Make America Great Again – Again!

20 May 2020


“I’ll tell you where there is a win. We’re going to build a country. I did it once. Two months ago, we had the greatest economy in the history of the world, the best employment numbers we’ve ever had in history … We’re going to build the greatest economy in the world again. And it’s going to happen pretty fast.” — President Trump, “chopper presser” before boarding Marine One, via Twitter, 5/5/20


“On Monday [5/18/20], the House Democrats filed a brief with the Supreme Court that the House was actively pursuing new articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.” — Jonathan Turley, 5/19/20


As Democrats are being dragged kicking and screaming to open up their blue states, it is so obvious they are running on fumes. Their presumptive nominee is doddering. After four years, their political ammo is spent. Their vaunted Democrat machine has seized up. Nancy Pelosi is reduced to middle school stunts like ripping up the President’s State of the Union speech and calling him fat. The left titters and cheers her on, convinced that this is a winning strategy. It isn’t.

Folks, they’ve got nothing. Along with their usual vote-fraud shenanigans, the Democrats are all-in on a three-part attack. One, “investigate” the President’s coronavirus response. Two, get the Supreme Court to let them have the Mueller grand jury transcripts so Schiff & Nadler produce Impeachment, the Sequel. And three, Wuhan lockdown.

It is such thin gruel. Let’s just recall, shall we, the headwinds in the first Trump term. We had the Shadow Government cabal, the Obama “alumni,” the global intelligence schemers from the top echelons of Western intelligence — with the obvious complicity of their governments. We had nefarious global trade alliances and health organizations, corrupt world environmental syndicates, the tentacles of UN organizations, and ngos, “non-government organizations.” We had the globalist economic axis, the multinational corporations, the China-backed infiltration of every apparatus of influence. Plus the domestic tentacles of all of that, and Wall Street, the media, academia, the giant tech platforms, unions, the entertainment industry, and on and on. Not to mention elected establishment officials of both political parties. And that was just the tip of the iceberg.


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The size and scope of the collective powers arrayed against Donald Trump’s America-First agenda were unimaginable. And yet they were not able to stop him. As he was battling constant, scheming, planet-wide opposition, President Trump was able to make massive structural changes via tax policy, deregulation, immigration policy, trade policy, and more that his enemies didn’t even understand.

While they were obsessed with sabotage, leaking, and calling him an idiot, he reordered the world’s manufacturing framework, reconfigured the global supply chain, elevated the U.S to the top energy producer, leveraged every aspect of American might, and transformed the relative economic trajectories of the U.S. and China.

We are no longer “managing the decline,” as under Obama. Trump’s America dominates by every measure. That greatness that accrued to the U.S. within three years remains largely unreported and little understood. But it meant that when the virus hit, the American economy withstood it and remains poised to come roaring back.

Forbes reports that nearly 80 percent of those “who have lost work amid the coronavirus pandemic believe their jobs will return, according to a new poll from the Associated Press-norc Center for Public Affairs Research that finds Americans optimistic about their personal finances…” And, as our friends at “Watts Up With That” observed on 5/19/20, “The nasdaq has almost entirely recovered. The S&P is back up to levels seen last year … There is no stock market crash in response to the pandemic — the three major U.S. markets are all higher today than they were in January 2019 … Don’t ask me to explain it … [Many of us] have weathered the storm rather handily, despite ill-advised actions by [state] governments in response to the covid pandemic.”



So you won’t be surprised that according to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll, most people think America will be great again. “America’s Best Days,” the title of the article on the Rasmussen website, declares that “the coronavirus has done little to dent voters’ optimism about America’s future, and most believe the country will be great again.”

All this has got to just frost the Democrats. Re-upping his 2016 campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” has been handed back to Donald Trump on a silver platter. And now, Democrats have to — again — run against making America great again. That is a no-win, literally. Trump has snookered them into it for the second time.

The Democrat Party and the American left think a continued shutdown is the only means of destroying Trump’s signature achievement: the historic booming economy. In three years, President Trump created economic growth a lot of people hadn’t seen in their lifetimes. Here comes the virus; here comes the lockdown. Democrats believe that if they can keep this country shut down through June and into July, that would mean economic constriction of 30 percent. Their desperate hope is that the effects would persist into the fourth quarter, when the election is.

It’s now the transparent left-wing wish that coronavirus can do what Mueller and Schiff couldn’t. The Democrat leaders — Pelosi, Schumer, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, everybody involved in this hoax to get rid of Trump — are all rooting for the virus.

But it’s a lost cause. None of them understand Donald Trump, and none of them have the slightest clue about the American people. While the left is scheming and plotting, Donald Trump continues to solve the medical threat and move economic hindrances out of America’s path.

On 5/19/20, the President indefinitely extended his coronavirus border restrictions, and then he took another buzz saw to regulations: “I’m directing agencies to review the hundreds of regulations we’ve already suspended in response to the virus and make these suspensions permanent.”


At the same time, the American people are insisting on freedom. According to PJ Media on 5/19/20, Michigan business owner Erik Kiilunen is rallying Michiganders to defy Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D, MI) “ludicrous” coronavirus orders. “In the midst of the economic suicide of the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen,” he says, “and the financial ruin of her citizens, there remains the only hope we’ve ever had — allowing those who built the greatest country in the world to get back to work.” He’s running a billboard campaign proclaiming, “All Business Is Essential.” Even better, he instituted “Take Yourself to Work Day.” Amen.

That, my friends, is exactly how we enact what the President calls “transition to greatness.” The folks I refer to as normal, the ones I lovingly and very appreciatively characterize as “the people who make the country work,” are chomping at the bit.

It’s the American people who are the engine of this greatness. When a President is leading where the American people want to go, when he is unshackling them and unleashing their creativity and innovation and energy, Katy bar the door! In the first term, Trump got the impediments out of their way and leveled the playing field. And right under the noses of the left, he is doing it once more. When the barriers are removed, look out. When the obstacles are eliminated, get out of the way.

Trump is right about the pent-up demand and pent-up economic energy he senses. Let us loose! And watch us make America great again — again. maga-a!


Illustration ©2020 Christopher Hiers for The Limbaugh Letter


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