Preserving the American Way of Life

23 Jul 2020


“I’m an Afro-indigenous nonbinary local organizer here in Portland, organizing for the abolition of not just the militarized police state, but also the United States as we know it!” — Lilith Sinclair, to wildly cheering crowd, video via Twitter, 7/17/20


“We will safeguard our values, traditions, customs, and beliefs… Together, we will fight for the American Dream, and we will defend, protect, and preserve the American way of life.” — President Trump, 2020 Salute to America, 7/4/20


EIB superman


The choice could not be more starkly drawn. The fight is now out in the open, with the left’s one true objective completely exposed, finally. They want our nation, as founded, gone.

The American way of life is under direct assault. We have nothing in common with the forces who oppose us. This is new. There isn’t a single thing uniting Americans who disagree with each other today. That’s unprecedented. There’s no premise around which we can organize ourselves and say, “At least we hold that in common.” There’s nothing. We want every American to succeed and flourish and pursue happiness and achieve the American dream — they want us erased and America abolished.

There is no common ground. We can’t even agree that “all lives matter.” We can’t agree on the beauty of the American flag and what it represents. We can’t agree on our national anthem. We can’t agree on our pledge of allegiance. We can’t even agree that together we want to make the country great.

Remember how controversial that slogan was in 2016? When “Make America Great Again” became fighting words, when maga was deemed “divisive,” that really opened my eyes. What in the world could possibly be controversial about America being great again? But then I realized that to a bunch of people, America doesn’t deserve to be great, it never was great, it is nothing but a cauldron of racism and bigotry and homophobia. They think America is the source of evil in the world, and the only thing it deserves is vengeance. We’ve had two generations of people being taught that drivel.

Well, that entire mindset has to be smashed. It has to be defeated — soundly. Because the vast majority of the people of this country love it, and want to keep and protect it, and are terrified that the assault on the goodness of America is not being adequately repelled. So it’s essential that Donald Trump explicitly run on preserving the American way of life. That’s basically what “Make America Great Again” meant in the first place. But just you watch, if preserving the American way of life becomes a theme that the President articulates, it will be just as hated by the left as Make America Great Again. They’d say, “You don’t have a right to the American way of life. What does that mean, anyway? Who gets to define it?”

We don’t have to define it — we have lived it our whole lives: the blessings of liberty. You’re in the process of trying to tear it apart, and we’re damn well going to save it. The message must be loud and clear to the Lilith Sinclairs of this world: you are not going to succeed. You are not going to abolish the United States as we know it, you are not going to destroy the American way of life, and you’re not going to destroy Western civilization — just as you were not going to destroy the concept of American Greatness.

This is the battle we are in.

On one side are the millions upon millions of the people who make this country work, ordinary citizens from every walk of life raising their families and pursuing their dreams in peace. And on the other are black-clad, violent revolutionaries — merciless, pitiless totalitarians, wildly rioting, setting fires, throwing bricks and fireworks, smashing skulls, while shrieking and chanting in sieges upon cops and monuments and federal buildings. The media hasn’t much covered the blue-city rioting, but independent videos show hellish scenes of lawlessness by truly savage criminals.


Folks, they’re not interested in debate, or persuading you to agree with them. Their only tools are violence, intimidation, and force. This is Marxism with a capital M. You’re looking at it right now, with the mask off and no social distancing. Marxism is essentially the establishment of a dictatorial state using tyrannical powers to enforce conformity. And if you don’t conform, you’re an enemy, and appropriate action will be taken until you submit.

The Founders warned such a day could come. They wrote about how hard it is to maintain freedom; that it requires blood, war, fighting, enormous sacrifice. Freedom is not the natural state in which most human beings have lived. It has to be fought for to achieve. And at some point, it has to be fought for to be maintained. So this is the question: are we willing at this juncture in our nation’s history to fight to maintain freedom, or are we not?

We are about to find out.

Because that’s what is under assault and attack here: freedom. It is freedom, liberty, which has undergirded what we have known as the American way of life, the finest that humanity has ever devised. Hands down. No contest. The American way of life trounces socialism. It crushes communism. It routs Marxism and Leninism. It is far superior to monarchy. The American way of life is better than anything that’s ever been tried in the long stretch of human history. And to this day, people from every corner of this planet still are trying to get in. It’s all the proof that you need. The President has to continue to convey that he understands the threat this country faces and that he is the last line of defense.

All he has to do is make the 2020 election about preserving the American way of life, maintaining the American Founding. Because the majority of what people want is stability, safety, and opportunity. That has been the promise of America. They like the country. They simply want the stability and security it has always afforded them.


Trump hugs American Flag


But the Democrat Party has thrown in with the notion that a majority of Americans want to defund and disband the cops. It is almost impossible for me to believe that the Democrats, one of the two major U.S. political parties, is ceding the political ground of America-as-founded to Donald Trump. The President’s passionate defense of America, its founding and history and culture and exceptional people, has been pitch perfect, and he alone is saying these things.

The Democrat Party — stop and think of this — has invested totally in the leftist dogma that America is rotten, unjust, unfair, racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic. Democrats have abandoned the precious center, the moderates, and have fallen into the trap of believing that Twitter is America. So, in one of the greatest blunders in American political history, they are letting Trump have sole access to everything that a majority of the American people want their country to be.

The Democrat Party now despises the United States of America as we know it. They are running on an unambiguous Marxist communist agenda. It’s mind-boggling. I can understand a bunch of fringe radical-leftist nobodies adopting this dreck, but a whole political Party thinking this is their route to nationwide victory, up and down the ballot? That hating America, despising America, lying about America is the route to winning back their power? That unleashing demonic, terroristic shock troops on American cities, creating utter mayhem while screaming “F— you!” and chanting “Whose streets? Our streets! Whose streets? Our streets!” over and over as they assault law enforcement will intimidate voters into pulling the lever for Democrats?



No. This is a political party gone insane.

The America you and I grew up loving is being targeted for destruction by Antifa, blm, anarchists, and the Democrat Party — who are all on the same page. These people have never loved America; they haven’t the slightest idea about the truth of what this country means to us. They do not represent the majority thinking or behavior here, and it has to stay that way.

On 7/3/20 at Mount Rushmore, President Trump promised, “This left-wing cultural revolution will never be allowed to destroy our way of life or take away our freedom.” He’s right — if we heed the warning of Ronaldus Magnus in his famous speech, “A Time for Choosing”: “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”

And, under God, long may she stand, proud and free.


Shield illustration ©2020 by Christopher Hiers created for The Limbaugh Letter; photo ©2020 Shutterstock


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