I Am a Reporter

9 Dec 2021



Rush Limbaugh

“Who needs the media when they’ve got me?” — me, The Way Things Ought to Be, 1992


“[T]he American people who only read The New York Times and Washington Post, watch cbs, abc, nbc, cnn, msnbc, read The Los Angeles Times or any number of magazines — Time, Newsweek? Those people do not know anything you know from listening to this program.” — me, eib, 1/19/18


There isn’t any journalism today. There’s only leftist indoctrination and spin. This is why I call myself America’s Real Anchorman, because I actually present the news. “Doing what the mainstream media used to do,” I tell you the truth about what is happening out there, and how the left is lying about it. The icing on the cake: you also get my take, and my unsurpassed analysis.

In the 30-plus years I’ve been behind the Golden eib Microphone, I’ve seen a lot of changes to the so-called journalism profession, and none of them good. In the “old days,” reporters at least pretended to be impartial. Take cnn’s Bernard Shaw, who famously broadcast under a desk in his Baghdad hotel room while hiding from Gulf War cruise missiles in 1991. Back in the day I often made fun of Shaw — particularly for his refusal to debrief the military on his hotel experience because he was too “principled,” and as a journalist he couldn’t “choose sides.”

Really? I was shocked, stunned, and angry at Shaw. Americans were at war, and I saw Shaw’s very press freedoms were defended by the U.S. military he was stiff-arming. Those were my naive days, when I learned that American journalists did not primarily identify as “American.”

Still, after retiring, Shaw made a solid point in a 2014 npr interview about his approach to reporting that illuminates why journalism today is such a train wreck: “[O]ne of the things I strove for [at cnn] was to be able to control my emotions in the midst of hell breaking out… The more intense the news story I cover, the cooler I want to be, the more I ratchet down my emotions, even the tone of voice, because people are depending on you for accuracy, dispassionate descriptions of what’s happening.”

Compare that to the 24/7 lunacy on cnn nowadays, as host Brianna Keller calls Gov. Ron DeSantis (R, FL) an “ass” on air. We see Chris Cuomo declaring “We won!” when Democrat candidates pulled ahead in Georgia’s runoff election. We get cnn’s Little Brian Stelter celebrating Big Tech’s purging conservatives from social media:

isis is the only parallel. That is a similar conversation that Facebook and Twitter and other companies are having now. They are wiping away the lies, “stop the steal” lies, QAnon lies. But as we all know, lies beget more lies… So in order to cover up what happened [at the Capitol 1/6/21], you say, “Oh, it was Antifa.” That’s what the President is doing. And he’s probably gonna repeat that lie today. These companies are addressing supply but not demand, and demand is the harder part. Hatred and resentment and fear of the other, the vitriol that leads to violence. The whitelash in this country, the anti-democratic streak. I just fear there’s no way to delete that. There’s no way to delete those feelings. That’s where you need leadership from trusted figures, the Rush Limbaughs, the Ted Cruzes of the world.

This is insanity. Stelter is comparing 75 million Americans who voted for Trump to isis — and then says it’s up to me to delete your feelings, as though you’re just a bunch of mind-numbed robots, 75 million people he smears as a “whitelash.” Here you have media people, supposedly First Amendment defenders, blithely discussing actual censorship. They’re not the slightest bit upset. They don’t think that someday they could be next with one wrong turn.



One thing I can be sure of, back in the old days, David Brinkley would not put up with this, would not join in and just marvel at the wonder of censorship. You couldn’t try this on John Chancellor, Huntley and Brinkley, Walter Cronkite. Most of these old guys were as left-wing as this current crop is, but they were working in an environment where it was necessary that they fake it. They had to fake being objective. They had to fake having no opinions. They had to fake not being liberal. I don’t think journalists today are deep down any different than they were — they just don’t try to hide it anymore. They’re loud and proud about their leftist bias.

This shift has made my position as America’s leading voice of mainstream conservatism an essential service, so to speak. There is actual journalism taking place on my radio program. I am a reporter in the sense that I report what I learn that’s going on out there that you may not know otherwise.

