panic.” Lately, though, he has adopted a different catchphrase:

Never stop fighting for America.

We won’t. We know how. And we have you to thank for it, brother.


Article ©2021 by Wm. Brendan Welsh; reprinted by permission. 


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