And in order for me to be persuasive, you need to understand who the Democrats are. If I’m going to criticize them and warn people about them, I’d better tell you why. So I do. I engage in more real journalism and more news behind the Golden eib Microphone than anybody in mainstream media today. Now more than ever these skills are necessary.

I’ve never forgotten for a moment that one of my self-assigned duties as your host is to unravel what the drive-by media is saying or ignoring. I provide critical context and background that the media either suppresses or lies about. I make the complex understandable. I can tell you in a few minutes what The New York Times tries to lie about in five pages.

Evidence supports that my listening audience is well informed. Pew Research did a study back in 2009 that found that the eib audience was among the most knowledgeable, according to their political quiz. When it came to current events, eib listeners beat out the audiences of nbc, abc, cbs, Fox, cnn, bbc, and many others.


One recent example: the $900 billion covid relief bill that gave most Americans a $600 check. When President Trump wanted to raise the amount to $2,000, abc’s Rachel Scott went off the rails, ranting, “That stimulus package would provide aid for millions out of work and fearing eviction but now all of that is up in the air with a threat from the President.” She provided no context. No reporting on all the people who were evicted because Pelosi delayed the second stimulus for eight months because she didn’t want Trump to get the credit before the election. No reminder that in 2018 Pelosi called a $1,000 tax bonus “crumbs” and “pathetic,” but now called the $600 coronavirus check “significant.” Zip, zero, nada of this hypocrisy was pointed out by the fawning media. You know who pointed it out? Me.

I reported on what else was in the bill, that $700 billion of the $900 billion price tag for “covid relief” didn’t even go to Americans. That’s because the 5,593-page bill was chockful of giveaways to friendly socialist nations. There’s $15 million to repair a military boat in Sri Lanka; $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan; $169 million to Vietnam; $198 million to Bangladesh; $130 million to Nepal “for development and democracy programs.” And, get this, $1,800 — not the $600 everyone else is getting — is to be paid retroactively to family members of illegal aliens. All of this was conveniently left out of drive-by reporting. There is always more actual journalism happening on my program than you’ll ever find in the drive-by media, pick your network.

Until President Trump came along, the Republicans tended to be terrified of getting their message out. Republicans used to complain to me, “I’d love to go out there and say ‘x’ about whatever Democrat policy or action, but I won’t get covered. I’ll call a press conference, but the media won’t report what I said.” Today the bigger complaints are blatant media lies and fabrications. Either way, many of these politicians have gotten used to relying on talk radio to do the job the media won’t do.

Say what you will about President Donald Trump, but how many years were people begging for a Republican to just once take on the media? In pressers Trump didn’t stand up there and take crap. He fired right back at them. He let them know it’s an unlevel playing field, and he was going to treat them accordingly.

In this post-Trump era, I will have no patience with Republicans cowering in fear of the media. Or being unable to define our opponents. Or being too timid to inform the voting public of the truth about the socialists and communists running for office with a D after their names.

There is no excuse for cowardice. And I speak after having been through the fire for my entire career. They have tried for 30-plus years to intimidate me, and they failed.

I have an advantage. I don’t need “the media” to report what I say. I am the media. I am the record. Whenever I’ve been in the midst of some controversy due to lies from fake news, a lot of people say, “Why don’t you go on tv and explain this?” I don’t do it because my vast experience has taught me that there aren’t two sides of an issue when the media is involved. There is the truth — what actually happened — and then there is what the media is reporting, which is a total lie. I will not go on television and argue with the media about whatever their smear of the day is. If I accept the premise that there are “two sides” to the issue, whatever it is, I can’t help but be on defense; and I’m not going to be on defense, ever.

Unlike all of those other media types falling over themselves to parrot the same nonsense narrative, I am America’s Truth Detector and will remain so as long as I can. As I have said many times, liberalism is symbolism over substance. For the past 30 years, I’ve provided the substance. Do not doubt me.


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